EU Kids Online IV


Mascheroni, G. (2015) The experience of EU Kids Online and Net Children Go Mobile in Europeand beyond  Policies and Initiatives to Promote Children’s Safe, Effective, and Responsible Use of ICT: Asia Pacific Regional Consultation, 9-11 September 2015; Bangkok, Thailand 

Livingstone, S., Mascheroni, G., Dreier, M.& Chaudron, S. (2015) As ever younger kids go online, how are European families responding? Focus on socio-economic status. Presentation to the Annual Conference of the International Association of Media and Communication Researchers, Montreal, July 2015

Livingstone, S. (2015) Digital and social change: understanding the implications for children’s well-being. Keynote address to the conference, Net Children 2020 – Growing up with Media, Berlin, April 2015.

Goerzig, A. (2015) Cross-national perspective on risk facing children online, “Protecting our Children in the Modern World”, Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commission, Northampton, 24th MarchVideo

Livingstone, S. (2014) EU Kids Online: The latest insights from research. Presentation to INSAFE Training Seminar, Vilnius, September.

Livingstone, S. (2014) Current trends: framing the challenges. Presentation to the CEO Coalition, Brussels, June.

Donoso, V. (2014) Protecting children from online violence, Liverpool University seminar series 'European responses to global children's rights issues: Exchanging knowledge and building capacity', May.

Donoso, V. (2014) Parental mediation and use of control tools, European Commission, Brussels, May.

Donoso, V. (2014) E-Safety and kids, European Youth and Tech Summit, Google Headquarters, Brussels, April.


ECREA Pre-conference 2015: Accessing, Capturing and Interpreting Young People’s Voices (September, 2015, University of Westminster)


ECREA PreConference 2014: Researching children, youth and media - Lessons from the field (Lisbon, November 2014)


Consultation responses

2024. Response to the European Commission’s call for evidence for guidelines on the protection of minors online under the Digital Services Act. You can find the call and all responses received by the EC.

2014. Response to Ten Year Review of WSIS implementation, World Summit on the Information Society. September.

2014. Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child 2014 Day of General Discussion Digital Media and Children’s Rights, 10 August.


Video of Sonia Livingstone's talk about EU Kids Online and Global Kids Online.

Sonia Livingstone's TEDx talk: How children engage with the internet., March 2014.

Press releases

Press release for 'Internet helpline: Operation, effectiveness, emerging issues for internet safety helplines' (May 2016)

UK Press release for 'Parental controls: advice for parents, researchers and industry' (May 2016) 

UK Press release for 'The meaning of online problematic situations for children: The UK report' (December 2014)

UK Press release for "Online on the mobile: Internet use on smartphones and associated risks among youth in Europe" (October 2014)

Press release for "Cyberbullying now more common than face-to-face bullying for chldren" (July 2014)

Press release for "The meaning of online problematic situations for children: Results of qualitative cross-cultural investigation in nine European countries" (June 2014)

Press release for "Rise in hate messages online shown by new survey on children's exposure to online risk" (March 2014)

Press release for "Preventive measures: How youngsters avoid online risks" (February 2014)

Management reports

Livingstone, S. and Haddon, L. (2014) A Thematic network to stimulate and coordinate investigation into the use of new media by children. Final management report.

Livingstone, S.  and Haddon, L. (2012) EU Kids Online II: Enhancing knowledge regarding European children’s use, risk and safety online.

Livingstone, S. and Haddon, L. (2011) Management report EU Kids Online II: enhancing knowledge regarding European children’s use, risk and safety online.

Livingstone, S. and Haddon, L. (2009) EU Kids Online: Final report 2009. EU Kids Online


O'Neil, B (2017) 'Toddlers and tech': Policy implications for families and parenting in the information age, Digitising Early Childhood International Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth, 11-15 September.

Compiled by  Alexandra Chernayavska and Professor Sonia Livingstone, with thanks to the EU Kids Online network and the internet safety experts who were consulted (2015) Children’s safety on the internet: a guide to stakeholders (April)

Donoso, V. (2014) Releasing children's potential and minimizing risks - ICTs, the internet and violence against children (October 2014)