LSE China Conference Speakers

Note:- Listed in alphabetical order based on surname

Chen Lifang

Ms. Chen Lifang is the Corporate Senior Vice President of Huawei and a Director of the company’s Board. She oversees Huawei’s global functions in the areas of public affairs, including government affairs and media affairs. Over the past two decades, Ms. Chen has led the company's public affairs to move forward, always adhering to the concepts of "seeking the truth from facts" and "advancing with the times". She has helped Huawei adapt to the rapidly changing and complicated external environment, and has supported the company's global business development and steady and continuous operations. 

Through her deep insights into the global macro environment and in-depth understanding of the ICT industry, Ms. Chen has played an important role in increasing Huawei's transparency and openly communicating with governments, the media, and other stakeholders all over the world. Her unremitting efforts have helped the company develop its thought leadership, earn stakeholders' trust, and build a favorable business environment.

Since joining Huawei in 1995, Ms. Chen has held several senior roles within the company, including President of the Public Affairs and Communications department, Deputy Director of the Domestic Marketing Management Office, Vice President of the International Marketing department, and Chief Representative of the Beijing Representative Office.






Paul Kelly

Paul Kelly is currently Vice President (Pro-Director) for Teaching and Learning at LSE. He joined the School  in 1995 after teaching for five years at the University of Wales Swansea. Prior to that he held a visiting research fellowship at the University of Chicago Law School and at the Bentham Project, University College London. He graduated from York University with a First in Philosophy and an MA in Political Theory. His PhD is from the University of London, where he spent two years at LSE and a further year at UCL.

Paul's current research interests include political Ideas in British politics and policy-Making including Multiculturalism; group rights and national identity; equality of outcomes and equality of opportunity and theories of social justice; theories and concepts in modern political theory including especially the development and distinctiveness of British Political Ideas from the seventeenth-century; and political ideologies and political ideas from the Ancient Greeks to the present.

Dr Fei Qin

Dr Fei Qin is on the faculty of Management at LSE. She holds a PhD in management from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)and a BA in economics from Peking University. Her research focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems, talent management and international mobility of highly skilled personnel, and global production networks. Her work covers both technology entrepreneurship and business model innovation. Dr Qin’s research has been published in leading innovation and entrepreneurship journals such as Research Policy and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. One of her papers was selected by Emerald as among the top 50 academic articles in management worldwide in 2007. At LSE Dr Qin teaches Master courses on entrepreneurship and the global market and PhD courses on management. She has been a core member of the research team of the Innovation Co-Creation Lab. She was Phelan Fellow at the International Labour Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland in 2005.


Tang Ya

Tang Ya is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Her research interests are in asset pricing, financial institutions and information economics. Her current research focuses on information transmission and production in financial markets and related regulation issues. Her research is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. Prof. Tang completed her MA in Economics at University of British Columbia and her PhD in Finance at McGill University.

唐涯在麦吉尔大学(McGill)获得金融学博士学位. 从2010年9月起加入北京大学光华管理学院担任助理教授。在博士研究之前,她在大不列颠哥伦比亚大学获得经济学硕士学位。唐涯博士的研究兴趣涉及金融市场,行为金融学, 和公司金融等。在最近的研究中,唐涯教授关注公司和投资者对于信息资源的战略性使用,包括策略性的信息披露、策略性的信息使用、羊群效应、发行时间的选择等。唐涯博士现在北京大学光华管理学院教授公司金融,投资学,金融投资学等课程。

Xu Moqi

Dr Moqi Xu is Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance at LSE. She holds a PhD from INSEAD, an HHL, Diplom-Kauffrau from Leipzig Graduate School of Management, and an MBA from A. B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University. Her research focuses on corporate governance and corporate finance, including capital structure, mergers and acquisitions, and rights offerings. 

Zhang Junshu

Zhang Junshu, CPA, is a senior partner of BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP. Before joining BDO, Mr.Zhang was a partner of RUIHUA Certified Public Accountants, and PKF China (Daxin Certified Public Accountants). Zhang served as an outside director of Beijing Capital Agribusiness Group, and the independent director of Guangzhou Seagull Kitchen and Bath Products Co. Ltd.(002084) and Borland (IPO). He served for a number of central enterprises, private enterprises, foreign commercial enterprises, Companies Applying for Listing and public companies. Mr. Zhang is a seasoned professional in accounting, auditing, and management consulting with over 18 years of rich practice and experience in corporate financial management, internal control, risk management, acquisition and reorganization, IPO corporations, and economic responsibility audit in a wide range of industries including IT, new energy, iron and steel industry, real estate, and research institutions.

Mr. Zhang holds an EMBA from Peking University's Guanghua School of Management.

张军书  中国注册会计师  北大光华管理学院EMBA - 曾任中瑞岳华会计师事务所合伙人、大信会计师事务所合伙人,现任立信会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙)高级合伙人。担任北京首农集团有限公司外部董事、海鸥卫浴(002084)独立董事、宝兰德(IPO)独立董事。张军书先生长期从事会计、审计、管理咨询工作,服务于多家央企、拟IPO公司及上市公司、民营企业和外商企业,在建立公司财务管理、内部控制、风险管理措施、并购重组、IPO、经济责任审计等方面积累了丰富的经验,拥有18年的行业和执业经历,熟悉IT、新能源、钢铁、施工和房地产、科研院所等多个行业领域。

Zhang Weiying

Zhang Weiying is currently Sinar Mas Chair Professor of Economics at the National School of Development, Peking University. He was born in 1959 in Shaanx iProvince, and received undergraduate and graduate training in economics from Northwest University (China).  His radical ideas for price reform presented at the Mount Mogan Conference landed him a position at the Economic System Reform Institute in 1984. In 1990, he attended Oxford University and obtained his D.Phil. in Economics in 1994. He co-founded China Center for Economic Research (CCER) of Peking University.

Since 1997, Professor Zhang has taught economics at Peking University (PKU), and was the Dean of the Guanghua School of Management between 2006 and 2010. He moved from PKU's Guanghua School of to National School of Development (formerly named CCER) in July 2014. He has been the Chief Economist for the China Entrepreneurs Forum since 2001. 

Professor Zhang is widely regarded as the leading advocate of the free market in China as well as an authority on the theory of the firm and ownership reform.  His insightful and provocative opinions about China’s reforms have been widely reported both in Chinese and international media.  The Wall Street Journal called him “China’s Anti-Keynesian Insurgent.”  He has received several prestigious awards in China. In 2011, he received the China Economic Theory Innovation Award for his pioneering contribution to the dual-track price reform.

His publications include An Entrepreneurial-Contractual Theory of the Firm (1995); Game Theory and Information Economics (1996); The Theory of the Firm and Chinese Enterprise Reform (1999);Information, Trust, and the Law (2003);Ownership, Incentives, and Corporate Governance (2005); Core Competence and Growth of the Firm (2006); Prices, the Market, and Entrepreneurship (2006); Thirty Years of Chinese Reform (2008); the Logic of the Market (2010);The Road to the Market (2012); Games and Society (2013); and New Enlightenment for Reform (2014).

The English version of his book the Logic of the Market: An Insider’s View of Chinese Economic Reform has just been published by the Cato Institute Press.



Zhang Zhijun

Zhang Zhijun is General Manager of United Credit Ratings Co., Ltd. He is also a  part-time professor at Beijing Jiaotong University.  He is Deputy Director of the Securities Credit Rating Professional Committee in China Securities Industry Association; Vice President of China Academy of Asset Securitization; Co-director, China Securities Industry Association research project evaluation expert group; Member of China Insurance Registered Professional Asset Management Association; Director of China Wealth Management 50 people BBS; expert tutor of United Credit Ratings Co., Ltd. postdoctoral workstation, and Tsinghua University MBA extramural academic advisor.

Zhang Zhijun, has over 10 years experience in enterprise management and credit rating and is an expert at enterprise credit risk and project investment analysis. He has undertaken intensive studies on the rating agencies internal management systems, and rating industry regulatory policy, establishing the management system and method of rating for United Credit Ratings Co., Ltd. Over his career he has made a number of regulatory policy recommendations. He has published several articles and research reports in China Securities and the Financial Times and other journals. He participated in the compilation of the "Asset Securitization: Theory, Risk and Rating", "China's Securities Market Development Report" and other monographs.

张志军  现任联合信用评级有限公司总经理,北京交通大学兼职教授。清华大学硕士,北京大学光华管理学院EMBA。中国证券业协会证券资信评级专业委员会副主任委员,中国资产证券化研究院副理事长、联席院长,中国证券业协会科研项目评审专家组成员,中国保险资产管理业协会注册专家,中国财富管理50人论坛理事,联合信用博士后工作站博士后专家导师,清华大学MBA校外导师。
