Mapping Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases

MAPPING_NCD mapped European Union member state activity, investment and initiatives to combat non-communicable diseases.

Primary Investigator: Panos Kanavos
Project Coodinator: Hala Hourani
Start Date: 01 Janaury 2014
End Date: 31 December 2015
Region: Europe
Keywords: chronic non-communicable diseases, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, cancer, mental health, European Union, mapping, health policy, health technology regulation & assessment

MAPPING_NCD mapped European Union member state activity, investment and initiatives to combat NCDs, describing and quantifying their impact in five key disease areas: cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, cancer and mental health. More specifically, the project had six distinct objectives:                                          

  • Identify current EU-funded, as well as national, regional and charitable research programmes and initiatives in the field of chronic non-communicable diseases.    
  • Map the scale and scope of research activities in this area, including the research fields addressed and their implementation modalities.              
  • Provide adequate comparison of data and results through the use of common definition criteria and methodology.                                                              
  • Analyse their funding sources and map the impact of overall investments and outputs to date.              
  • Identify potential overlaps, synergies, gaps and opportunities for future collaboration.              
  • Contribute to the development of evidence-based policies towards supporting coordinated approaches in chronic non-communicable diseases research. 


See more information on project findings and outcomes.


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