Lizzie Hobbs

Lizzie Hobbs

Doctoral Researcher

Department of Gender Studies

Key Expertise
Abolition, carceral-borders, affect, anti/decoloniality

About me

Lizzie has recently submitted her thesis at the Department of Gender Studies at LSE. Her research focuses on questions of carcerality, borders and abolition in the (after)lives of austerity and the UK’s ‘Hostile Environment’. She specifically thinks through how race and coloniality construct - and are constructed by - discourses on migrant masculinities and the work these logics do to reaffirm racial bordering. This work focuses on the inseparability of discourses on masculinities, process of racialisation, criminalisation and carceral-borderwork. She thinks through the imbrication of discourse, affect and materiality.

Lizzie continues to work as an immigration caseworker in the migrant rights’ sector in East London and is part of several abolitionist organising spaces.