
Visiting Appointments

How to apply for a visiting position with LSE Health

LSE Health welcomes applications for Visiting Fellows, Visiting Senior Fellows & Visiting Professors by academics or policy practitioners who may want to join us on a visiting basis to conduct independent research on a topic relevant to the work of the centre. It is anticipated that Visiting Fellows, Visiting Senior Fellows & Visiting Professors will play an active part in the intellectual life of LSE Health during their fellowship.

Do please read all the information below thoroughly before you apply.

Visiting Categories

Note that you may apply for any of the below categories that you feel are most suitable, but LSE Health’s Committee and the School’s central Appointments Committee, reserve the right to confer at title at a more appropriate level.

Visiting Fellowships

Visiting Fellowships target researchers at an early stage of their career (pre-major review) who already hold a tenure-track university affiliation and wish to conduct a specific piece of research on a topic relevant to the research of the Hellenic Observatory. Applications by practitioners and researchers outside the academia may also be considered, but normally applicants should hold at least a PhD degree or have equivalent professional experience.  

Visiting Senior Fellowships

The Visiting Senior Fellowship category is aimed at academics that are of the Lecturer (post major review), Senior Lecturer or Reader level, and practitioners or professionals at a broadly comparable level in their profession.The title of Visiting Senior Fellow is given to individuals from outside the School associated with School Departments/ Institutes/ Centres. The status is intended to apply to scholars who have already published work of distinction, as well as recognising the contribution from those in government service, in professional practice, in the private sector, or in other appropriate fields, to research and other Departmental/Institute/Centre activities.

Visiting Professors

The title of Visiting Professor is for those who have appropriate eminent distinction within the academic professions, and whose connections with the School are appropriate for such a title. Note that the title of Professor at a home institution does not guarantee a Visiting Professorship at LSE.

Visiting Professors in Practice

The title of Visiting Professor in Practice is for those who have appropriate eminent distinction within their area of practice without, however, having sufficient academic distinction.

Terms of appointment

As per School policy, terms of appointment shall be for no more than three years and no fewer than 12 months. Appointments may be exceptionally renewed for longer than three years, or fewer than 12 months, on the approval of the LSE Health's Visiting Appointments Committee. Appointments cannot be shorter than one academic term. Note that short-term appointments are not normally eligible for the full range of benefits of a longer appointment (see below).

Note that visiting appointments at LSE Health are non-contractual and unremunerated.

Tier 5 Sponsorship

Visiting Professors or Visiting Professors in Practice who are not nationals of the United Kingdom or European Economic Area (EEA), and who receive financial support of any form - (from a formal source of funding such as the government, university, research council, charitable organisation etc.) to carry out research, will be required to have a Tier 5 visa before they can work at the School.

Candidates must contact the HR Immigration and Compliance team at hr.visas@lse.ac.uk to confirm their status in advance of their application. Their response should be forwarded to lse_health@lse.ac.uk so that it can form part of your application.

Practical Arrangements

Status in the School: The title of Visiting Fellow, Visiting Senior Fellow, Visiting Professor & Visiting Professor in Practice is given to individuals from outside the School associated with School departments, institutes and Centres. Visiting Fellows have access to the facilities of LSE Health, and will also be able to enjoy access to the facilities of LSE as a whole.

Funding: Visiting fellowships do not carry an emolument and LSE Health does not offer a stipend.

Computer facilities and desk space: Visiting Fellows, Visiting Senior Fellows, Visiting Professors & Visiting professors in Practice will be provided with an LSE login and email address, enabling them to use computer facilities at the School (for example, in the LSE library). LSE Health may be able to provide Visiting Fellows , Visiting Senior Fellows & Visiting Professors with desk space, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Accommodation: the School is not able to make any arrangements for living accommodation for visitors. The LSE’s accommodation website, however, provides useful guidance on finding private rented housing.

How to Apply

Applications for visiting appointments go through a two stage process; in the first instance they are considered by LSE Health's Visiting Appointments Committee. Applications accepted at this stage will then be considered by the School’s appointments committee, who make the final decision regarding visiting posts.

Applications for appointments must also be supported by a member of LSE Health or the Department of Health Policy academic staff (i.e. Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, full Professor, or Professorial Research Fellow), and you should approach the member of staff prior to submitting your application, as you will need their reference in order to apply.

The following information must be provided at  lse_health@lse.ac.uk, as per the dates listed in the Timetable section below.

  1. The LSE Visiting Appointment Application. You can download here the Visiting Appointment Application Form.
  2. A full, up-to-date curriculum vitae.
  3. An email of support from a member of LSE Health or the Department of Health Policy academic staff.
  4. A supporting statement of no less than 200 words, added to the application form (i.e. not provided as a supplemental letter or PDF document).
  5. Applications for a renewal of appointment must include the above, plus an additional statement of no less than 200 words outlining previous contributions.
  6. If a Tier 5 visa is required: Email approval from the LSE HR Immigration and Compliance team. Note: Only applicable to Visiting Professors/Visiting Professors in Practice who are not UK/EEA nations. See section on Tier 5 Sponsorship below.

Timetable for Considering Applications

 Appointments can start at any time after the appointment start date, subject to agreement between the individual fellow and LSE Health.

The next deadline for applications is Sunday 27th April 2025 for Visiting Appointments beginning from Wednesday 7th May 2025.


LSE Scholars at Risk

LSE Scholars at Risk (LSE SAR) is a School-wide, centrally funded initiative to support scholars at risk by enabling them to be hosted at LSE in a visiting fellow or senior visiting fellow status for a maximum period of two years. The visitor status comes without an employment contract, but the School is open to financially assisting hosted fellows through arrangements with external partners. LSE is hugely grateful to the Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity (AFSEE) for their financial contributions and ongoing support for these fellowships at LSE. 

For the purpose of the scheme, a “scholar at risk” is a scholar who faces or has recently fled from an immediate, targeted threat to their life and/or career in their home country or country of residence. The School is open to hosting candidates with a strong academic or research core at various stages of their career. In order to be granted a place as a hosted scholar at LSE, a person would need to satisfy the usual criteria of academic merit applied to all LSE visiting fellows/senior fellows.

More information on the scheme can be found here.