
Frequently asked questions and help

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

If you have a question that is not covered by the course information given in these pages please see 'How to contact us'.

Accommodation, visas and insurance advice

What about accommodation?

If you are taking LN905, LSE Vacations are able to offer a limited number of single en-suite room at Sidney Webb House. These are reserved until 31 May 2024 but please do contact them if you are still looking after this time as there might still be availability. (UPDATE: 24/05/2024; there are now a limited number of additional rooms available at Rosebery Hall. Rooms are not ensuite but a complimentary breakfast is included. Please email for further details.)

You will need to book and pay for set dates. LSE Vacations are unable to accept shorter stays.

  • Your arrival date will be 28 July 2024 and your departure will be 04 September 2024.

All single en-suite rooms are priced at £62 per room per night inclusive of VAT (room only basis), Sidney Webb has kitchen facilities available.

Please note the cancellation terms for accommodation. This is different to cancellation terms for tuition fees for this programme.

  • Cancellation up to 21 calendar days prior to your arrival, 100% refund.
  • Cancellation less than 21 calendar days prior to your arrival, no refund.

If you want to reserve accommodation for LN905 you will need to email LSE Vacations at

Please quote the Language Centre course you have registered and paid for along with your LSE student number. They will then make a reservation for you and give you payment instructions. Full payment will be required at the time of booking.

Please contact if you have any questions about this.

As an alternative to these options here is some information from LSE Residential Services on budget short term accommodation options. [PDF] Please contact the companies listed if you have any questions about these options and they will be happy to help.

Cancellations and refunds

Do you have a cancellation period?

Yes. As you have agreed and entered into a contract with us by means of distance communication, you may terminate the contract and withdraw from the course for any reason within fourteen (14) calendar days which begins the day after you receive an acceptance email confirming that the contract has formed.

This fourteen-day period is known as ‘the Cancellation Period’.

If you wish to terminate the contract, you must write to us at within the cancellation period.

If, for whatever reason, part of the programme has been delivered during the 14 calendar day cancellation period then we may, at our sole discretion, invoice you for any programme delivery which you received prior to any cancellation being initiated within the rightful 14 calendar day cancellation period.

What if I want to cancel my place, after the cancellation period?

You must write to us at

We will reduce your fee invoice by nintey per cent (90%) if you decide to cancel your place after the Cancellation Period, if you write to us before 26 May 2025.

We will reduce your fee invoice by fifty per cent (50%) if you decide to cancel your place after the Cancellation Period, if you write to us before 23 June 2025.

We will not make any change to your fee invoice if you write to us on or after 23 June 2025.

To confirm, this means if you wish to cancel a place you have booked after the Cancellation Period, you will need to write to us before these times:

  • Before 26 May 2025 to receive a 90% reduction to your fee invoice
  • Before 23 June 2025 to receive a 50% reduction to your fee invoice
  • On or after 23 June 2025 there is 0% reduction to your fee invoice

Should I cancel my place if I meet my English language condition?

No, we don't think so!

Many students with unconditional offers have found the presessional course extremely helpful in preparing them for their studies at LSE.

A presessional course will:

  • Improve your academic written English
  • Acquaint you with the academic expectations that come with a course at LSE
  • Improve your research skills
  • Improve your confidence in giving presentations
  • Improve your confidence in speaking in seminars

You should also be aware that the marking criteria of the IELTS exam do not reflect well the characteristics of academic writing, as preferred by teachers.

An acceptable IELTS score is not therefore a guarantee of competency.

We would therefore encourage you to take the course you booked even if you have met the English language requirements of your offer.

Please also note from a visa perspective, if you were issued with a CAS solely for the purpose of attending LN905 you will need to successfully complete this programme of study in order to be able to apply for a new student visa whilst in the UK.

English language requirements for LSE and the Presesessional Programme

What are the LSE English language requirements?

Information on LSE English language requirements is available from LSE graduate admissions.

What are the entry requirements to the English Presessional Programme?

You must have an offer to study at LSE on a postgraduate programme and meet these entry requirements for our English Presessional Programme.

What is the validity period of your end of course test?

Your test results and certification are valid for 2 years from the date of issue.

That means if you take and complete our programme, satisfying your offer requirements in terms of English, then defer your place you can use the certificate as proof of this for up to 2 years.

Insurance and other advice from UKCISA

What about insurance?

If you are coming to LSE from a country outside the European Union that does not have a reciprocal health agreement with the United Kingdom you should arrange private medical insurance to cover all eventualities of health care.

Students from countries with reciprocal health agreements with the United Kingdom will be covered for emergency medical conditions, but may wish to take out private medical insurance to cover non-emergencies.

More information on health care whilst you are in the UK can be found from UKCISA: UK Council for International Student Affairs.

In the unlikely event that we have to cancel the course due to low registration numbers it is also advisable that you make sure you have appropriate travel insurance to cover this and any other eventualities of travel disruption.

It is advisable that you take out a personal possessions insurance policy as your possessions are not covered under any hall of residence’s insurance scheme.

Fraud, scams and advice from UKCISA

UKCISA serves the interests of international students and all who work with them in universities, colleges and students' unions.

They provide up-to-date immigration, fees and international student experience information for students and colleagues working with them.

We do advise that you read through all the information you can on the UKCISA web site but in particular this section on fraud and scams. Unfortunately some criminals do target international students so it is a good idea to read through the information UKCISA have prepared.

Registration dates

What if my main programme starts before the end of the Presessional course?

You will need to be available to complete the whole course.

Therefore, please make sure you are available for the duration of the course and that the registration dates for your main programme of study do not overlap.

If they do overlap, regrettably, we will not be able to accept you on the course.

What if I am not available for the whole of the course?

You will need to be available to complete the whole course.

Therefore, please make sure you are available for the duration of the course before you accept any offer from us. Please get in touch with us should you have any questions concerning your offer and start dates.

If you are not available to complete the whole course we will normally not be able to accept you on the course. Exceptions would be related to last minute travel issues meaning you might arrive one or two days later than planned.


What do I do about visas?

LSE has a specialist immigration advisers who sit within the Student Advice and Engagement Team. This team can assist you with any questions relating to applying for visas and our English Presessional Programme. If you have questions about visas please complete their online query form.

Please note a CAS (if you require one) can only be issued by LSE once you have confirmed your place on your Language Centre course.

Please pay special attention to information on Secure English Language Tests (SELT):

  • The most widely used SELT is the UKVI IELTS
  • The ‘standard or academic’ IELTS may not be sufficient
  • You will need a SELT if you are applying for a CAS and you have a conditional offer from LSE
  • On the first day of the course we are obliged to check you are here with a valid and correct visa. We will need to take a copy of proof of this so please bring this with you
  • You will not be able to commence your course until any visa you hold has been checked

More frequently asked questions

In addition to this information it would be advisable to read through all the information sent to you by your Department and LSE Admissions before making your travel and accommodation plans.