- Whitehead, C., and Goering, J. (2020), Local affordable housing dynamics in two global cities: patterns and possible lessons?, International Journal of Urban Sciences, pp.1-25.
- Crook, A.D.H. & Whitehead, C. (2019) Capturing development value, principles and practice: why is it so difficult? Town Planning Review, Vol. 90.4.
- Williams, P., Wilcox, S., and Whitehead, C. (2018). Reducing the risks of mortgage default and possession in the UK; an international perspective. Housing Finance International, The Quarterly Journal of the International Union for Housing Finance. Vol. XXXII No. 4.
Holman, N., Mossa, A., & Pani, E. (2018). Planning, value(s) and the market: An analytic for “What comes next?” Environment and Planning A. Vol. 50.4.
- Whitehead, C. & Williams, P. (2017). Changes in the regulation and control of mortgage markets and access to owner-occupation among younger households. OECD Social Employment and Migration Working Papers No. 196.
Fernández-Arrigoitia, M. and Scanlon, K. (2017). Of Flux or finality? On the process and dynamics of a co-housing group in formation. In: Self-Build Homes: Social Discourse, Experiences and Directions. Benson, M. and Hamiduddin, I. (Eds.) UCL Press.
Whitehead, C. (2017). Social Housing Models: Past and Future. Critical Housing Analysis (CHA). Vol 4:1, pp 11-20.
Poggio, T. & Whitehead, C. (Eds.) (2017). Social Housing after the Global Financial Crisis: New Trends across Europe. Critical Housing Analysis (CHA). Vol 4:1.
- Scanlon, K. (2017). Social Housing in England: Affordable vs ”Affordable”. In: Social Housing Models: Past and Future. Critical Housing Analysis (CHA). Vol 4:1.
- Whitehead, C. (2017) Breaking down the barriers to housing delivery? Journal of Planning and Environment Law, 13.
- Goering, J. and Whitehead, C. (2017) Fiscal austerity and rental housing policy in the US and UK, 2010-2016. Housing Policy Debate.
- Whitehead, C. (2017) Royaume-Uni: des succès pour la rénovation urbaine. Constructif. 46
- Baker, E., Beer, A., Lester, L., Pevalin, D. Whitehead, C. and Bently, R. Is housing a health insult? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(6).
- Whitehead, C. (2017) Social housing models: past and future. Critical Housing Analysis, 4(1).
- Fernández-Arrigoitia, M. and Scanlon, K. (2015). Co-designing senior co-housing. Urban Design Group Journal 136.
- Fernández, M., Scanlon, K., & Whitehead, C. (2015). Social Housing in Europe. European Policy Analysis.
- Crook, T., Bibby, P., Ferrari, E., Monk, S., Tang, C. and Whitehead, C. (2016) New housing association development and its potential to reduce concentrations of deprivation: an English case study. Urban Studies, 52(16).
- McDonald, N. & Whitehead, C. (Nov 2015) New estimates of housing requirements in England, 2012 to 2037. Town & Country Planning Tomorrow Series Paper 17.
- Williams, P. and Whitehead, C. (2015) Financing affordable housing in the UK: building on success? The Quarterly Journal of the International Union for Housing Finance.
- Scanlon, K. and Fernández Arrigoitia, M. (2015). Development of New Cohousing: lessons from a London scheme for the over-50s. Urban Research & Practice.
- Scanlon, K. (2014) Book Review: The Affordable Housing Reader, Edited by Rosie Tighe and Elizabeth Mueller.
- Travers, T. (2013) Thanks to immigrants we're the capital for marriage. Evening Standard. 24 September.
- Scanlon, K. & Whitehead, C. (2011) French social housing in an international context. OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 862. OECD Publishing.
- Whitehead, C.M.E. and Gaus, K: Policy: Dicussion Paper. At Any Cost? Access to housing in a changing financial marketplace. Supplementary Information. LSE London 2007.
- Discussion Papers series published between 1999-2002:
- Glaister, S., Scanlon, R., and Travers, T. (1999) The way out: an alternative approach to the future of the underground. LSE London. Discussion paper no. 1.
- Thornley, A. (1999) Urban planning and competitive advantage: London, Sydney and Singapore. LSE London. Discussion paper no. 2.
- Kleinman, M. (1999) A more normal housing market? The housing role of the London Dockyards Development Corporation 1981-1998. LSE London. Discussion paper no. 3.
- Travers, T., Whitehead, C., Holmans, and Gordon, I. (2000) Housing in London: future perspectives. LSE London. Discussion paper no. 4.
- Stockdate, J., Whitehead, C., Rennie, R. (2002) Policing and deprivation: a review of the evidence. LSE London. Discussion paper no. 5.
- Rydin, Y., Thornley, A., Scanlon, K., and West, K. (2002) The Greater London Authority: a clash of organizational cultures. LSE London. Discussion paper no. 6.
- West, K., Scanlon, K.,Thornley, A., and Rydin, Y. (2002) The Greater London Authority: problems of strategy coordination. LSE London. Discussion paper no. 7.
- Thornley, A., Rydin, Y., Scanlon, K., and West, K. (2002) The Greater London Authority: interest representation and teh strategic agenda. LSE London. Discussion paper no. 8.