LSE China Conference Speakers

Note:- Listed in alphabetical order based on surname

Keyu Jin

Dr. Keyu Jin is Associate Professor (with tenure) of Economics at the London School of Economics. She is from Beijing, China, and holds a B.A., M.A. and PhD from Harvard University. Her research focuses on international macroeconomics and the Chinese economy. Academic publications include those in the American Economic Review, the Journal of International Economics, and the Encyclopaedia of Financial Globalization. Media publications appeared in the Financial Times, Project Syndicate, the Chicago Tribune, Les Echoes, Caixin, Caijing, and others. She has prior experience at the World Bank, the IMF, the New York Fed, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and JP Morgan.

Paul Kelly

Paul Kelly is currently Vice President (Pro-Director) for Teaching and Learning at LSE. He joined the School  in 1995 after teaching for five years at the University of Wales Swansea. Prior to that he held a visiting research fellowship at the University of Chicago Law School and at the Bentham Project, University College London. He graduated from York University with a First in Philosophy and an MA in Political Theory. His PhD is from the University of London, where he spent two years at LSE and a further year at UCL.

Paul's current research interests include political Ideas in British politics and policy-Making including Multiculturalism; group rights and national identity; equality of outcomes and equality of opportunity and theories of social justice; theories and concepts in modern political theory including especially the development and distinctiveness of British Political Ideas from the seventeenth-century; and political ideologies and political ideas from the Ancient Greeks to the present.

Judith Shapiro

Dr Judith Shapiro is the Undergraduate Tutor in the Department of Economics at LSE. Her research interests include the economics of post-transition and transition (with a particular focus on Russia), and the economics of health and population. She has previously held positions as Chief of the Transition Economics Section of the United Nations Economics Commission for Europe and professor at Moscow’s New Economic School.

Listen to Dr Judith Shapiro argue that the next steps towards equality for women will be far harder than those which went before, available on BBC Radio 4 available on iPlayer.

Max Su

Dr. Max Su (Su Meng) is CEO of BAIFENDIAN, a leading provider of Big Data and Artifical Intelligence (AI) products in China. He is an expert of the "Thousand Talents Program"; a leading talent for entrepreneurs in Zhongguancun, Beijing; a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the National Development Research Institute, Peking University, and Research Professor at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He has been the recipient of awards from the National Natural Science Foundation with multiple papers published on top international academic journals; Former Deputy Dean and Ph.D supervisor at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University; Leading figure of China's big data at the World Internet Conference in 2017


教育背景: 美国康奈尔大学 营销模型专业博士
工作经历: 国家“千人计划”专家、中关村创业领军人才; 北京大学国家发展研究院 特聘教授; 北京大学光华管理学院 研究教授; 多篇论文发表于国际顶尖学术期刊,国家自然科学基金重点项目获得者; 前北京大学光华管理学院副系主任、博士生导师; 2017 年世界互联网大会 “中国大数据领军人物”

Wang Hansheng

Professor Wang Hansheng is now head of Department of Business Statistics and Econometrics in Guanghua School of Management, Peking university. He graduated in1998 from department of mathematics, Peking university and received bachelor degree in statistics. In 2001, he achieved his Ph.D in statistics from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Now he is member of International Statistical Institute, American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Royal Statistical Society and International Chinese Statistical Association.

He has published more than fifty English papers and near twenty Chinese papers so far. He has a monograph in consociation with others and individually accomplished a Chinese textbook. He has played the role of associate professor of many academic journals which include: The Annals of Statistics, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Statistics and its Interface and Journal of the American Statistical Association. His research interest focuses on Ultra-high dimensional data analysis, Regression shrinkage and selection, Sufficient dimension reduction as well as Nonparametric and semi-parametric models. He once published Sample size calculation in clinical research and Applied Business Statistical Analysis.

王汉生教授现任北京大学光华管理学院商务统计与经济计量系系主任。1998年北京大学数学科学学院,概率统计系,统计学本科,2001年美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,统计学博士。现为国际统计协会会员(International Statistical Institute),美国统计学会(American Statistical Association),美国数理统计研究员(Institute of Mathematical Statistics),英国皇家统计协会(Royal Statistical Society),以及泛华统计学会(International Chinese Statistical Association)会员。

他发表英文学术论文五十余篇,中文论文近二十篇。合著英文专著1本,独立完成中文教材2本。先后担任多个学术刊物副主编(Associate Editor)。这些刊物包括:The Annals of Statistics (2008—2009),Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2008—2011), Statistics and its Interface (2010至今),Journal of the American Statistical Association (2011至今), 以及Statistica Sinica (2011至今)。现主要理论研究兴趣为:高维数据分析、变量选择、数据降维、极值理论、以及半参数模型。主要应用研究兴趣为:搜索引擎营销、社会关系网络。 

Yao Qiwei

Professor Qiwei Yao is a  Professor of Statistics at LSE and a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Guanghua School of Management at PKU. Professor Yao is a leading expert in high-dimensional time series analysis and nonlinear time series analysis, and is also a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics Statistics, Fellow of the American Statistical Association, and Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute. His current research focuses on modelling and forecasting with vast time series data. Professor Yao has undertaken extensive data analytics consultancy projects from major industry companies including Barclays Bank, Electricité de France (EDF), and Winton Capital Management Ltd.

Zong-Ben Xu

Zong-Ben Xu, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is a mathematician and an expert in signal and information processing. He received his MS degree in mathematics in 1981 from Northwest University, China and PhD degree in applied mathematics in 1987 from Xi`an Jiaotong University, China. He now serves as professor of mathematics and computer science, and director of the Institute for Information and System Sciences at Xi'an Jiaotong University. In 2007, he was appointed as a Chief Scientist of National Basic Research Program of China (973 Project).

His current reserach interest includes intelligent information processing, machine learning and theories in numerical modeling. He proposed the L(1/2) regulation theory, which serves as foundations for sparse microwave imaging. He also discovered and proves Xu-Roach Theom in machine learning, which solves several difficult problems in nueral networks and simulated evolutionary computation, and provides a general deduction criteria for machine learning and nonlinear analysis under Non-Euclidean fromwork. Lastly, Prof. Xu has initiated new modeling theories and  methodologies based on visual cognition, and formulated a series of new algorithms for clustering analysis, discriminant analysis, and latent viable analysis, which have been widely applied to science and engineering. He is owner of the National Natural Science Award of China in 2007,and winner of CSIAM Su Buchin Applied Mathematics Prize in 2008. He delivered a sectional talk at International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2010) upon the invitation of the congress committee.

Zongben Xun has been the vice-president of Xi’an Jiaotong University. He currently provides important services for government and professional societies, including the deputy director for the department of Information and Technology Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; director of the Xi’an International Academy for Mathematics and Mathematical Technology; director for the National Engineering Laboratory for Big Data Analytics; member of National Big Data Expert Advisory Committee and member of National Open Innovation Platform for New Generation Artificial Intelligence and Strategic Advisory Committee.

徐宗本,中国科学院院士、应用数学家、信号与信息处理专家。西安交通大学教授。1955年1月生于陕西省柞水县, 籍贯安徽岳西。1976年毕业于西北大学数学系, 1982年和1987年分别于西安交通大学获理学硕士和博士学位。 

 主要从事智能信息处理、机器学习、数据建模基础理论研究。提出了稀疏信息处理的L(1/2)正则化理论, 为稀疏微波成像新体制提供了重要基础。发现并证明机器学习的“徐-罗奇”定理, 解决了神经网络与模拟演化计算中的一些困难问题, 为非欧氏框架下机器学习与非线性分析提供了普遍的数量推演准则; 提出了基于视觉认知的数据建模新原理与新方法,形成了聚类分析、判别分析、隐变量分析等系列数据挖掘核心算法, 并广泛应用于科学与工程领域。曾获国家自然科学二等奖、国家科技进步二等奖、中国CSIM苏步青应用数学奖, 并在世界数学家大会(2010, 印度)上作45分钟特邀报告。 
