
Undergraduate degree programmes

LSE is a centre for the study of the social sciences and this is reflected in its Language Centre.

Our courses focus on language and society, encouraging you to learn how to use language in the contexts you would like to live, study and work in. We teach people to speak languages, but also teach about language (socio-linguistics/intercultural communication) and offer a range of courses on literature and society. Our joint degrees provide more formal pathways to study with us.

At LSE we study social phenomena and human behaviour. We teach the language needed to understand these things in different contexts and different countries.

Dr Neil McLean, Director LSE Language Centre

BSc programmes

BSc International Relations and Chinese

Our BSc International Relations and Chinese combines theoretical and applied learning – with a particular emphasis on China’s role in the international community. You’ll become proficient in Mandarin and learn how to negotiate diplomatic relations in Chinese and other international settings.

BSc International Relations and Chinese BSc International Relations and Chinese
Featuring staff and students from the LSE Language Centre and the Department of International Relations, this short film showcases the new BSc International Relations and Chinese outlining the opportunities to study abroad at Fudan University, how the programme is delivered and the different insight language skills can give to the study of International Relations. LSE Film & Audio

Watch the video on YouTube

BSc Language, Culture and Society

Taught jointly by the Department of Sociology and the Language Centre, this BSc Language, Culture and Society allows you to study sociology and become fluent in either French, German, Mandarin, Russian or Spanish.

BSc Language, Culture and Society BSc Language, Culture and Society
Featuring staff and students from the LSE Language Centre and the Department of Sociology, this short film showcases the new BSc Language, Culture and Society outlining the opportunities to study abroad at one of five partner institutions, how the programme is delivered and the different insight language skills can give to the study of Sociology. LSE Film & Audio

Watch the video on YouTube 

Student Life at LSE

See what Language Centre BSc students have to say about their programme, the courses they have chosen and LSE.

Hear from current students, explore the campus and get a taste for life at LSE and in London.

Study at LSE

A collection of videos explaining why students should come to LSE and how to apply.