
A pre-arrival welcome to new students

in the Language Centre

A pre-arrival welcome to students on our BSc International Relations and Chinese and BSc Language, Culture and Society programmes

This page has some quick information you will need for arrival and also to help you settle in.

Some links will need you to have set up your LSE account. You will do this soon and there is plenty of information to keep you busy on this page until you have!

Contact John Heyworth in the first instance, the programme manager for your BSc programme, should you have any questions about anything.

How do I complete campus enrolment?

Campus enrolment is compulsory and in-person.

You will have aleady received communications from LSE about online pre-enrolment and what you need to do as well as when your campus enrolment time is.

We have a Welcome site which is your guide to help you get ready for life at LSE.

You can also read through the New Student information to find out when your campus enrolment takes place and what documents you might need. 

We have listed the key dates for you (including your campus enrolment slot and when you will meet us for the first time) on the Welcome section of our Language Community page.

Please remember to bring along your Campus Pass when you arrive at LSE for campus enrolment.

This pass will be emailed to you as a PDF along with information about its use and instructions to download it onto your phones before arriving on campus.

What can I do to prepare and find out more about my programme?

You can find out about LSE from the Welcome Site. The Welcome Guide is also available from here.

Specifically for the Language Centre, you can look at the Undergraduate Handbook and view the programme regulations for your BSc.

Our undergraduate handbook will also be available online in August. 

Keeping in touch: contacts and community

Space is always at a premium on campus. We have an exclusive study area for Language Centre BSc students in 20KSW called the The Huddle.

If you have not already done so please do not forget to to sign up for the Student Hub and follow the Language Centre page. We set up a group, each year, for each cohort. e.g. Language Centre BSc students 2024/25

We will regularly post key information on the Student Hub throughout the year including Language Community events.

You will also be able to make appointments to see teaching staff via Bookings on the Student Hub, see you timetable and events and much more.

What events does the Language Centre run during Welcome?

We have a number of meetings arranged for you.

You can find out more our Welcome events from Language Community pages.

As our degree programmes are joint degrees with either the Department of International Relations or Department of Sociology during your time at LSE you will also receive invitations to their events.

During the academic year we will also have a number of additional events and learning opportunities which we will promote and announce via the Student Hub.