
Interdisciplinary Funding for Ageing Research Workshop

Tuesday 26 November, 2024 (LSE Campus)

The CELLO network, the LSE Health Inequalities Lab and LSE Health ran this one-day event on interdisciplinary funding for ageing research.

It was aimed at early-career researchers interested in applying for funding in the area of ageing research with an interdisciplinary perspective. In the morning, representatives from major funders (NIHR, BBSRC, ESRC and MRC) gave an overview of their funding opportunities as well as of what makes an interdisciplinary proposal successful. These presentations will be followed by a Q&A with the audience. In the afternoon, researchers who recently received funding for interdisciplinary research in this area will share their experience and tips for success

Workshop Programme

10am - 10.15am: Arrival and coffee

10.15am to 10.30am: Introduction to the day: getting interdisciplinary funding in ageing research

10.30am to 12.30pm: Funder panel (with speakers from ESRC, MRC, NIHR confirmed), with 10-minute presentations from each funder on their relevant funding opportunities, followed by a Q&A with the audience

12.30pm to 1.30pm: Lunch

1.30pm to 3.30pm: Researcher panel, with 10-minute introductions from each panel participant, followed by a Q&A with the audience. 

3.30pm to 4pm: Final remarks and next events










LSE Health

A world-leading multidisciplinary research centre with over 20 years of experience advancing global research in health policy and health economics

Health Inequalities Lab

A research group based dedicated to studying and addressing the impact of social inequalities on health outcomes and health care service use

The CELLO Network

An interdisciplinary ageing alliance: cellular metabolism over a life-course in socioeconomic disadvantaged populations

Keywords:  interdisciplinary funding, healthy ageing, ageing research, health inequalities, biosocial research

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