Javiera Caceres

Javiera Caceres

PhD Student

International Development

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English, Spanish
Key Expertise
Intellectual Property, Artificial Intelligence, Trade Policy

About me

Javiera Caceres is a PhD Scholar in the Department of International Development at the London School of Economics. From an international political economy perspective, she studies countries' responses to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of intellectual property (IP) rights, mixing quantitative and qualitative methods. Javiera's research aims to investigte the divergence among developed and developing countries' AI-IP policies and explore the factors behind cross-national responses within them, providing evidence far academic research and policymaking in an understudied and relevant field within international development. Professor Ken Shadlen and Dr Laura Mann supervise her PhD.

Before joining LSE in 2022, Javiera was appointed Instructor Professor at the Institute of Internatioal Studies of the University of Chile and Legal Research Fellow at the Contre for International SUstainable development Law (CISDL). At the University of Chile, Javiera was the editor of the Latin American Journal of Trade Policy, an interdisciplinary journal devoted to understanding trade policy and its implications from a southern and Latin American perspective. She was also the academic coordianator of postgraduate diplomas on international development, trade policy, and women and international public policies. She lectured at the undergraduate and graduate levels on international negotiations, trade policy and international development. 

Javiera holds a BA in English Literature from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and an MA in International Strategy and Trade Policy from the University of Chile. She has been granted various recognitions for her work, including 2020's UN ESCAP Certificate for excellent contribution during the Hackathon on Trade Policies for Pandemic Response, CISDL Legal Specialist Award - Trade and Investment Law Programme 2022, and UNESCAP's 2024 Early Career Research Award. She has consulted for the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, ProChile, and the Chilean Undersecretary of International Economic Affairs on international trade, trade policy, gender, and international development issues.


Expertise Details

Intellectual property; Artificial Intelligence; trade policy; international development