National Context - Transnational Perspectives - Mapping Commonalities and Differences in Diasporic, Ethnic Experience and the Media in Europe
The mapping of minorities and their media in and across European countries is grounded in the data collected from 12 EU member-states, while learning from case studies and in-depth research conducted by other researchers. The 12 national reports include rich and extensive information about minorities' demography, about models of multiculturalism and about media cultures. They indeed show that the national context still matters, even if transnational and local elements co-exist and challenge its predominance.
Introduction |
Myria Georgiou |
Austria |
Martina Böse, Regina Haberfellner and Ayhan Koldas |
Belgium |
Meghann Ormond |
Denmark |
Mustafa Hussain |
Finland |
Ralf Kauranen and Salla Tuori |
Germany |
Ulrich Raiser |
Greece |
Myria Georgiou |
Italy |
Netherlands |
Susan Bink |
Portugal |
Alexandra Figueiredo |
Spain |
Berta Gaya |
Sweden |
Leonor Camauër |
United Kingdom |
Myria Georgiou |
Note on Terminology
Readers will notice that the scholars, whose work is presented here, use different concepts and/or the same concepts in different ways while discussing minority groups, communities and multiculturalism. The most controversial terms are those that relate to characterising the groups on study - diasporas, migrants, immigrants, ethnic groups, etc. The diversity in the use of concepts is unavoidable and relates to different research traditions and different academic perspectives. We would argue that differences in terminology and academic approaches do not reflect weakness or inconsistency; rather, they reflect the richness and diversity within ethnicity, diaspora and transnationalism studies.