Job Market Candidates

“Our research students receive 5 years of comprehensive, intensive, and rigorous methodological training under close supervision to become experts in their specialist fields.” 
Professor Sarah Ashwin, Head of Department 

We are proud to be ranked #2 in the UK by percentage of overall four and three star in the most recent Research Excellence Framework.

REF 2021

Employment Relations and Human Resources 


Sazid Ahmad

Thesis Title:
Worker Voice and Labour Standards in Global Supply Chain

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Research Interests:

  • Global Supply Chains 

  • Employee Voice

  • Labour Standards 

Organisational Behaviour

Sonal-R-200 x 200.

Rashi Sonal 

Thesis Title:
Crystallizing Nebulous Identities: How New Work Identities are Born and Maintained amidst Image Discrepancy

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Research Interests:

  • Identity Work

  • Interplay Between Idendity and Image 

  • Image Discrepancy 



Ceylin Petek Ertekin

Thesis Title:
Spillovers of Social Media Use to Judgments and Decision-Making Outside Social Media 

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Research Interests: 

  • Judgement and Decision Making
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Consumer Privacy