
LSE Health News

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June 2020

newsletter June 2020

Highlights include: Our COVID-19 research portal • Launch of the new LSE Journal for Health Policy & Economics • COVID-19 commentary in the media • New publications • Forthcoming public events. We are delighted to reconnect with this update on how we are contributing to the Covid-19 pandemic response as a leading source of evidenced commentary on the impact of the virus and comparative responses to it. [Link]

January 2017


Highlights this month includeProfessor Andrew Street joins LSE • new partnerships in China • Austrian government commissions LSE Health • joint Masters with University of Chicago launching in 2018 • LSE Health sets up Market Access Academy • Alumnus Dr Vanessa Kerry on her time at the LSE • New publications. We kick off the new year with a number of new projects and initiatives underway and look forward to an exciting 2017. [Link]

June 2016


Highlights this month include: visit by the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid • Chinese research partnership confirmed • new research funding from UNICEF and the Wellcome Trust amongst others •brief on Brexit and the NHS • new staff appointments. As summer beckons, staff and programmes are flourishing. [Link]

February 2016


Highlights this month include: Costa Rican Minister of Health on his time at LSE • Inter-ministerial symposium on health care policy • BBC and Guardian seek LSE input on Zika virus • Research on measles and migrants • New publications. With a number of new grant wins as well, it looks to be a busy year ahead. [Link]

December 2015


Welcome to our new LSE Health newsletter, bringing you regular updates on our activities, research and events. It has been a busy few months with the launch of two new postgraduate programmes, a range of high profile events and publications, and a number of new staff joining. With our new Global Health Initiative set to launch in 2016, we are looking forward to an equally busy year ahead. We look forward to keeping you updated. Elias Mossialos, Director, LSE Health [Link]

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LSE Health, Cowdray House, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE

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