Conference Outline

Power Shifts: The Rise of Global Chinese Business

权力转换: 全球中国商业的兴起

The 2016 LSE China Conference was held in Beijing on 16 August 2016

Almost nine years after the start of the "Great Recession" in the West, the fragility of the global economy is still clearly apparent over the first half of 2016. The USA and Europe were at the eye of the storm from late 2007 onwards. To date 2016 has revealed how dependent the rest of the world has become on China to drive growth, with the current economic challenges and reforms in China having global implications. These global implications have not been confined to economics and politics, where the power shifts are clearly apparent, but in more recent years also extend to the world of business.

On the evening of 16 August 2016, in Beijing, LSE academics were joined by leading economists, senior executives from Chinese corporations, and opinion shapers to discuss how China is re-shaping the international economic and business environment.





The conference is an invitation only event. There is simultaneous translation (Chinese/English - English/Chinese) throughout.

Programme details on Power Shifts: The Rise of Global Chinese Business





Latest news

  • 30 June 2016 - Online registration open to alumni and members of the public interested in attending the 2016 LSE China Conference.
  • 30 July 2016 - Note a waiting list is now in use for those wishing to attend the 2016 LSE China Conference.