
Extension Request Form

Request an extension for summative coursework in the Department of Media and Communications

 Please read the following points carefully before submitting a request

Students can apply for an extension if they experience circumstances which are sudden, unforeseen, out of the student’s own control and proximate to the assessment(s) in question.

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1)  For students submitting 2024/25 assessments

  • This section is for students submitting summative coursework for the current academic year 2024/25 only.
  • If you are a student who wants to request an extension for a resit or deferred assessment, please see section 2 below. 
  • The maximum length of extension is 14 days (two weeks) from the original deadline. All requests will be considered, but for operational reasons, no extension longer than 14 days from the original deadline will be granted, and depending on the circumstances, shorter extensions (or no extension) may be agreed.
  • The Department will require documentary evidence to approve extensions, so please refer to the LSE Standards of Evidence [PDF] document before uploading supporting documentation. If you cannot provide evidence at the time of your request, your extension may be provisionally approved, on the condition that you provide evidence within one calendar month of submitting your work.
  • Extension requests must be submitted at least 24 hours before the deadline of the work for which the request is made.
  • If you receive an extension and will not be able to submit your assessment by the new deadline, you should request to defer that assessment, which you can do on the Deferral webpage.
  • Please email if you have questions.
Extension Request Form

This extension webform will open on 28 April 2025 by 5pm UK time.

2)  For students submitting resit / deferred (RDAP) assessments

  • This section is for students who are submitting resit or deferred (RDAP) coursework assessments from previous academic years only.
  • If you are a student who wants to request an extension for summative coursework from the current academic year 2024/25, please see section 1 above. 
  • Extensions are available for resit/deferred summative coursework up to a maximum of 3 days. All requests will be considered, but for operational reasons, no extension longer than 3 days will be granted, and depending on the circumstances, shorter extensions (or no extension) may be agreed.
  • The Department will require documentary evidence to approve extensions, so please refer to the LSE Standards of Evidence [PDF] document before uploading supporting documentation. If you cannot provide evidence at the time of your request, your extension may be provisionally approved, on the condition that you provide evidence within one calendar month of your new deadline.
  • Extension requests must be submitted at least 24 hours before the deadline of the work for which the request is made.
  • If you receive an extension and will not be able to submit your assessment by the new deadline, you should request to defer that assessment, which you can do on the Deferral webpage.
  • Please email if you have questions.
RDAP Extension Request Form

This extension webform will open a week before the RDAP deadline.