About AFE
The Advances with Field Experiments (AFE) conference 2024 will take place at The London School of Economics and Political Science.
Recent years have seen an enormous increase and interest in academic research using experimental methods in the field to address questions across a broad range of topics in economics. Moreover, businesses and governments across many countries around the world are starting to appreciate the power that field experiments can have on the design of products, services, and policies.
The Advances with Field Experiments 2024 conference will gather a group of academics to present the best and most innovative new work using field experiments to address economic questions.
All types of field experiments, including natural, framed, and artefactual field experiments, are encouraged. In particular, we strongly encourage PhD students to participate.
General questions? Please contact conference administrator Jamie Temmer.
We look forward to seeing you in September!
Attending the workshop
Please sign up and submit your abstracts here. We strongly encourage PhD students and junior faculty to participate.
The deadline for submission is 1 April 2024. Authors will be notified of acceptance by May. We look forward to seeing you!
Keynote Speakers

Professor Athey, Economics of Technology Professor at Stanford GSB, holds a PhD from Stanford. She has served on the faculty at MIT, Stanford, and Harvard. She received the John Bates Clark Medal in 2007, is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and is the 2023 President of the American Economics Association.
Her research covers digitisation, marketplace design, causal machine learning, and the design of complex experiments. She is faculty director of the Golub Capital Social Impact Lab at Stanford GSB. In 2022, she became Chief Economist at the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division.
Keynote talk
Applying the Technology Toolkit for Social Impact

Oriana Bandiera is Professor of Economics and Sir Anthony Atkinson Chair in Economics at the Department of Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Oriana is also the State Research Programme Director for the IGC and Member of the IGC Steering Group Co-Director of the LSE-Gates Hub for Equal Representation.
Keynote talk
Meaning at Work

Noam Yuchtman is the Drummond Professor of Political Economy in the Department of Economics at the University of Oxford and All Souls College. In addition to his role at Oxford, Noam is a Managing Editor at the Review of Economic Studies. His research is focused on topics in the fields of political economy, economic history, and labour economics.
First, the importance of educational content and the structure of educational institutions in the production of human capital.Second, the political economy of legal institutions: particularly how they affect labour market outcomes and development, and how they are affected by political institutions in which they are embedded. Third, the study of social interactions that shape economic and political behaviour. Fourth, the drivers of political ideology and participation in political movements. Finally, the role of the state in promoting economic growth and innovation.
Keynote talk
Behavioural Political Economy: Studying Political Movements in Real Time
The full programme is available here.
Conference accommodation
Club Quarters Hotel Covent Garden Holborn, London
61 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JW
(+44) 020 7404 6640
The Goodenough
23 Mecklenburgh Square, London, WC1N 2AF
(+44) 020 7837 8831
Attendees are responsible for booking their own accommodation.
John List, Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, University of Chicago
Robert Metcalfe, Columbia University
Sefi Roth, London School of Economics and Political Science