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Events archive

LSE London's events archive 

LSE London annually holds a series of seminars in the Lent term (January-March). The seminar looks at various aspects of London. Previous seminars have looked at topics such as key-worker housing, congestion charging and the London Plan.

The core audience for the seminar includes the students of various urban programmes.  The aim of the seminars is to show how the ideas that the students deal with in theory play out in practice, especially in the London context. Research students and relevant academic staff are invited. Researchers and those working in policy across London are also invited.


Autumn Term


Homelessness in London in a time of crisis

Tuesday 17 October 2023 at 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Sheikh Zayed Theatre - LSE Cheng Kin Ku Building (CKK)


  • Prof Christine Whitehead  Emeritus Professor of Housing Economics at the LSE and a Deputy Director of LSE London.
  • Pam Orchard Chief Executive of The Connection at St Martin’s.
  • Dr Maria-Christina Vogkli PhD in Sociology from LSE where she currently serves as Research Officer and Guest Teacher. 
  • Jennifer Winters Assistant Director of Benefits and Housing Needs service at the London Borough of Hackney.

Moderator: Manny Hothi Chief Executive of Trust for London since 2021

Chair: Dr Nancy Holman Associate Professor and  Director of Planning Studies in the LSE Department of Geography and Environment and a member of LSE London.


Progressig Planning Seminar Series 

Progressing Planning Seminar Series 2023

Housing Financialisation in a Changing Environment

Thursday, 12th October 2023 at 6-7.30PM 

LSE Sir Arthur Building - SAL LG.04

Chair: Alan Mace (LSE)


  • Christine Whitehead (LSE)

  • Laurence Murphy (University of Aukland)


Progressing Planning Seminar Series 2023

England's Planning System: A Catalyst or Constraint for Climate Action?

Thursday, 26th October 2023 at 6-7.30PM  

LSE Sir Arthur Building - SAL LG.04

Chair: Nancy Holman (LSE)

Guest: Celia Davis (TCPA)



Progressing Planning Seminar Series 2023

Planning for Biodiversity: 10% Net Gain

Thursday, 16th November 2023 at 6-7.30PM 

LSE Sir Arthur Building - SAL LG.04

Chair: Meredith Whitten (LSE)


  • Rebecca Moberly (Local Government Association)
  • Francis Castro (GLA)


Progressing Planning Seminar Series 2023

IDPs and Ukraine's War-Induced Housing Crisis: Rethinking Policy and Tenure

Thursday, 30th November 2023 at 6-7.30PM  

LSE Sir Arthur Building - SAL LG.04

Chair: Romola Sanyal (LSE)

Guest: Galyna Sukhomud (Bauhaus University, Weimar)





Winter Term

London Planning and Policy Seminar Series

New Series Progressing Planning

TFL Governance and Finance 

Monday 30 January 2023 at 6-7.30pm 

Marshall Building MAR.1.10

Stephen Glaister (CBE FICE FCGI)
Professor Emeritus of Transport and Infrastructure
Imperial College London

New Series Progressing Planning

A View from the Boroughs

Monday 13 February 2023 at 6-7.30pm

Marshall Building MAR.1.04

David Joyce
Director of Place Making and Housing, Haringey

New Series Progressing Planning

The Cost of Living: The London Rental Market in 2023

Monday 13 March 2023 at 6-7.30pm

Marshall Building MAR.1.04

Rhona Brown
Head of Private Sector Housing and Home Improvement, Lewisham

Tony Travers (Chair) 
Director LSE London and Professor LSE Department of Government

New Series Progressing Planning
When We Build on the Greenbelt

Monday 20 March 2023 at 6-7.30pm

Marshall Building MAR. 2.05

Joe Russell
RSHP architects

Alan Mace
Associate Professor, LSE Department of Geography and Environment

Tony Travers (Chair) 
Director LSE London and Professor LSE Department of Government

New Series Progressing Planning
The 2021 Census. What we have learned about London, so far
Monday 27 March 2023 at 6-7.30pm

Marshall Building MAR.1.04

Richard Cameron
Data Service Manager, GLA

Priya Aggarwal-Shah
Founder & Director, BAME in Property

Richard Brown
Freelance writer and consultant

Ian Gordon (Chair)
Emeritus Professor, LSE Department of Geography and Environment




Lent/Summer Term

Mayoral Elections - Event Series 

Mayoral Elections

How should the Mayor lead London now?

Wednesday 21 April 2021: 17pm to 18.30pm BST
 Watch on Youtube
Prof. Tony Travers, LSE
Richard Brown, Centre for London
Prof, Ian Gordon, LSE
Dr. Jack Brown, King's College
Catriona Riddell, Catriona Riddell Associates


Mayoral Elections

Getting London growing again?

Wednesday 12 May 2021: 17pm to 18.30pm BST
  Watch on Youtube 
Prof. Tony Travers, LSE
Madeleine Sumption, University of Oxford
Prof. Mark Kleinman, King's College London
Prof. Ben Rogers, LSE Cities/University of London
Andrew Carter, Centre for Cities


Mayoral Elections

London and Whitehall: levelling up or down?

Wednesday 19 May 2021: 17pm to 18.30pm BST
  Watch on Youtube
Prof. Tony Travers, LSE
Jonathan Werran, Localis
Nick Walkley, Indipendent
Clare Coghill, Waltham Forest 


Progressing Planning - Event Series 

The LSE Regional and Urban Planning Studies programme teamed up with LSE London to organise the Progressing Planning series of events on housing, sustainability and advocacy. Progressing Planning aim is to bring back together alumni from the MSc programme and pairing them up with academics from LSE. 

Lent Term

Progressing Planning

Homelessness in the time of Covid: a focus on London

Wednesday 23 June 2021: 1pm to 2pm BST
Watch on Youtube
Dr. Nancy Holman, LSE
Prof. Christine Whitehead, LSE London
Steve Douglas, St. Mungo’s 
Jennifer Wynter, London Borough of Hackney
Progressing Planning

Data and resources availability for planning

Wednesday 26 May 2021: 11am to 12pm BST
Watch on Youtube
Dr. Nancy Holman, LSE
Imma Mwanja, OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Dr Mark Napier, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Manon Viou, CartONG 
Progressing Planning

Micro-mobility and the last mile

Wednesday 17 March 2021: 16pm to 17pm GMT
Watch on Youtube
Dr. Nancy Holman, LSE
Marian Macindoe, Uber (USA)
Marion Lagadic, 6t Bureau de recherche (France)
Ollie Bolderson, Momentum Transport Consultancy (UK)
Maxwell Meyers, Northeast Maglev (USA) 



Michaelmas Term


Progressing Planning

Regional Growth, Local Development and Euroscepticism

Wednesday 7 October 2020: 12pm to 1pm 
Watch on Youtube
Dr. Nancy Holman, LSE
Professor Riccardo Crescenzi, LSE
Professor Lewis Dijkstra, European Commission
Progressing Planning

Can Urban Agriculture Play a Role in the Time of Crisis?

Wednesday 28 October 2020: 1pm to 2pm
Watch on Youtube
Dr. Nancy Holman, LSE
Alexandra Payne, Amplify Planning 
Tom Henderson, techUK
Sarah Williams, Sustain


Progressing Planning

 Density: Design and perception

Wednesday 11 November 2020: 12.00 tto 1pm
Watch on Youtube
Dr. Alan Mace, LSE
Fanny Blanc, LSE London
Beatrix Emo, ETH Zurich
Javier Iñigo, Jacobs 
Progressing Planning

 Planning for Sea Level Rise 

Wednesday 25 November 2020: 8.30am to 9.30am
Watch on Youtube
Dr. Nancy Holman, LSE
Kiana Otsuka, O’ahu Metropolitan Planning Organization
Swenja Surminski, Grantham Institute LSE
Progressing Planning

 Innovation, Inequality and Sustainable Development 

Wednesday 9 December 2020: 11am to 12pm
Watch on Youtube
Dr. Nancy Holman, LSE
Dr. Teis Hansen, Lund University
Prof. John Tomaney, The Bartlett School of Planning UCL



London Talks 

London is experiencing important changes: the new London Plan, Brexit, the housing crisis, the proliferation of short-term letting and climate change. Many of these issues are not local to London or to the United Kingdom.  Cities across the world are experiencing pressure from increasing house prices, marked increases in short-term letting and the spectre of climate change.

Our new seminar series London Talks creates a space to exchange knowledge on these changes linking them to LSE’s research. In so doing, we aim to create partnerships with significant London stakeholders and show how research and practice in London link to cities across the world.



How does planning deregulation impact neighbourhoods?

Wednesday February 6th, 18.15-19.30
Parish Hall - room 1.02

Nancy Holman (LSE)
Alessandra Mossa (LSE)
Gary Bakall (London Borough of Camden) 
Ben Clifford (UCL)




Can we grow food on the Green Belt?

Wednesday March 6th, 18.15-19.30
Parish Hall - room 1.02 

Alan Mace (LSE)
Paul Miner (CPRE)
Martin Stott (Garden Organic)



How is gentrification impacting contemporary London? 

Wednesday April 10th, 18.15-19.30
New Academic Building - Alumni Theatre 

 Alan Mace (LSE)
Antoine Paccoud (LISER)
Julia King (LSE)
Patria Roman-Velazquez (Loughborough University/ Latin Elephant)



What type of growth should we be aiming for? 

Wednesday May 1st, 18.15-19.30
New Academic Building - Alumni Theatre 

Alex Jan (ARUP)
Neil Lee (LSE)
Silkie Whitworth (MHCLG)



Can alternative housing ease the crisis? 

Wednesday June 5th, 18.15-19.30
New Academic Building - Alumni Theatre 

Melissa Fernandez Arrigoitia (Lancaster University)
Gabriela Neves de Lima (LSE)
June Barnes (Housing Expert) 
Zohra Chiheb (Croydon) 



Addressing homelessness in London 

Wednesday November 6th, 18.15-19.30
New Academic Building - Alumni Theatre

Christine Whitehead, LSE London
Bert Provan, LSE
Eloise Shepherd, London Councils
Patrick Mulrenan, London Metropolitan University



London's density: too much too fast? 

Wednesday December 4th, 18.15-19.30
New Academic Building - Alumni Theatre 

Sripriya Sudhakar, Tower Hamlets
Lucia Cerrada Morato, Tower Hamlets
Tom Sykes, TfL
Casper Laing Ebbensgaard, QMUL 



 LSE London's 2018 Lent term seminar series begins on the 15th of January. Speakers from within and beyond LSE will focus on London's current economic and political environment, covering relevant issues such as a draft of the London Plan, planning tools, property guardianship, regeneration, economy, housing, transportation, and representation.

Presenters include academics and practitioners from relevant fields. Each seminar is chaired by one of the members of LSE London, while speakers' presentations, available podcasts and any other related documents are posted here regularly after each session.

The seminar is held every Monday at New Academic Building (NAB) LG09 (Alumni Theatre), from 17:00 to 18:30 located at the LSE, map and directions here.

For more information, please contact LSE London at:


Mondays at New Academic Building (NAB) LG09 (Alumni Theatre), from 17:00 - 18:30:30


Rachael Rooney, Principal Strategic Planner, Greater London Authority

The new London Plan(Click here to read blog and here to download PPT presentation)



Sara Dilmamode, Director, Citiesmode and Andrew Barry-Purssell, Head of London Plan, Greater London Authority

Planning Tools  (Click here to read blog and here to download PPT presentation)



29 January 


Mara Ferreri, Lecturer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Property Guardianship(Click here to read blog and here to download PPT presentation)



Catriona Riddell, Director, Catriona Riddell & Associates           

Strategic planning: what goes around, comes around (Click here to read blog and here to download PPT presentation)


19 February

Emma Peters, Director, Regen First  

Regeneration: community investment or social cleansing? (Click here to read blog and here to download PPT presentation)



Lynne Miles, Associate Director, ARUP        

Planning for economy in the UK (Click here to read blog and here to download PPT presentation)



Eloise Shepherd, Head of Housing & Planning, London Councils 

London's housing challenge (Click here to read blog, PPT presentation not available)



Alex Williams, Director of Borough Planning, TfL     

Planning for a growing London (Click here to read the blog and here to download the PPT presentation)


19 March

Sarah Sackman, Barrister, Francis Taylor Building    

Participation & representation in urban development



LSE London's 2017 Lent term seminar series begins on the 16th of January. Speakers from within and beyond LSE will focus on London's current economic and political environment , covering relevant issues such as London's planning strategy, Brexit, gender, urban space, and right to the everyday life, West London corridor, suburban gentrification, TFL Crossrail, and the Outer London Commission.

Presenters include academics and practitioners from relevant fields. Each seminar is chaired by one of the members of LSE London, while speakers' presentations, available podcasts and any other related documents are posted here regularly after each session.

The seminar is held every Monday at New Academic Building (NAB) LG09 (Alumni Theatre), from 17:00 to 18:30 located at the LSE, map and directions here.

For more information, please contact LSE London at:


Room KSW G.01, 17:00 - Mondays at New Academic Building (NAB) LG09 (Alumni Theatre), from 17:00 to 18:30:30


James Clark, Housing Policy Manager, Greater London Authority

Supplementary Planning Guidance: London’s strategy


Richard Brown, Research Director, Centre for London

Brexit and London

30 January 


Yasminah Beebeejaun, Lecturer, Bartlett School of Planning, UCL

Gender, urban space, and the right to everyday life


Nick Falk, Founder Director, URBED and Jonathan Manns, Director Regeneration & Planning, Collier International

Re/shaping London: unlocking sustainable growth in West London and beyond

20 February

Antoine Paccoud, Researcher, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) and Alan Mace, Assistant Professor, LSE

Tenure change in Outer London: suburban urpscaling as gentrification?


Gareth Fairweather, Principal Planner, Transport for London

London’s transport network supporting the delivery of new homes and jobs.


Alan Benson, Head of Housing Strategy and Commissioning at Haringey Council

Making Central Government and Mayoral policies work at the local level


William McKee, Chair Mayor of London's Outer London Commission

Green Belts and Corridors


LSE London's 2016 Lent term seminar series begins on the 18th of January. Speakers from within and beyond LSE will focus on London's current economic and political environment, covering relevant issues such as development options for London, the 2016 London mayoral election, localism in London, as well as the British planning system.

Presenters include academics and practitioners from relevant fields. Each seminar is chaired by one of the members of LSE London, while speakers' presentations, available podcasts and any other related documents are posted here regularly after each session.



Room KSW G.01, 17:00 - 18:30


Gavin Parker
University of Reading

'Neighbourhood planning'


Sakiba Gurda
London Borough of Islington

‘London – a view from a borough’ 




Duncan Bowie
University of Westminster

‘Beyond the compact city: a review of the development options for London and the Southeast’ 


John Lett
Greater London Authority

‘Issues for the new mayor’ 

22 February

Denis Dillion 
First Rung London

‘Tottenham after the riots’


Richard Lee
Just Space

‘Community visions for the next London Plan’

Towards a Community-Led Plan for London Ideas for discussion and debate


Jane Wills 
Queen Mary, University of London

‘Localism in London’ 


Peter Rees
University College London

'The death of the British planning system'


LSE London's 2015 Lent term seminar series begins on the 20th of January. Speakers from within and beyond LSE will focus on London's current economic and political environment, covering relevant issues such as the private rented sector, the distribution of poverty and the densification effects of international migrants.

Presenters include academics and practitioners from relevant fields. Each seminar is chaired by one of the members of LSE London, while speakers' presentations, available podcasts and any other related documents are posted here regularly after each session.

The seminar is held every Monday St. Clements Building, S.75 Room, located at the LSE, map and directions here.

For more information, please contact LSE London at: lselondon @



Room STC S75, 4.45 - 6.00 p.m.


John Lett
London Plan Team, Strategic Planning Manager, Greater London Authority (GLA)

The office and retail market in London: issues for the London Plan


Paul Cheshire
Geography and Environment Dpt., LSE

Iconic Design’ as Deadweight Loss? Rent acquisition by design in the constrained London office market

Listen to podcast here 

10 February

Suzi Hall
Lecturer, Department of Sociology, LSE

Locating urban migration: from Census to street
Listen to podcast here


Ian Gordon
Geography and Environment Dpt., LSE

Residential displacement and densification effects of international migrants 2001-2011

View Displacement Maps

24 February


Alex Fenton and Amanda Fitzgerald-Arque
Leibniz University Hannover & CASE, (LSE)/ Research Officer CASE/STICERD, (LSE)

Growth and spatial distribution of poverty in London 2001-2011 

 Listen to podcast here

3 March

Christine Whitehead & Kath Scanlon
LSE London, London School of Economics (LSE)

Building London's private rented sector
Listen to podcast here


Duncan Bowie
Senior Lecturer in Spatial Planning, University of Westminster

Alternative development options for London's growth

 General events 


15 March 2018 

Seminar presentation: Planning for a Growing London – Alex Williams, Director of City Planning, TfL | Lent Term Seminar series

9 March 2018

Seminar presentation: London’s housing challenge – Eloise Shepherd, London Councils | Lent Term Seminars series

5 March 2018

Podcast: LSE Festival 2018: Beveridge 2.0 - The Giants of 2020 (podcast featuring Kath Scanlon discussing housing and urbanisation)

5 March 2018

Seminar presentation: The future of social housing provider, Kath Scanlon | Lent Term Seminars series

2 March 2018

Seminar presentation: Planning for the economy – Lynne Miles, ARUP | Lent Term Seminars series 

21 February 2018

Video: LSE Festival: Beveridge 2.0 | Gearty Grillings | Christine Whitehead on squalor / housing

21 February 2018

Seminar presentation: Regeneration: community investment or social cleansing? – Emma Peters | Lent Term Seminars series

11 February 2018

Report launch: Migration out of London mainly impacts around the edge of the South East

4 February 2018

Seminar presentation: Strategic planning: what goes around comes around – Catriona Riddell | Lent Term Seminars series

30 January 2018

Seminar presentation: Property Guardianship – Mara Ferreri, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Lent Term Seminar

24 January 2018

Seminar presentation: Planning tools - Sara Dilmamode and Andrew Barry-Purssell | Lent Term Seminars series

18 January 2018

Announcement: Christine Whitehead is in a panel of experts that will conduct an independent review to tackle barriers to building

17 January 2018

Seminar presentation: London Plan Draft 2018 – Rachael Rooney | Lent Term Seminars series

11 January 2018

Report launch: A Sustainable Increase in London’s Housing Supply?


12 December 2017 

Report launch: Challenges for our home ownership safety net: UK and international perspectives

22 November 2017 

Report launch: Next steps for housing in London and the South East: affordability, meeting demand and the future for social housing

20 November 2017 

Report launch: East of England Migration Review: Understanding the Relationships between Migration, Employment and Housing

16 November 2017 

Report launch: A taxing question: is SDLT suffocating the English housing market? A report for Family Building Society 

15 November 2017

Report launch: The Future Social Housing Provider, report for Flagship Housing Association

7 November 2017

Debate: Housing: reform or revolution, a panel debate

27 July 2017

Site visit: Battersea Power Station: an aspirational enclave

14 June 2017

Report launch: Overseas investors and London’s housing market

31 May 2017 

Site visit: Apex Tower: modern prefab construction techniques delivering housing London needs

26 May 2017

Report launch: ‘Co-operate not speculate’ - London Co-operative Housing Group

21 May 2017

Seminar: The Policy Landscape and Housing Sector Trends, Christine Whitehead

18 May 2017

Seminar: Making Sense of the Economic Environment, Christine Whitehead

17 May 2017

Presentation: International Review of Planning Systems, Christine Whitehead

16 May 2017

Site visit: Reflections from an outsider – Older Women’s Cohousing (OWCH, Barnet, North London)

11 May 2017

Presentation: Social housing in England after the GFC: affordable vs ‘affordable’

11 May 2017

Announcement: LSE London welcomes Dr Pareja-Eastaway

20 January 2017

Report: Making the most of Build to Rent. Future of London.


9 December 2016 

Announcement: The Mayor of London has asked LSE London to investigate the impact of foreign investment on London’s housing market

9 December 2016

HEIF 5 Report: Towards a sustainable private rented sector: What can we learn from other countries?

6 December 2016 

HEIF 5 Report: Rising to the Challenge: London’s Housing Crisis

21 November 2016

Report: Social mobility in Great Britain: evidence on obstacles young people face

17 November 2016 

Report: GLA publishes LSE London research on housing density

1 November 2016

Report: Growing demand for renting across Europe: report on the private rented sector in Europe

10 October 2016

HEIF 5 Report: Market VS Planning: is Deregulation the answer?

16 September 2016 

Presentation: Christine Whitehead speaks at the Sir Frederic J. Osborn Memorial Lecture, 2016

11 September 2016 

Reception: RTPI awards Research Excellence Award to Christine Whitehead and colleagues for their book, Planning Gain: Providing Infrastructure and Affordable Housing

8 September 2016 

Blog: 'How to create London's new 'village' communities', Dave Hill reporting on our research on urban villages

5 August 2016 

Report: Alternative housing development in London: Findings and key action points

22 July 2016

HEIF 5 Blog: Urban villages: some observations from LSE London.

21 July 2016

Seminar: Alternative housing development in London: Practices and possibilities

14 July 2016

Short film festival: Visualising London's Housing Crisis: Problems and Solutions

6-8 July 2016

Conference: Prof Christine Whitehead was one of the Keynote Speakers at the 2016 AREUEA conference

5 July 2016

Conference: Prof Christine Whitehead provides an economic overview at The Residential Funding Conference

23 June 2016

HEIF 5 Final Conference: Opportunities to Accelerate Housing Production in London. Part of the HEIF 5 project Accelerating Housing Production in London.

21 June 2016

ESRC funded research seminar: Mainstreaming cohousing in urban development, barriers to knowledge transfer, part of our Collaborative Cohousing and Community Resilience project.

13 May 2016

HEIF 5 Seminar: Housing Strategies for the New Mayor. Part of the HEIF 5 project Accelerating Housing Production in London.

12 May 2016

Presentation: Kath Scanlon, 'Wohnen für alle?! Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Architektur, Planung und Politik' conference, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

10 May 2016

HEIF 5 Seminar: Housing strategies for the new mayor, seminar blog. Part of the HEIF 5 project Accelerating Housing Production in London.

10 May 2016

Report Launch: Taking stock: Understanding the effects of recent policy measures on the private rented sector and Buy-to-Let.

22 April 2016

Book Launch: Milestones in European Housing Finance, edited by Jens Lunde and Christine Whitehead.

14 April 2016

Presentation: Kath Scanlon, Providing cheap housing in expensive cities: 
is social housing the answer? ETH Forum Wohnungsbau 2016.

9 March 2016

Christine Whitehead   was one of the Commissioners on the London Housing Commission, part of the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), which produced a final report titled, Building a new deal for London.

24 February 2016

HEIF 5 Roundtable: Innovative construction methods. Part of the HEIF 5 project Accelerating Housing Production in London.

19 February 2016

Report: Christine Whitehead was on the advisory group of the report, 'Home Improvements', published by the New Centre for Social Justice (CSJ).

10 February 2016

HEIF 5 Roundtable: Housing zones as new housing acceleration tools. Part of the HEIF 5 project Accelerating Housing Production in London.

28 January 2016

HEIF 5 Mayoral Hustings Debate: Why I should be Mayor of London Tomorrow co-hosted with London Chamber of Commerce. Part of the HEIF 5 project Accelerating Housing Production in London.

20 January 2016

HEIF 5 Roundtable: Planning and the Role of SME Builders. Part of the HEIF 5 project Accelerating Housing Production in London.

January-March 2015

Lent Term Seminars 2016

  • Gavin Parker, University of Reading ‘Neighbourhood planning’
  • Sakiba Gurda, London Borough of Islington ‘London – a view from a borough’
  • Duncan Bowie, University of Westminster ‘Beyond the compact city: a review of the development options for London and the Southeast’
  • John Lett, GLA ‘Issues for the new mayor’
  • Denis Dillion, First Rung London ‘Tottenham after the riots’
  • Richard Lee, Just Space ‘Community visions for the next London Plan’
  • Jane Wills, QMUL ‘Localism in London’
  • Peter Rees, UCL ‘The death of the British planning system’


15 December 2015

Panel Presenter: Kath Scanlon, GLA Intelligence Seminar on house prices, House prices in London, London.

1 December 2015

Presentation: Kath Scanlon, Housing Select Committee of the London Borough of Lewisham about private renting in London and Germany, Lewisham, London.

30 November 2015

Keynote Address: Christine Whitehead, 'The future of the private rented sector', Report launch of Private Renters’ Rights: Safe and stable homes in Kensington and Chelsea. Melissa Fernàndez and Christine Whitehead worked in the advisory group. 

23 November 

HEIF 5 Roundtable. Setting the Priorities. Part of our HEIF5 Accelerating Housing Production in London. Part of the HEIF 5 project Accelerating Housing Production in London.

17 November 2015

Conference: LSE London co-hosted event with LSE British Government titled Immigration and Asylum In Britain and Europe discussing immigration and asylum policies in Britain in the context of Britain’s place in Europe.

12 November 2015

Presentation: Christine Whitehead, 'Is there a problem with the current housing market?Christine Whitehead, ESRC Festival of Social Science: Housing Event, Geffrye Museum of the Home.

11 November 2015

Presentation: Christine WhiteheadBarriers to Accelerating Delivery New Ideas for Housing: Tools for accelerating delivery, New Architecture London event.

30 October 2015

Presentations: Melissa Fernández & Sunil Kumar, DFID funded research, Urban-construction-migration nexus | 5 cities | South Asia

21 October 2015

Presentation: Christine Whitehead, 'Housing in London - the current state of play' for the Policy Forum for London.

13 October 2015

Presentation: Christine Whitehead presents at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research at Uppsala University in a talk titled 'The Role of Social Housing in Europe'.

13 October 2015

Presentation: Melissa Fernández gave a talk titled Unsettled resettlements: community, belonging and livelihood in Rio de Janeiro's Minha Casa Minha Vida at King's College London as part of the King's Brazil Institute Research Seminar Series.

12 October 2015

HEIF 5 Report Launch: Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis (See the Final Report & Executive Summary).

6 October 2015

Presentation: Christine Whitehead  gives a talk at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) titled, 'Housing Associations, capital markets and housing supply'. 

21-23 September 2015

Presentation: Christine Whitehead, ARC sponsored symposium titled 'Illuminating the black box of housing and health'; presentation titled Housing affordability and policy change: impacts on wellbeing in the UK, University of Adelaide.

17-18 September 2015

Presentation: Melissa Fernandez & Kath Scanlon, 'Putting the Social into Alternative Housing', marking the end of Dr Michaela Benson's ESRC project at the Geffrye Museum. 

11 August 2015

HEIF 5 Workshop: The role of Housing Associations in accelerating residential development in London. Part of the HEIF 5 project Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis.

22 July 2015

Panellist: Kath Scanlon, Westminster Social Policy Forum Keynote Seminar: The future for social housing and affordable rent.

27 June - 1 July, 2015 

Presentation: LSE London researchers spoke at the European Network of Housing Researchers (ENHR) Annual Conference in Lisbon.

17 June 2015 

HEIF 5 Post-Election Event and Expert Panel: Looking ahead - how should the new government address London's housing supply crisis? Part of the HEIF 5 project Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis.

11 June 2015

Presentation: Melissa Fernández was a keynote speaker at the Intentional Communities Symposium 2015 in Cardiff Metropolitan University.

14 May 2015

Presentation: Christine Whitehead, Future of London Seminar

29 April 2015

HEIF 5 Roundtable: The role local authorities can play in supporting and encouraging the development of alternative housing supply Part of the HEIF 5 project Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis

14 April 2015

Conference: Symposium with Politecnico di Milano and LSE RUPS

19 & 20 March 2015

Conference: ENHR Private Rented Markets Conference, 'Private Renting After the Crisis'

4 March 2015:

Housing: Key Challenges Facing the Parties. Part of the British Government @ LSE General Election 2015 Event Series

19 February 2015

The Future of London. Part of the British Government @ LSE General Election 2015 Event Series

19 February 2015

HEIF 5 Workshop: The Role of Foreign Money - is foreign money necessary for accelerating housing development in London? Part of the HEIF 5 project Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis

14 January 2015

HEIF 5 Workshop: Alternative Housing - Opportunities and challenges for the sector. Part of the HEIF 5 project Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis

9 January 2015:

HEIF 5 Site Visit - Get Living London and Stratford Halo. Part of the HEIF 5 project Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis

January-March 2015

Lent Term Seminars



10 December 2014

HIEF 5 Debate and Expert Panel: Accelerating residential development in London - what could 'change the game'? Part of the HEIF 5 project Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis

3 December 2014

HEIF 5 Workshop: Maintaining and increasing the supply of private rented housing in London. Part of the HEIF 5 project Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis

27 November 2014

Presentation: Planning and Housing - why the continuing tensions? A presentation by Christine Whitehead at the Bartlett School of Planning public lecture series

29 October 2014

HEIF 5 Workshop: Accelerating new housing production in London Part of the HEIF 5 project Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis

15 October 2014

Seminar: Progress and priorities for housing in the capital, presentation by Christine Whitehead at Policy Forum for London's Keynote Seminar

13 October 2014

Lecture: A new direction for London's housing, presentation by Christine Whitehead at GVA's London lecture series

25 September 2014

Seminar: LSE London hosts Brazil-EU dialogue seminar on low income housing finance. Part of the Brazil-EU Social Housing Sector Dialogue series 

17 September 2014

HEIF 5 Project Launch: Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis

15 September 2014

Roundtable: Christine Whitehead hosts roundtable on Private Finance for Social Housing

1-6 September 2014

Conference: Christine Whitehead and Melissa Fernandez of LSE London travelled to Brasilia and São Paulo. Part of the Brazil-EU Social Housing Sector Dialogue series

August 2014

Conference: Melissa Fernandez travelled to South Asia as part of the Urbanisation Migration Nexus Project, funded by DFID

27 August 2014

Conference: Kath Scanlon and Melissa Fernandez offer two sessions on co-housing at the Royal Geographical Society 2014 conference.

2 July 2014

Conference: 'The Economics of Cohousing' paper presented by Kath Scanlon and Melissa Fernandez
European Network of Housing Researchers (ENHR) 2014 Conference

27 June 2014

HEIF 5 Conference: 'Migration and the Transformation of London: an international perspective'. Final conference of the HIEF 5 project Migration and the Transformation of London

9 June 2014

HEIF 5 Seminar: Migration and Low Pay. Part of the HIEF 5 project Migration and the Transformation of London

30 June - 4 July 2014

Workshop: Tony Travers Co-Leads LSE Executive Summer School, London and Global Cities: Governance, Planning and Design

24 March 2014

HEIF 5 Conference: How is London being transformed by migration? Part of the HIEF 5 project Migration and the Transformation of London

10 February 2014

HEIF Seminar: Locating Urban Migration: from Census to Street by Dr Suzanne Hall. Part of the HIEF 5 project Migration and the Transformation of London

9 February 2014

Roundtable: LSE London organises roundtable to discuss Mayor's draft Housing Strategy. See Blog ; Press Release and Joint Challenge

24 January 2014

HEIF Roundtable: Migration and the transformation of London’s economy- issues and barriers. Part of the HIEF 5 Project Migration and the Transformation of London

January-March 2014

Lent Term Seminars

  • John Lett, Greater London Authority (GLA), 'The office and retail market in London: issues for the London Plan
  • Paul Cheshire, London School of Economics (LSE), 'Iconic Design’ as Deadweight Loss? Rent acquisition by design in the constrained London office market'
  • Ian Gordon, London School of Economics (LSE), 'Residential displacement and densification effects of international migrants 2001-2011'
  • Alex Fenton & Amanda Fitzgerald-Arque Leibniz, University Hannover & CASE, (LSE) Research Officer CASE/STICERD, (LSE), 'Growth and the spatial distribution of poverty in London 2001-2011'
  • Christine Whitehead & Kath Scanlon, LSE London, Building London’s Private rented sector
  • Duncan Bowie, University of Westminster, 'Alternative development options for London's growth'


6 December 2013

HEIF Seminar: New Migration Regimes and Higher Education. Part of the HIEF 5 project Migration and the Transformation of London

9 October 2013

HEIF Seminar: Feasible Approaches to Estimating the UK's Irregular Migrant Population in April 2011. Part of the HIEF 5 project Migration and the Transformation of London

11 April 2013:

Presentation: Kath Scanlon presented The Impact of skilled non-EU migration on the UK housing market at the NORFACE/CREAM Conference: Migration: Global Development, New Frontiers 

1 March 2013:

HEIF 5 Seminar: Migration and Higher Education. Part of the HIEF 5 project Migration and the Transformation of London

January-March 2013 

Lent Term Seminars 

  • Tony Travers, LSE London, 'The purpose and work of the London Finance Commission'
  • Richard Brown, London Legacy Development Corporation, 'The Olympic Legacy'
  • Alexander Jan, ARUP, 'Road pricing in England: has its time finally come'
  • Gerhard Weiss, London Cycling Campaign, 'London’s superhighways and the ‘Going Dutch’ Campaign'
  • Matthew Oakley, Head of Economics & Social Policy Exchange, 'Local pay and growth: the London perspective'
  • Jo Attwool, Policy Adviser Universities UK, 'London and UK trends in Higher Education'
  • Alan Evans, University of Reading, 'Planning and Fuel Use: A Highly Critical Survey'
  • Baljit Bains, GLA Economics, 'Update on the demography of London'
  • Chris Brown, Igloo Regeneration, 'Community-Led Physical Regeneration: Tottenham and beyond'
  • Michael Ward, Smith Institute, 'Localism in London' 


31 October 2012

Presentation: Tony Travers spoke on 'Devo max for London? Urban government and fiscal autonomy' as part of the British Government @ LSE public research seminar

5 October 2012:

HEIF Roundtable: Migration and the transformation of London' Roundtable Project Launch

Wednesday 27th June 2012

Debate: Ending the Housing Crisis: Should we ever build on the Green Belt? Part of the British Government @ LSE public research seminar

18 June 2012:

Roundtable: Kath Scanlon formed part of The Guardian's housing network expert panel discussion on  'How Should the Private Rented Sector be Regulated? London in the New Economic & Political environment   & The Revival of the Private Rented Sector

January-March 2012 

Lent Term Seminars

  • Philip Clifford, London Councils, 'The benefit cap in London - headaches on the horizon?'
  • Briget Rosewell, Volterra, 'Finance, the Future and London'
  • Henry Overman, LSE, 'What should urban policy do? Lessons for London'
  • Greg Clark, Global Advisor on City Development, 'London World City: 20 Years On'
  • Tony Travers, LSE, 'The Local Government Resource Review – Incentivising Growth'
  • Mark Bolstock, LSE 'London and the high speed rail debate: how do we get the Right Line?'
  • Tim Newborn, LSE, 'Reading the riots'
  • Max Nathan, LSE, SERC, 'Is cultural diversity good for London’s economy?'
  • Charles Roxburgh, LSE, 'The Economic Power of Cities: London in a Global Context'


7 December 2011

Presentations: New Briefing Paper Series, Autumn Edition launched

9 November 2011

David Kynaston Public Lecture: The City of London, chaired by Tony Travers

17 October 2011

LSE London submits response to DCLG'sDraft National Planning Policy Framework
Press Release: Academics find common ground on planning reform

11 October 2011

Presentation: A More Secure World – from neighbourhood to globe

5 October 2011

Seminar & Book Launch: Towards a Sustainable Private Rented Sector in the UK

28 September 2011

Roundtable: Draft National Planning Policy Framework

13 July 2011

Report Launch: Realising the benefits of planning-led investigation in the historic environment: a framework for delivery

11 & 12 July 2011

HEIF 4 Conference and Workshop: Bringing together ideas from across and beyond Europe

30 June 2011

HEIF 4 Seminar: The big (suburban) society - community, identity and amenity in outer London Co-hosted with Centre for London

27 June 2011

HEIF 4 Report Launch: Investing in London's Affordable Housing

2 June 2011

HEIF 4 Workshops: The Revival of Private Renting in the UK: Lessons from abroad

2011 Lent Term Seminar Series 

Annual series held from January - April

22 March 2011

HEIF 4 Seminar: Immigration and the London Economy

16 March 2011

HEIF Seminar: Poverty and Inequality in London: What Difference will the Coalition's Social Policies Make?

9 February 2011

LSE London responds to DCLG's Planning Framework
Press Release: Academics find common ground on planning reform

28 January 2011

HEIF 4 Seminar: Cooperative Manchester- Complex London? Evolving City Governance

20 January 2011

Lecture: How did London Get Away With It? The recession and the North-South Divide. Co-hosted by LSE Works: Spatial Economics Research Centre

January-March 2011

Lent Term Seminar

  • Ian Gordon, LSE, 'Who makes it up the London Escalator? Ambition, migration and advancement in a big city labour market'
  • Alex Fenton, University of Cambridge, 'The spatial implications of Housing Benefit reform in London'
  • Mark Kleinman, GLA, 'London’s Diverse Economy'
  • David Lunts, Homes & Communities Agency, 'Will we ever build again? Making sense of London's housing market after the crash'
  • Alex Plant, Cambridgeshire Horizons, 'Delivering growth in a world of austerity and localism'
  • Jeremy Skinner, GLA, 'Projects for economic growth: tax increments and other devolved sources of finance'
  • Alan Mace, LSE, 'Outer London: politics, policy & people'
  • Ros Dunn, Thames Gateway London Partnership, 'The Thames Gateway: still needed, but still a government priority?'
  • Kavita Datta, QMUL, 'The Thames Gateway: still needed, but still a government priority?'
  • Michele Dix, Transfer for London, 'The Need for New Airport Capacity for the South East'


November 2010

HEIF 4 Book Launch and Debate: Coping with Austerity: London after October 20th. Part of the HEIF 4 Project Development Workshops: London and the Financial Crisis

October 2010

HEIF 4 Seminar: London's Future: A Scenario Approach. Part of the HEIF 4 Project Development Workshops: London and the Financial Crisis

11 October 2010

New York - London Roundtable: Business Improvement Districts Dialogue

6 October 2010

New York - London Roundtable: Discussion with New York City Comptroller John Liu

2 July 2010

HEIF 4 Seminar: A Mayor and Assembly for London. Part of the HEIF 4 Project Development Workshops: London and the Financial Crisis

March 2010

HEIF 4 Seminar: Transforming London's Public Services with the Government Office for London. Part of the HEIF 4 Project Development Workshops: London and the Financial Crisis

February 2010

HEIF 4 Seminar: The Future of Social Housing in London. Part of the HEIF 4 Project Development Workshops: London and the Financial Crisis

January-March 2010

Lent Term Seminar

  • Bridget Rosewell, GLA, Volterra, 'Is London Broke and does it need fixing?'
  • Dick Sorabji, London Councils, 'Total Place- London's Public Spending'
  • Stephen Glaister, Imperial College, RAC, 'London and national transport policy in a low-carbon, lean public expenditure future'
  • Mark Boleat, City of London Policy and Resources Committee, 'The threat to the city from regulatory changes'
  • Ian Gordon, LSE, 'The puzzle of worklessness in London'
  • Andrew Barry-Purssell, GLA, 'Where are we on the London Plan?'
  • Roger Taylor, Host Boroughs Unit, 'Can the 'Olympic Legacy' really change communities?'
  • Peter Bishop, LDA Design for London, 'Using urban design strategies for regeneration in London'
  • Michele Dix, Transport for London, 'Dealing with London's Growth from a Transport Perspective'


9 December 2009

HEIF 4 Seminar: The Draft Replacement London Plan. Part of the HEIF 4 Project Development Workshops: London and the Financial Crisis

January-March 2009

Lent Term Seminars

  • Stephen Glaister, Imperial College, 'Roads as Utilities? The need for institutional reform'
  • Michael Edwards, The Bartlett School (UCL), 'London planning and the coming crisis'
  • Andrew Barry-Purssell, Head of London Plan (GLA), 'Current developments in the London Plan'
  • Jon Rouse, Croydon Council, 'Living on the edge: the changing face of the outer London boroughs'
  • Douglas McWilliams and Richard Snook, Centre for Economic and Business Research, 'The prospect for the London economy'
  • Mark Kleinman, London Councils, 'A City Charter for London'
  • Stephen Oakes, Director, London Region, Homes and Communities Agency, 'Affordable housing provision in the recession: the HCA's role' 

4 December 2008

Book Launch Seminar: Social Housing Futures: European Experience and Lessons for the UK

January-March 2008

Lent Term Seminars

  • Andy Deacon, GLA, 'Climate Change, Energy and Planning in London'
  • Mario Abela, London Skills and Employment Board, 'The Skills and Employment Challenge in London: What the Evidence Tells Us'
  • Saxon Brettell, City of London Corporation, 'Comparing convergent responses to growth and slump of US and EU metropolitan areas and assessing the implications of the new US slowdown'
  • Ricky Burdett, LSE, 'Can the Olympics deliver integration in East London'
  • Steve Wilcox, University of York, 'Buy to let and the reconfiguration of London's housing market'
  • Stephen Glaister, Imperial College, 'Can we fund Crossrail?'
  • Tony Travers, LSE, 'Governing London: the 2008 election and the Mayor's changing powers'
  • Jane Wills, Queen Mary, 'London's migrant division of labour'
  • Bridget Rosewell, GLA, 'Crossrail - Jobs, Housing and Funding'

January-March 2007

Lent Term Seminars 

  • Alan Benson, GLA, 'Housing in London - the Mayor's new role'
  • John Lett, GLA, 'The London Plan'
  • Tracy Kornblatt, IPPR, 'Seminar 2: London's Olympic Legacy'
  • Rebecca Tunstall, LSE, 'Twenty-five years on - eleven estates in London'
  • Alan Evans, University of Reading, 'The Best Laid Plans or Another Fine Mess?'
  • Michael Ward, KTDB, 'Prospects for the Thames Gateway'
  • Paul Cheshire, LSE, 'Office Space Supply Restrictions'
  • Henry Overman, LSE, The Barker, 'Eddington and Sub-National Reviews'
  •  Ian Gordon and Christine Whitehead, LSE, 'Some Impacts of Recent Immigration on the London Economy'

January-March 2006

Lent Term Seminars

  • Yvonne Rydin, 'Sustainable Construction'
  • Ken Jones, 'Regeneration in Barking and Dagenham, ensuring existing communities share the benefits'
  • Jim Bennett, 'Gateway People'
  • Ian Brown, 'Increasing London's Rail Capacity'
  • Nicholas Falk, 'Tomorrow's Suburbs, making London Suburbs more sustainable'
  • Mike Coombes, 'English cities and regions: the importance of migration in patterns of growth or decline'
  • Peter Hall, LSE, 'The land fetish, a suitable case for Dr Freud?'

January-March 2005

Lent Term Seminars

  • Martin Simmons, 'Effective Cross-Border Regional Planning? London and the Rest of the South East'
  • Liz Richardson and Christine Whitehead, 'Thames Gateway: Big numbers or big mistake?'
  • Duncan Melville, 'London and the UK Economy'
  • Stephen Glaister, 'Congestion Charging: Where next?' 

January-March 2004

Lent Term Seminars

  • Alan Freeman, 'Why are cities not states?'
  • Greg Clark, 'What do practitioners do with urban research?'

January-March 2003

Lent Term Seminars

  • Robin Thompson, GLA, 'An Overview of Challenges to the London Plan'
  • Tony Travers, LSE, 'The Plan's Investment Implications and their Realism'
  • Bridget Rosewell, GLA, 'The Plan's Employment Growth Assumptions and their Realism/Certainty'
  • Duncan Bowie, GLA, 'The Housing Challenge'
  • Robert Upton, RTPI, 'The Plan as an Example of Strategic Planning'
  • Robin Murray, Ecologika, LSE, 'Sustainable in the Plan'
  • John Hollis, GLA, 'The Plan's Population/Household Forecasts in the Light of the Census'
  • Peter Hall, Institute of Community Studies, 'Are the Transport and Spatial Development Plans Consistent and/or Realistic?'
  • Martin Simmons, Association of London Government, 'How will the Boroughs Respond? Michael Edwards, UCL, 'The Property Market and the Plan'

January-March 2002

Lent Term Seminars

  • Ian Gordon, LSE, 'London - Working Capital: Economic Competiveness and Social Cohesion'
  • Kath Scanlon & Karen West, LSE London, 'Strategy, Co-ordination, and the Spatial Development Strategy: The First Nine Months of the GLA'
  • Marian Fitzgerald, Mannheim Institute, 'Area, Deprivation, Crime and the Policing of Diverse Communities'
  • Christine Whitehead, LSE, 'Key Issues for Key Workers: Affordable Housing in London'
  • Mark Kleinman, University of Bristol, 'Steering, Rowing, Waving or Drowning: The New Governance of London'
  • Tony Travers, LSE, 'Getting Major Projects Done: The Case of Crossrail'
  • Janet Foster, LSE, 'Conciliation and Conflict: A Case Study of Urban Regeneration on the Isle of Dogs in London's Docklands'
  • Paul Cheshire, LSE, 'The Economics of Land Use Planning'
  • Anne West, LSE, 'Education Policy and London Schools'

February 2002


  • Ian Gordon, LSE, 'Introduction: What is Regional Competitiveness'
  • Paul Cheshire, LSE, 'The Functional Urban Regions: What and why?'
  • Dominique Lecomte, 'Economic Position of the Functional Urban Regions'
  • Jeremy Kelly, 'The Economic Performance of the Major European Metro Regions Improving their Competitiveness -Commercial Real Estate Development and the "City Offer"'
  • Vincent Gollain, 'Science and Technology in Europe'
  • Brendan William and Vincent Gollain, 'Economic performance of major European metropolises: The role of Clusters'
  • Wolfgang Knapp, 'Urban regional Guidance and Management Structures: a precondition for the competitiveness of metropolitan regions'