Husseina Ummayma Ahmed

Husseina Ummayma Ahmed

PhD Researcher

Department of Media and Communications

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Key Expertise
Gender; Feminism; Agency; Development; Audience Studies; Nigeria; Africa

About me

Research topic

Gendered Agency in Northern Nigeria

My research explores the historical invisibility of northern Nigerian women, the erasure of their voice and agency in the national and international public spheres (even in issues directly concerning them) and subsequently, the re-construction of their identities via stereotypical tropes in the media coverage of the Boko Haram crisis. Through alternative theorisations of agency which center the experience and articulations of northern Nigerian women, this work hopes to provide a culturally and historically grounded account of the struggles, negotiations and navigations which shape everyday lives of Northern Nigerian women.

Supervisors: Professor Shakuntala Banaji and Dr. Wendy Willems


My research interests lie at the intersection of media culture, platform politics, gender and development. I hold a B.A in Economics with a concentration in Development and a minor in Philosophy from Carleton University, Canada and a MSc in Media, Communications & Development from the London School of Economics (LSE). I previously worked at UNHCR (Ottawa), the Presidential Committee on the North East Initiative (PCNI) Nigeria, and the Republic Journal.  

Husseina is currently studying at the LSE, on a LSE PhD Studentship.  



2019 – 2020

Media, Communication and Development (Department of Media and Communications, LSE)

Classroom assistant providing constructive and analytical feedback to Masters students in the development of their case study projects.

Course convened by Professor Shakuntala Banaji.

2020 – 2021

Media, Communication and Development (Department of Media and Communications, LSE)

Classroom assistant providing constructive and analytical feedback to Masters students in the development of their case study projects.

Course convened by Professor Shakuntala Banaji.

Expertise Details

Gender; Feminism; Agency; Development; Audience Studies; Nigeria; Africa