Sustainable and inclusive economic and social development crucially depends on nature and biodiversity. Conserving and enhancing nature is thus a critical policy challenge.
Sustainable and inclusive economic and social development crucially depends on nature and biodiversity. Our Nature Lab contributes to GSoS by providing new understanding of what is required to ensure that current development decisions do not unnecessarily deplete and degrade nature, and that nature-positive outcomes support economy and society. Nature Lab will explore this across locations of the world where human settlement and economic activity are clustered. All elements of our work will provide insights on policy responses to maintain and restore nature and will drive impact.
Activities within the protecting and enhancing nature and biodiversity theme
The economics of nature protection and restoration policy
A risk-based framework for application to the Amazon biome to identify where forest conservation could be more effectively deployed. An empirical examination of how distinct conservation policies interact and influence forest cover and palm oil production in Indonesia over time and space.
Strategies for AI-Nature solutions
This project aims to analyse existing networks of scientists and engineers who have human capital to contribute to AI-Nature solutions. This will enable understanding of incentives and barriers to developing strategies to accelerate innovation in this field.
Natural capital value chains
Global linkages are vital for advancing green and digital transitions, but so too is building these linkages while not increasing pressures on planetary natural wealth. This project breaks new ground in the empirical analysis of the geography of global green value chains and foreign direct investment, and policies needed to ensure these global linkages align with (local and global) sustainability.
Financing the blue economy
The Financing the Blue Economy (BluFinPlan) programme will work with local communities, NGOs, researchers, and policymakers through equitable partnerships to harness international sustainable blue finance for inclusive and resilient coastal communities in LMICs, whilst also contributing to global carbon mitigation goals, through an improved understanding of the economic case for mangroves.
Through these activities - and more - this theme contributes to the overarching mission and aspirations of GSoS. We will provide innovative solutions to sustaining and enhancing nature’s contribution to economy to society.
Giles Atkinson is Professor of Environmental Policy at LSE.
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