Lourdes has taught and coordinated languages in higher education environments in both the UK and abroad. Currently, she convenes two Spanish Language and Society courses (Intermediate and Mastery) and coordinates projects in the Spanish section together with the coordination of the Arabic section. Lourdes has won several LSE SU Teaching and LSE Excellent awards, and, in 2022, she became Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
As a researcher, Lourdes focuses on language learning pedagogies. She is particularly interested in the use of ethnography and project-based methods to enhance language learning and teaching. She has also worked extensively on curriculum development and material design.
Lourdes is one of the founder members of ELE-UK (UK Association for the Teaching of Spanish in Higher and Adult Education) and currently coordinates, with Dr Macarena Jimenez Naranjo, the ELEUK Special Interest Group on decolonising the teaching of Spanish.
During her professional and academic life, Lourdes has been involved in areas of research related to human rights (i.e., gender and political participation, non-state actors in armed conflict, and linguistic rights). She also worked at the Spanish press agency (EFE) in Tunisia.
Lourdes holds a BA in Arabic Philology (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain), and MSc on Sociology-Human Rights (London School of Economics, UK).
Selection of recent papers, workshops, articles, and chapters:
Chapter: “La descolonización del currículo y la enseñanza del español” in Sóler-Montes, C. y Herrera-Jiménez, F. (2024) Variación lingüística en el aula del español. La diversidad de la lengua. Cuadernos de didáctica. Difusión.
Podcast-Interview: “La descolonización de la clase de español”. LdeLengua, 155. https://eledelengua.com/descolonizar-el-aula-de-espanol-ldelengua-155/ (2024).
Paper: “From Zoom to ChatGPT: Navigating Technological Changes in Language Teaching. Reflections from the research-based project Enfoques”. Encuentro ELEUK 2023 (June 2023).
Paper: “Enfoques: students access the sociolinguistic and sociocultural reality of countries where Spanish is spoken, and co-construct knowledge in the Spanish classroom”. Hispanic Linguistics, Liverpool (June 2023).
Paper: “Multilingual local contexts and the teaching and learning of Spanish”. Diversity and social justice in language learning, teaching, and research: bringing theory and practice together. The Open University https://wels.open.ac.uk/events/diversity-social-justice-conference (July 2022)
Workshop: “Los estudiantes investigan: aprendizaje de español a través de proyectos”, Jornada formativa para profesores de ELE, Instituto Cervantes Manchester https://manchester.cervantes.es/es/cursos_espanol/formacion_profesores_espanol/jornadas_dicticas_espaol.htm (July 2022)
Article: Hernández-Martín, L. (2022) “Descolonizar el currículum de español: origen, expectativas, organización y primeras reflexiones”. Formación del grupo de reflexión de ELEUK in Soler Montes, Carlos; Díaz-Bravo, Rocío; Colomer i Domínguez, Vicens (Eds.). (2022). Avances investigadores y pedagógicos sobre la enseñanza del español: aportes desde el contexto universitario británico. Research-publishing.net. https://doi.org/10.14705/rpnet.2022.58.9782383720072
Chapter: Hernández-Martín, L., and P. Skrandies (2021). Taking the foreign out of languages: pedagogies for multilingual contexts in Dubreil, S.; Maxim, H. and Malinowski, D. (eds.) Language Teaching in the Linguistic Landscape: Mobilizing Pedagogy in Public Space, Springer
Editor: Lallana, A., Martín, L. H., & Gutiérrez, M. F. (Eds.). (2020). Five years of ELEUK conferences. Research-publishing. net. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED606532
Selection of teaching and learning projects:
Design and implementation of Enfoques, research-based project where students of Spanish Language and Society (LSE) produce podcast related to the communities and countries where Spanish is spoken. Access to podcasts: https://anchor.fm/enfoques
Design and implementation of In a certain place in London https://enunlugardelondres.wordpress.com/ , project based on the use of ethnography, linguistic landscape and digital humanities in language learning. Funded by the Language Centre and Teaching and Learning Centre, LSE.
Coordination of Mosaic, a multilingual platform for audio visual resources for the Language Centre Degree courses. Funded by the Ignite grant of Learning https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lti/2016/05/25/announcing-the-ignite-grant-winners/ , Technology and Innovation, LSE.
Coordination of From e-marking to e-feedback: training, applying and evaluation. Project aiming at exploring ways of marking and giving feedbacks including Moodle, i-Pads plus annotation apps and video tools. The project is coordinated together with Dr. H. Xiang. Funded by Learning, Teaching and Innovation https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lti/2015/06/08/how-effective-are-e-marking-and-e-feedback/ , LSE.
Coordination of Spanish in Motion/LSE Language Centre project https://spanishinmotion.wordpress.com/sesionesdecine/ . This project, aiming at giving students access to the reality of Spanish speaking communities, is coordinated together with Roser Martinez and Rafael Cruz. Funded by Teaching and Learning Centre, Language Centre, Widening Participation and Annual Fund, LSE.
Design and implementation of a global simulation An NGO in Latin America http://www.zess.uni-goettingen.de/explics/spanish/Index.html within the European Community project, Explics. The global simulation was created with Mercedes Coca.