
Abu Dhabi (Dis)connected: an evening of art and research

Hosted by the Middle East Centre

CBG.2.04, Centre Building


Alexandra Gomes

Alexandra Gomes

LSE Cities

Apostolos Kyriazis

Apostolos Kyriazis

Abu Dhabi University

Clémence Montagne

Clémence Montagne

Care Design Lab

Peter Schwinger

Peter Schwinger



Philipp Rode

Philipp Rode

LSE Cities


Life in Abu Dhabi is centred around cars. Its urban development and open space infrastructure has impacted the walkability of the city, increasing residents' reliance on cars for mobility. This pattern of development is embedded in a social and spatial practice of not only urban life, but also urban governance and planning. 

On Friday 10 March LSE's Middle East Centre will host two separate events exploring some of the dimensions that have impacted and are emerging from a car infrastructure led expansion in Abu Dhabi, as part of the Abu Dhabi (Dis)connected exhibition. How did historical decisions lead to car-centric development? How has the road network affected the city and its residents? What is the impact of car-centric development?

Join us for one or both of the following: 

Part 1: Research Seminar, 17:00 in 2.04, 2nd Floor, Centre Building, LSE

Part 2: Exhibition Reception and Walk-through, 18:30 in Atrium, Ground Floor, Old Building, LSE

Meet our speakers and chair:

Alexandra Gomes is Research Fellow with LSE Cities where she is responsible for coordinating the Centre’s socio-spatial analysis across a range of projects. Her research focuses on urban studies, comparative analysis, urban inequalities, urban health, sustainable mobility and placemaking. Alex is Principal Investigator on the 'Roads as Tools for (Dis)connecting Cities and Neighbourhoods' project.

Apostolos Kyriazis is Associate Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at Abu Dhabi University. His research focus includes Architecture, Urban Design and Urban/Rural Sociology. Apostolos is co-Principal Investigator on the 'Roads as Tools for (Dis)connecting Cities and Neighbourhoods' project.

Clémence Montagne is Director of Care Design Lab based at the L'École de Design, Nantes Atlantique which leads on abductive research in urbanism and social design. Clémence is a consultant for the 'Roads as Tools for (Dis)connecting Cities and Neighbourhoods' project.

Peter Schwinger is a transport economist and planning expert and is a consultant for the 'Roads as Tools for (Dis)connecting Cities and Neighbourhoods' project.

Philipp Rode is Executive Director of LSE Cities and Associate Professorial Lecturer at the School of Public Policy. He is Co-Director of the LSE Executive MSc in Cities and Visiting Professor at University of St Gallen’s Institute for Mobility. Philipp has been leading interdisciplinary programmes in urban development and transport, sustainable urbanism and climate change, and city policy and governance at the LSE since 2003. Across his work, he is interested in multi-dimensional aspects of global urbanisation, sustainability and urban change. 

Join the conversation on Twitter using #LSEMiddleEast #AbuDhabiDisconnected

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Image: © Apostolos Kyriazis