On 22 June 2016, the Department of Media and Communications hosted an event to launch a new book series, Connected Youth and Digital Futures with New York University Press. The first two volumes in the series are By any Media Necessary: The new youth activism by Henry Jenkins and his collaborators and The Class: Living and learning in the digital age by Sonia Livingstone and Julian Sefton-Green.
The programme for the event can be found here.
A video of the book launch can be seen below:
Book series launch
The three authors were joined by Nick Couldry from LSE and Pat Thomson from The University of Nottingham. The conversation introduced the context for the book series, and as the authors described their books an audience of about a hundred people pursued a lively debate.
The discussion caught on film here is pursued further in blogs online by Sonia Livingstone and Julian Sefton-Green here, and by Henry Jenkins here and here.
More information
Video: The Class
Publications Parenting for a Digital Future
DML Central: Meet The Class