Generating sustainable growth

Pathbreaking economics research is essential to achieve a balance between human activity and the natural environment in the face of climate change

 Theme lead: Professor Robin Burgess. Co-lead: Dr Eugenie Dugoua

How growth can be achieved in the face of climate change and without generating further externalities is now the leading question driving funding, research, and policy in economics. Given the complexity and urgency of this global problem, there is a pressing need for new ideas and evidence that can inform policies at scale.

Activities within the generating sustainable growth theme

Green Innovation and Growth Initiative

A Green Innovation and Growth Initiative (GIGI) is being established in STICERD to generate frontier research on clean energy; jobs and climate resilience; investment and climate change; and green innovation. GIGI will also establish key data labs to support research generation more broadly in this area. Bringing together faculty, students and external partners GIGI will transform research and global policy impact of work on innovation and sustainable growth.

Climate and Growth Initiative 

A Climate and Growth Initiative (CGI) is being established in the International Growth Centre (IGC) to promote sustainable growth in developing countries. CGI’s research agenda is shaped by policy partners of IGC’s established country teams across Africa, South Asia and the Middle East. Using IGC’s global research commissioning platform, CGI will generate innovative ideas and evidence on green industrial policy; climate change and trade; energy markets; redesigning social protection; and climate finance.

Through these activities - and more - work on this theme contributes to the overarching mission and aspirations of GSoS. Achieving a sustainable balance between human activity and the natural environment while maintaining economic growth will require making economic growth cleaner, controlling environmental externalities, and protecting human populations from environmental change.  

Robin Burgess is Professor of Economics and Director of the International Growth Centre at LSE.

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