Dr Olga Sobolev

Dr Olga Sobolev

Language Coordinator - Literature and Russian

Language Centre

+44 (0)20 7955 7020
Room No
English, French, Russian
Key Expertise
Comparative, Russian, Literature, Modernism, Anglo-Russian relations

About me

My position at LSE involves both co-ordinating Literature Courses, as well as coordinating Russian Language provision. I am the  Programme Director for our BSc Language, Culture and Society programme.

I specialise in Comparative Literature (British-French-Russian) with particular reference to Modernism and British-Russian cultural relations, reflected in my monographs From Orientalism to Cultural Capital: the Myth of Russia in British Literature in the 1920s (2017); G. B. Shaw in Russia; and The Silver Mask (on the Russian Symbolist poetry).  I have published extensively on the reception of British authors in Russia, Anglo-Russian intercultural communication and on Russian literature (nineteenth, twentieth and twenty first century). At present, I am researching the reception of Russian performance arts in Britain, and I am involved in a multi-university project looking at the social function of the Russian intelligentsia.

In addition to my position at LSE, I am an external examiner to the Foreign Commonwealth Office.

My most recent publication is Film Adaptations of Russian Classics Dialogism and Authorship. Edited by Alexandra Smith, Olga Sobolev. Edinburgh University Press, 2023.

Expertise Details

Comparative literature; Russian symbolism; French symbolism; Russian modernism; French modernism; Russian literature; Russian art; Anglo-Soviet comparative studies; Literature and the Cold War period; Post-totalitarian culture

About the Language Centre

LSE is a centre for the study of the social sciences and this is reflected in its Language Centre.

Our courses focus on language and society, encouraging you to learn how to use language in the contexts you would like to live, study and work in. We teach people to speak languages, but also teach about language (socio-linguistics and intercultural communication) and offer a range of courses on literature and society. 

We offer English for Academic Purposes programmes, BSc programmes a range of undergraduate degree courses that can be taken as part of a degree and a range of language options that can be taken outside of a degree programme. All programmes and courses relate language study and support to the fields of interest of social science students.

My research