EU Kids Online III

Work package 1: Project management and evaluation

  • To ensure that objectives, deadlines and quality standards of the project are met, through the establishment of effective and flexible progress monitoring, assessment and quality control procedures.
  • To sustain and encourage a dynamic research network engaged in active dialogue with relevant stakeholders, benefiting from ongoing projects internationally and stimulating new research.

Work package 2: European evidence base

  • To identify recent and updated evidence about children's use of new media across Europe, in each member state and other participating countries, to be coded and entered into an expanded online public database.
  • To evaluate the quality of the evidence base, promoting high quality findings, identifying significant weaknesses in the evidence base, and reporting on trends and recent advances in two reviews.
  • To identify methodological good practice for research on children's internet use, including lessons from EU Kids Online II and related research projects, and promote these as Frequently Asked Questions online.

Work package 3: Hypotheses and comparisons

  • To test a series of hypotheses (theory-led and policy-led) and comparisons (e.g. to explore regional groupings) in the EU Kids Online II dataset, resulting in short reports and full articles.
  • To develop and report on bilateral and multi-country comparisons of European findings and those from directly parallel (e.g. in Russia) or similar projects (e.g. in USA), to better understand online risk.
  • To develop and report on longitudinal comparisons of EU Kids Online findings and those from previous surveys (e.g. SAFT, Eurobarometer), to better understand time trends and changes.

Work package 4: Exploring children's understanding of risk

  • To identify and stimulate the use of innovative qualitative methods for exploring difficult contextual and ethical issues that arise when researching children's understandings of and responses to online risk.
  • To explore the qualitative meanings of risk for children, drawing on innovative methods where possible, to exploit the value of such approaches and explicate their potential for comparable findings.

Work package 5: Dissemination of project results

  • To disseminate project results within national, European and international research forums and thereby promote existing research and stimulate new research on children's new media use.
  • To disseminate project results among national, European and international stakeholders so as to maximise the value of existing research and support the growth of evidence-based policy.


Livingstone, S. (2013) In their own words. Presentation at the Youth 2.0 conference, Antwerp, March 2013.

Livingstone, S. (2012) Understanding the relation between risk and harm: theory, evidence and policy regarding children's internet use. Keynote lecture to the 62nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, May 2012. 

Livingstone, S. (2012) Contextualising cyberbullying in relation to other online risks of harm to children, Keynote lecture presented to the International Conference on Cyberbullying: COST IS0801, Paris, June 2012.

Stald, G. (2011) Online opportunities: Children's online access and activities across Europe, Internet Research 12.0 Performance and Participation, Annual conference of the AoIR, 9-11 October, Seattle.

Šmahel, D., Ševčíková, A., Macháčková, H. and Šerek, J. (2011) Exposure to online sexually explicit materials among youth: comparison across Europe, Internet Research 12.0 Performance and Participation, Annual conference of the AoIR, 9-11 October, Seattle.

Blinka, L. and Šmahel, D. (2011) Excessive internet use among European youth: The role of psychological, behavioral and demographic features, Internet Research 12.0 Performance and Participation, Annual conference of the AoIR, 9-11 October, Seattle.

Livingstone, S. and Hasebrink, U. (2011) Risks and opportunities on the internet: The perspective of European children, Children, risk and safety online: research and policy challenges in comparative perspective conference, 22-23 September, London.

Staksrud, E. (2011) Bullying on the internet: The perspective of European children (9-16). Presentation for expert meeting on tackling violennce is schools, 27 June.

Haddon, L. (2011) Parental mediation of internet use: Evaluating family relationships, Nordmedia Conference, 11-13 August, Akureyri, Iceland.

Consultation responses

2013. Response to Draft Council of Europe Guide on Human Rights for Internet Users.

2013. Consultation response to the European Commission's Green Paper: Preparing for a Fully Converged Audiovisual World: Growth, Creation and Values.

2013. Response to the UK’s Culture, Media and Sport Committee inquiry into online safety.

2011. Response on behalf of EU Kids Online to the European internet industry’s consultation, Principles for the safer use of connected devices and on-line services by children.

2009. Response to the Federal Communication Commission’s Notice of Inquiry in the matter of Empowering Parents and Protecting Children in an Evolving Media Landscape (MB Docket No. 09-194), adopted 22 October, 2009, submitted 8 December.

2008. Response to the European Commission’s Consultation on Age Verification, Cross Media Rating, Online Social Networking.

2007. Response to theEuropean Commission’s Consultation on Safer Internet and online technologies for children. June. 


Interview with Sonia Livingstone on internet safety and children, Society for Media Psychology and Technology, American Psychological Association, July  2013. [Full text]

Video of Sonia Livingstone's talk for Unicef at the Berkman Center, October 2013.

'Violence against women in the digital realm': Podcast involving a discussion with Sonia Livingstone (July 2013). 

Interview with Sonia Livingstone at Youth2.0, Antwerp, March 2013.    

Listen to Sonia Livingstone's presentation, Sonia Livingstone presents EU Kids Online's evidence to the CEO Coalition, at Digital Youth, Dublin, November 2012.

Podcast: Sonia Livingstone discusses the EU Kids Online survey findings (September 2012).

Listen to Sonia Livingstone’s presentation, ‘Understanding the relation between risk and harm: theory, evidence and policy regarding children’s internet use’ (March 2012).

Unicef interview with Sonia Livingstone  (November 2011)

RiFFs interview with Sonia Livingstone (November 2011)

Sonia Livingstone on ‘Towards a better internet for children: What is the research telling us?’ Family Online Safety Institute’s 6th Annual Conference, Washington DC, November 2012. [Video]

Interview with Sonia Livingstone about the EU Kids Online findings

YouTube interview with the researchers (October 2010)

Press releases

Press release for "Risks and safety on the internet: Comparing Brazilian and European findings" (December 2013)

UK Press Release for "Zero to eight: Young children and their internet use" (August 2013

UK Press Release for "Country classification. Opportunities, risks, harm and parental mediation" (July 2013)

UK Press release for "In their own words: What bothers children online" (February 2013)

UK Press release for "How to cope and build online resilience" (January 2013)

UK Press release for "Excessive internet use among European children" (November 2012)

UK Press release for "EU Kids Online: National perspectives" (October 2012)

Press release for "Towards a better internet for children: findings and recommendations from EU Kids online to inform the CEO coalition" (July 2012) 

Press release for Safer Internet Day report "How can parents support children's safer internet access?" (February 2012)

Press release for "Risk and safety for Australian children on the internet" (November 2011)

Press release for - "Final recommendations for policy, methodology and research" (October 2011)

Press release for EU Kids Online conference (September 2011)

Press release for - "Who bullies and who is bullied online?" (July 2011)

Press release for "Social Networking, age and privacy" (April 2011)

Press release for "Digital literacy and safety skills" (March 2011)

Press release for "Risky communication online" (February 2011)

Press release for "Risks and safety on the internet: the perspective of European children" (January 2011)

Press release for "Risks and safety on the internet: the UK Report" (November 2010)

Press release, launch of EU Kids Online survey, Safer Internet Forum, (October 2010)

Press release for launch of EU Kids Online II (June 2009)


Infographic showing EU Kids Online dissemination (December 2013)

Conference reports (November 2013)

European Schoolnet animation for parents highlighting EU Kids Online findings (March 2013)