In the videos on this page, EU Kids Online network members provide a quick insight into the findings in their country. Please see our YouTube channel for videos introducing our findings and reports.
Watch Sonia Livingstone's project introduction
EU Kids Online Researchers
Austria (ENG, AT)
Belgium (ENG, FL)
Bulgaria (ENG, BG)
Croatia (ENG, HR)
Cyprus (ENG)
Czech R (ENG, CZ)
Denmark (ENG, DK)
Estonia (ENG, EE)
Finland (ENG, FI)
France (ENG, FR)
Germany (ENG, DE)
Greece (ENG, EL)
Hungary (ENG, HU)
Iceland (ENG, IS)
Ireland (ENG)
Italy (ENG, IT)
Latvia (ENG, LV)
Lithuania (ENG, LT)
Luxembourg (ENG)
Malta (ENG, MT)
Netherlands (ENG, NL)
Norway (ENG, NO)
Poland (ENG, PL)
Portugal (ENG, PT)
Romania (ENG, RO)
Russia (ENG, RU)
Slovenia (ENG, SI)
Spain (ENG, ES)
Sweden (ENG)
Switzerland (ENG, CH)
Turkey (ENG, TR)