
Frequently asked questions non degree courses

These will help you with some basic questions 

However, if you have any questions or problems before, during or after your course please feel free to contact us.

  • All teaching will be delivered on campus and in-person.
  • Registration will be online, including information sessions and any 1-2-1 appointments.
  • During registration times we will offer Live Chat sessions to help you if you encounter any problems or have any questions that are not answered below or in the course information.


Why do you need to check eligibility to study in the UK for LSE Alumni?

This is a requirement for everyone who studies at LSE.

If you are a current LSE student or a member of staff, proof of identity and eligibility to study/work in the UK is checked when you register for your main programme of study or when you start your employment. For LSE Alumni, this check is not current therefore we need to do this, each year, when you register for a non-degree modern language course. You can do this here: LSE Alumni eligibility to study in the UK 

What about IT accounts for Alumni?

If you are an LSE Alumni you should be able to log onto Moodle by using your LSE public account; the public account is the one you received when you applied to LSE. Your username is the non-LSE email address that you used at that time. If you cannot remember your password you can reset it online. Should you have any issues, please email us at .

Assessment and Results

What if I have problems with assessment or oral examination dates?

Much of the course assessment is continual and thus conducted through the teaching year.

If you are likely to miss your oral presentation for any reason, including illness, you must contact your class teacher/appropriate Language Co-ordinator.

If you are taken ill during an assessment in class you should tell the class teacher/invigilator immediately so that the necessary action can be taken to help you.

If you have a clash with an assessment you must contact your class class teacher/appropriate Language Co-ordinator.

What if I am not happy with my final result?

Please also get in touch with us if there is anything you feel is incorrect on your certificate or letter of attendance.

Please contact the Language Centre Manager with full details of your situation. It is important that you include your ID number and module number of the course you are taking.

If you chose not to tell the School about circumstances that may have affected your performance during assessments, and you believe this may have affected your results, then you can appeal your result.

You can also appeal your result if you feel you have good grounds (i.e. not just illness) or circumstances that may have affected your performance.

Does the final mark count towards my degree or appear on my degree transcript?

No, the mark will not count towards your degree nor appear on your transcript.

Where and how do I find out about my final result and certificate?

Certificates and final results will be available as soon as results have been returned following completion of the last course on the programme.

This is usually finalised in early June each year.

We will send out a results email to all registered students with details on when you can access hard copies of certificates.

Please make sure your permanent address is up to date by checking LSE for You. If you are a member of staff or LSE Alumni, please email with any changes.

All our non degree language courses follow the Council of Europe Assessment Profiles. The Level you have obtained is indicated on the reverse Certificate as an equivalence (these profiles are included in their Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Can I get copies of my certificate?

Yes you can, any time you need a copy please follow this link to request a reprint and pay the fee.


Missed classes

If you miss a class you will receive an automated email from the class register system.

If you fail to attend three consecutive classes your teacher will email you to see what the problem is and ask if you will be returning to class.

If we do not receive a response and you do not return to class we will assume you are no longer taking the course and remove you from the class register.

Dropping your class

If you decide to drop the course and let us know we will take you off the class register.

Course structure

How many hours of classes will I receive?

The vast majority of courses are 2 hours per week for 20 weeks (i.e. in total 40 hours of classes)

Level 5 courses are generally 1 hour per week for 20 weeks (i.e. in total 20 hours of classes) to confirm the exact details for your chosen course please check the LSE Timetable.

When do courses start and end?

The vast majority of courses start in week 4 of the Autumn Term and end in week 1 of the Spring Term.

Classes follow the LSE Term dates.

A few classes do start earlier and some level 5 courses are taught over 10 weeks as opposed to 20 weeks so please check the LSE Timetable for confirmation of these exceptions.

Please check the LSE Teaching Timetable using the code and group number for your language class, this will be stated on your registration form.

Make sure you make any note of changes to classrooms during the course. If you are not sure of them, please check the LSE Term dates.

What happens during Reading weeks?

In 2015-16 LSE adopted a new academic year structure.

This includes reading weeks in both the Autumn and Winter Terms.

For all non degree language courses there will be normal teaching during reading weeks.

Is there any learning support or help with studying?

Yes, remember that consolidation of class work plays a big part when learning languages.

Our Learning Support Pages carry useful advice on any aspect of your language learning as well as information on supplementary activities.

Feedback and Surveys

Do you have a user satisfaction survey?

We welcome feedback at any time whether this be direct to your teacher, during Co-ordinators office hours, via Reception by email or in person, whichever way you chose.

We also run a User Satisfaction Survey in the Winter Term each year to give everyone who has been in receipt of Language Centre services a chance to express their views.

Everyone who registered for a course in the current academic session (and those in receipt of services such as proofreading, translation and authentication etc) will be sent an email inviting them to take part.

The results of our User Satisfaction Surveys will be published as soon as possible following the closing date (usually two weeks).

Who can I speak to about my course?

If you need to speak to your teacher (just before, during or after class) please do, they are here to help you.

They may refer you to one of the Co-ordinators office hours or you may prefer to go straight to them. Office hours during term time will appear when term begins.

Every teacher does not have an office hour but there will be a Co-ordinator for each course.

What can I do if I am not happy with my course?

We hope that you will be happy with your chosen course but if any circumstances arise with which you are not happy then please see information on our Service complaints procedure (non degree courses).

Payment and Registering

How can I make a claim under the LSE Language Policy?

If you think you are eligible for a free course under the LSE language policy then follow the normal registration and payment process. You can then make a claim using the LSE language policy claim form.  

Can I audit classes before registering?

No, you cannot audit the course before registering.

We have information on the courses available online for you to review, there are information sessions for beginners courses which you can attend to find out more and if you are not a beginner you will have an individual 1-2-1 with a language teacher before deciding whether to register.

Timetable clashes, changing courses, and withdrawing

Can I change a course or class after it has started?

Please note this is changing course or class NOT language. Once courses have started we do not allow switching to another language.

So, in theory yes. In practice you may have to wait until a place becomes available in the group you want to move to.

For beginners it is important that you make the right choice. If you have any doubts please attend one of the information sessions or contact the appropriate Language Co-ordinator. We strongly advise students wishing to join a Fast Track course to check the prerequisites in the detailed course outline.

For non beginners you will have advice on the right course choice from a language teacher during your 1-2-1 appointment.

If you do wish to change class please use our class change form to notify us of your request.

We may need to refer you to the respective Language Co-ordinator who manages changes if your request involves a move to a different level.

What do I do if I want to withdraw from a course?

If you do need to withdraw from a course we would be grateful if you could complete our exit form.

Unfortunately once courses commence we are unable to make adjustments to the course fee under any circumstances unless you are an LSE student and have a timetable clash with one of your core LSE courses that we cannot resolve.

If you do have a timetable clash with one of your core LSE courses that we cannot resolve (we will check your personal timetable to confirm this) then we will be able to offer you a pro rata adjustment from the point you were unable to access your course due to this clash.

Please see our Terms and Conditions.

What do I do if I have a Timetable clash?

LSE students will see all 'LN' courses in their personal timetable.

If you find you have a timetable clash with one of your core courses we will do everything we can to try and find an alternative.

Please check our course and class registrations page to see what is available.

How do I change class?

If it is a straight forward swap to the same type of course (i.e. just a different group number) we should be able to do the change immediately, please use our class change form to notify us of your request.

If the class you want to move to is full or there are no other options or the change involves moving to a different type of course, please speak with your class teacher but also a visit to the appropriate Language Co-ordinator's office hour may be required.

This will especially be the case if the change involves a move to another level or type of course.

They will need to check to make sure the course is appropriate and check this has the agreement of the teacher of your current class who is best placed to comment.

They will then liaise directly with us to make the change official so you appear on the class register.

Your data


Your right to privacy is important to us. The personal information that you submit to us at registration will only be used to provide you with the services you request.

Please visit to read our Privacy Policy and learn more about how we collect and use information about you so that you can make an informed choice about using our website.

Contacting you

If you have an active LSE email account, we will use this to contact you. If not, we will contact you using the email account you used during registration.

We will not forward to you any non-language learning information either from ourselves or third parties.

We will send you information on additional language learning opportunities offered by ourselves or by LSE Alumni who are supported by LSE Generate.

Social Media

Current LSE students can follow us on the Hub for information on Language Centre events and other language related activities.

Non-current students who wish to be kept informed of other LSE Language Centre events and language related activities can follow us on Twitter or Instagram.