Business Projects

Encourage innovation and develop your future workforce

Sponsor a Business Project with the Department of Management - our most popular programme embedded in curriculum

The findings were extremely insightful and thought provoking! Being a Project Sponsor is an amazing opportunity to have extremely intelligent students working on a research project which otherwise might have taken many months to complete.

Project Sponsor

The Marketing Action Learning Project was a fantastic learning experience, wherein my academic knowledge and skills were put to real-life use, helping me to analyse and craft recommendations for a substantial organisation.

Ekaterina Kassianenko, MSc Marketing 2023


What are Business Projects?

Our students work on a business project or challenge provided by an organisation, applying their theory and knowledge to industry as an assessed part of their degree whilst providing solutions and recommendations for you to take forward your organisation.

Students are coached by LSE faculty so it is a great way to bring LSE ideas and research into your organisation as well as scout and develop future talent. You will gain valuable insights from our students who can bring fresh perspectives on marketing, finance, governance, strategy, and more. 

We currently offer Business Projects across five of our programmes for organisations to sponsor with differing levels of scope, duration and student group sizes. We are delighted to say that we are the only University to offer the CEMS programme in the UK, offering the opportunity to host global business projects with students from our CEMS Partner Schools across the world.

_business project infographic

What will be required from Sponsors?

You will provide a business project that is of importance but not urgent. The students' work will be sufficient to kick-start further action or debate within your organisation.

You will also provide a Project Supervisor to introduce the project brief, provide any guidance required as well as check in with the students throughout the project.

What are the Business Project outputs?

At the end of the project, students typically give a final presentation and/or business report to your organisation. They will also submit a presentation or dissertation to faculty.

You can submit proposals to your desired programme (see brochures below for further details) or we can match your project to the programme with the best fit. 

What projects have students delivered in the past?

In the past, we have partnered with a variety of businesses from large organisations including Google and Vodafone to start-ups and SMEs. Every company brings a new and unique opportunity for our students to learn key skills to take into their working life. 

Previous Sponsors told us that the students were able to analyse areas of the company in more depth than the company itself would have had the time to do so. Many previous Sponsors have implemented students' findings and solutions into their business. Hear from them in our case studies below.

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Case Study Titles- LV=General Insurance


Seimens Main page image







Our project streams

Global Master's in Management Business Projects (GMiM)

Students who undertake these projects are currently in their second year of their GMiM programme. An innovative two-year degree, it aims to provide new graduates with the analytical tools and intellectual frameworks to think about management along with the added understanding of the broader political, social and economic environment which contemporary firms operate.

Research methods and finance courses provide rigorous training in analytical skills that are relevant to practice across many organisational settings. Between four to six students will be assigned to a particular project, delivering a final presentation to Sponsors and Faculty.

Closed for proposals
Projects start: October 2024
Projects end: December 2024


HRO Links

Gain access to independent research and analysis from students on our MSc Human Resources and Organisations programme on a people-related issue of practical importance to your organisation.

Students work on projects in teams of two, producing a final dissertation and business report for Sponsors at the end of their academic year.  

Open for proposals
Projects start: January 2025
Projects end: September 2025

Brochure  Submit proposal

CEMS / MBA Business Projects

Students undertaking business projects are in their second year of the Global Master's in Management (GMiM), a two years Master's offering our students a unique approach to management.

Open for proposals
Projects start: January 2025
Projects end: May 2025

Brochure  Submit proposal

Marketing Action Learning Projects (MALP)

MSc Marketing is a one-year programme providing an analytical, business-focused curriculum to develop each student’s skills as an innovative and strategic marketer. Students gain an in-depth understanding of consumer markets based on cutting-edge research and insights in human behaviour.

This project allows students the opportunity to analyse and solve a real-world marketing issue within an organisation, delivering a final presentation and business report to Sponsors. 

Open for proposals
Projects start: April 2025
Projects end: August 2025

Brochure Submit proposal

Open Innovation Projects (OI)

From our unique Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship programme, OI is a fresh take on innovation whereby a firm looks beyond its boundaries to exploit the creative power of users, communities, non-traditional players (non-customers, analogous lead users in other markets, outliers) and customers to co-develop new products, services and processes.

Students develop solutions for real-world problems via the implementation of one or more open innovation tools, presenting a final presentation to their Sponsor.

Do note that this is not a technical course so whilst students for example, will define and design the functionality of an app, they will not build a functioning app.

Open for proposals
Projects start: February 2025
Projects end: April 2025

Brochure   Submit proposal