Are Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft too powerful and what impact does this have on our democracies?
Join Paddy Barwise, Sonia Livingstone, Martin Moore and Damian Tambini for a discussion on the political, economic and social impacts of technologies platforms, asking how policy needs to respond to the dominance of these and other tech companies.
Patrick Barwise, Emeritus Professor of Management and Marketing, London Business School
Sonia Livingstone, Professor of Social Psychology, LSE Department of Media and Communications
Martin Moore, Director of the Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power, and Senior Research Fellow in the Policy Institute, King’s College London
Damian Tambini (Chair), Research Director, LSE Department of Media and Communications
Copies of the book Digital Dominance (OUP 2018) edited by Damian Tambini and Martin Moore will be on sale at a discounted price.
This event is in association with the LSE Truth, Trust and Technology Commission
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