May 2012
It has been ten years since the graduation of the first cohort of LSE/USC MSc/MA in Global Media and Communications students. To mark this milestone, LSE's Department of Media and Communications and the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California (USC) hosted a conference, formal dinner and ball at USC from 17 to 20 May 2012.
Panel: What does it mean to be a global university?
LSE pro-director Professor Stuart Corbidge and incoming Director Professor Craig Calhoun were keynote speakers alongside USC provost Elizabeth Garrett.
LSE Director Craig Calhoun
The double degree is LSE's largest degree programme and enables students to study for one year at LSE in its Media and Communications Department and one year at the Annenberg School for Communication, USC, a top US communication school with close links to the Los Angeles media industry. Both Annenberg Schools (East and West) are premier institutions for graduate education in communication in the USA.
Ten year anniversary gala
Programme director Professor Terhi Rantanen, who has directed the programme since it was founded in 2000, said: 'When we founded the joint programme in Global Media and Communications with the Annenberg School for Communication at USC it was a pioneering double programme, not only for LSE but, as far as we know, any other university worldwide. Our graduates are now successfully making their mark, which does not surprise us at all: we always knew that we could attract not only the brightest but also the most open-minded students. It is a great pleasure to be marking the tenth anniversary of our first graduation and we look forward to celebrating many more.'
A schedule with the activities of the tenth anniversary celebration can be found here.