
Our courses


Discover the courses available to students this academic year

GI402 Gender, Knowledge and Research Practice

This course introduces students to the central issues at stake in designing and carrying out gender research at graduate and postgraduate level and beyond.

GI403 Gender and Media Representation

This course aims to enable students to think critically about representations of gender in a range of different media.

GI409 Conceptual Foundations in Gender, Development and Globalisation

This course will provide students with a knowledge of two key interconnected and intersecting literatures: gender and development and gender and globalisation

GI410 Screening the 21st Century: Contemporary Cinema and Cultural Critique 

This course offers students the opportunity to critically explore contemporary international cinema as a site for the interrogation of contested contemporary social and political processes such as migration, globalisation and conflict. 

GI411 Gender, Post/coloniality, Development: Critical Perspectives and New Directions

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the growing body of scholarship that critically interrogates gender and developmentalism at various postcolonial sites.

GI413 Gender, Race and Militarisation

This course will provide students with an overview of militarisation and its gendered basis and effects.

GI414 Theorising Gender and Social Policy

This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and theoretical tools that will allow them to critically engage with social policy issues and debates

GI415 Gender and Welfare Regimes: Developments and Change

The course investigates the different ways in which gender is incorporated into national welfare states and the impact of national structures on the patterns and prevalence of gender inequalities.

GI417 Feminist Population Politics (Not running 2024-25)

Examining the complex inter-relationship between population issues and policy, students on this course will develop an appreciation of the potential contribution and impact that a feminist and gendered perspective has to offer. 

GI418 Feminist Economics and Policy: An Introduction 

As economic processes have a profound influence on social life, gender relations and gender equality, and vice versa, this course seeks to expose students interested in gender to the work of Feminist Economists.

GI420 Transnational Feminist Development Agendas

This course deals with theories relating to policy, politics and power in the field of gender and international development.

GI421 Sexuality, Gender and Culture

This course introduces students to historical and theoretical components of the field, and explores case studies of the development of sexual cultures, identities and social movements from the late 19th century to the present.

GI422 Transnational Sexual Politics

This course takes a case-study approach to questions of sexuality, gender and culture (in the first term) and to sexuality in the contexts of globalization (in the second).

GI424 Gender Theories: An Interdisciplinary Approach

The course aims to enable students to become familiar with the fullest range of gender theories with particular attention to the intersections of gender, sexuality and race.

GI425 Introduction to Gender, Peace and Security

This course provides a critical examination of peace and security issues affecting women in conflict and post-conflict contexts.

GI426 Gender and Human Rights

This course will provide the students with a transnational gender perspective on contemporary theories and practices of rights/human rights and humanitarianism.

GI427 Thematic Topics in Global Gender (In)Security

This course is for MSc Gender, Peace and Security students only. It will provide an in-depth examination of peace and security issues affecting women in a global world.

GI428 Bodies, Culture and Politics

The course will explore different constructions and understandings of gendered and sexualised bodies at the intersection between politics of resistance, arts, and cultural practices.

GI429 Archival Interventions: Feminist, Queer and Decolonial Approaches

This course will foreground an interdisciplinary approach to he archive that provides students with skills to approach archival work for their own research, and embed them in the critical work on archives that characterises much of the secondary and theoretical literature in the field.

GI431 Abolition and Anticarceral Feminisms 

This course centers around the critical feminist inquiry: are prisons obsolete? The class will focus on the history, growth, and current functioning of global systems of stratification, surveillance, and segregation/detention with the critical goal of questioning the future of such carceral structures.

GI499 Independent Research Project

Students on this course will be introduced to dissertation guidelines, common difficulties, ethical issues, basics in research practice, managing sources, and the process of research and writing.