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Student Voice and Community

Get involved! Find opportunities to support the Gender Department on this page

Student Voice

Student Academic Representatives

Student Academic Representatives are a crucial part of  LSE and LSE Students’ Union, and play an important role in the department. 

Each programme will elect a Student Academic Representative at the start of the academic year and this person will then go on to work with Catherine and their Programme Director to gather feedback from their peers, and report back at a termly SSLC (Student Staff Liaison Committee) Meeting. This feedback is an opportunity for the Student Academic Representative to share the views of their cohort and discuss issues that affect the student community as a whole. 

You can self-nominate as a Student Academic Representative in the first weeks of term. Students will receive more details by email in Week 1. Once you’re selected as a Student Academic Representative, you will attend a training session with the Students’ Union, to prepare you for the role. Whilst the role does have an associated workload, it is not onerous and won’t impact on your studies, and throughout the year, both the LSESU and department staff are here to support you with the role or any queries you may have. 

 More information on the role can be found in the Student Handbook

Student Ambassadors

Here to share their first-hand experience, our Student Ambassadors are current students that are volunteering to be contacted by anyone interested in studying at LSE Gender. You want to know more about course choices, teaching, research or life in London? Contact one of our ambassadors below and ask away! Meet our Student Ambassadors here.

Student Newsletter

On Fridays during term time, all students in the department receive a weekly newsletter. The newsletter keeps you informed about department news, events, resources and upcoming opportunities.  

We love highlighting the wonderful things our students get involved in! Please send your news and events to Catherine and Nele ( and we can share them in the newsletter and/or on our socials. 

Previous newsletters

Winter Term 2024-25

Autumn Term 2024-25


 Student Community

Enhance Series

Enhance is a series of events we run exclusively for LSE Gender students and alumni. These sessions aim to enhance your education and build on our LSE Gender community,  through targeted professional development, academic support and cohort socials.  

You can find our current Enhance schedule here.  



MSc common room 

Our MSc common room is on the 10th floor of Fawcett House and is a space for exclusive use by our Gender Studies MSc students to relax, read or meet up for group work. The common room is available from 8am-8pm.  

Department Open Space

You are welcome to use the open space in the Gender Department on the 10th floor of Fawcett House for quiet study only. Additional space is also available on 11th floor of Pankhurst House. 

Spilling the Equali-TEA podcast

Spilling the Equali-TEA is a podcast created by Gender students that promises hot takes on gender politics, feminism and equality. Spill the tea, smash the patriarchy! 

You can follow the podcast on @equalitea.pod and find all episodes here

Each podcast episode gives the views of the individual speaker(s), and not the position of the Department of Gender Studies, nor of LSE.

Feminist Movements Around The World

This student-led initiative aims to create a supportive space for students to share their experiences and build solidarity between transnational feminist and social movements. FMAW is an opportunity for students to exchange knowledge and practices through collective learning, and to forge a transnational community that may extend beyond your time as an LSE student. FMAW was started by Gender Studies alum, Milena D’Atri, who continues to lead and support this initiative.

Below, you can meet Asiyah and Hwayoon, your FMAW representatives. You can reach out to them with any questions. Look out for details of the next session in the LSE Gender student newsletter.


Hello everyone! My name is Asiyah Ball. I am a current postgraduate student in the MSc in Gender, Development, and Globalisation program. I am originally from the United States, specifically from Philadelphia. I am excited to be a representative for the Feminist Movements Around the World initiative. I ran for this position because I am interested in fostering community and creating a collaborative space where members of the Gender Studies department are able to bring together their ideas and perspectives, staying true to the horizontal and intersectional practices of this initiative.



I’m Hwayoon Lee from South Korea and doing MSc Gender, Media, and Culture. I’ve always sought opportunities to be involved in transnational feminist community and I’m glad to be a part of FMAW. I am looking forward to sharing Korea’s feminist history and ongoing issues and learning from movements worldwide in FMAW. I hope to contribute creating a safe and liberating community together where we can reflect what we learn on our lives, fill in the missing pieces in class and connect with each other with support.


The Engenderings Blog

The Engenderings blog is run by PhD students based at the LSE Department of Gender Studies, supported by a wider editorial collective. Engenderings is a blog about the role of gender in cultural, social and political life. It brings together a broad range of perspectives to engage with ideas about gender as it operates in local and global culture and society. Engenderings are open to contributions from MSc students, and you can find details here.


During the Covid-19 pandemic, a group of students at the department collaboratively put together a playlist inspired by key readings assigned in their course by Prof Sumi Madhok

You can listen to 'Sumi's Key Readings' here.


Volunteer with us

Social Media Officers

Our Social Media Officers help us maintain a fun and engaging social media presence, as well as covering our public events. We’re looking for account takeovers, live tweeting events, VLOGs, ‘A Day in the Life’ videos, maybe even an LSE Gender TikTok – and all your own ideas! If you are interested in working on our social media presence and creating content with Nele, please contact  

Events Staff

We are looking for students to lend a hand during our public events. This includes preparing event spaces, stewarding, checking tickets at the door and ensuring the general smooth running of our events. Events staff are guaranteed a seat at all events they work at. Please contact