Four years after the European migration 'crisis', this symposium reflects on the changing politics and power relations of the border. Taking its starting point on the role of media as technologies and representations, it asks how the media change the spaces and practices through which migrant populations are today governed but also how the media are appropriated by migrants as tools of resistance. By treating the border as a site of political struggle, a 'politics of bordering', the Symposium focuses specifically on sexual identity and civic action as key sites of political struggle over migrants' safety, voice and recognition.
13:00: Introduction (Lilie Chouliaraki & Myria Georgiou)
13:05-14:00: Opening lecture by Prof Nicola Mai, Kingston University Mobile Orientations. An intimate autoethnograhy of migration, sex work and humanitarian borders
14:00-14:15: Coffee break
14:15- 15:45: Panel 1: Mediated migration, gender and sexuality
Georgie Wemyss, University of East London
Everyday gendered bordering and belonging
Lukasz Szulc, University of Sheffield
Uncanny Europe: Borders, Brexit and Queer Digital Cultures
Tijana Stolic, LSE
Trafficked women in the news: ambivalent moving subjects
15:45 -16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:15 Panel 2: Migration “after” the crisis
Kevin Smets, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Media and immobility at the edges of the ‘migrant crisis’: the affective and symbolic immobility of forced migrants
Maria Kyriakidou, Cardiff University
Mediated hospitality beyond media texts: audience discourses of migration in Greece
Myria Georgiou, LSE
Bordering subjects and migration’s digital governmentality: Assorting people in multicultural societies
17:15 – 17:30: Closing remarks (Lilie Chouliaraki & Myria Georgiou)
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