

Our seminar series 

Europe@LSE is a scholarly community of LSE staff and doctoral students, both from within the European Institute and wider School.

The seminar series intends to provide a forum for research on Europe - both on the European Union and beyond its borders, and in all disciplines. Papers are given by external speakers, by staff and by research students.

The LSE European Institute will be holding hybrid Europe@LSE seminars for 2024/25, convened by Dr. Miguel Pereira, Dr. Eva Połońska-Kimunguyi and Dr. Ben Braun.

Seminars take place on Tuesdays 12.15pm-1:30pm. Europe@LSE is a closed seminar series open to an academic audience. If you would like to attend, please contact us at by 11am on the day of seminar.

Upcoming Seminars 

Winter Term 

The (Un)heavenly Virtual Chorus: How InterestGroups in the European Union Utilise Twitter

Date: Tuesday 1 April 2025, 12:15 - 13:30
Speaker: Anne Rasmussen (KCL)

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Past Seminars

2024 - 2025

Autumn Term

Ambivalence and Complexity in Elite Perceptions of Public Opinion: Evidence from Criminal Justice Policy

Date: Tuesday 15 October 2024, 12:15 - 13:30
Speaker: Tom O'Grady (UCL)

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Solidarity as (Legal) Resistance: Contesting “Crimmigration”

Date: Tuesday 29 October 2024, 12:15 - 13:30
Speaker: Violeta Moreno-Lax (Queen Mary University of London)

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Information, Political Messaging and Climate Preferences

Date: Tuesday 12 November 2024, 12:15 - 13:30
Speaker: António Valentim (LSE European Institute)

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Geopolitical orientations in Ukraine and other countries in Russia's 'near abroad': Before and after the 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine

Date: Tuesday 26 November 2024, 12:15 - 13:30
Speaker: Kristin Bakke (UCL)

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Winter Term

Selection Bias in Citizens' Assemblies

Date: Tuesday 4 February 2025, 12:15 - 13:30
Speaker: Alexandra Cirone (LSE School of Public Policy)

Political parties’ ideological watchdogs: Do political parties’ policy disappointments radicalize youth wing members? 

Date: Tuesday 18 February 2025, 12:15 - 13:30
Speaker: Henrik Seeberg (Aarhus University)

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The Comparative Political Economy of the Green Transition: Economic Specializations and Skills Regimes

Date: Tuesday 4 March 2025, 12:15 - 13:30
Speaker: Donato Di Carlo (LSE European Institute)

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Our Money: Monetary Policy as if Democracy Matters

Date: Tuesday 18 March 2025, 12:15 - 13:30
Speaker: Leah Downey (University of Cambridge)


2023 - 2024

Autumn Term

The Knowledge Economy: A New Conceptualisation and Index for Comparative Research

Date: Tuesday 3 October 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: David Hope (KCL)
Discussant: Toon Van Overbeke (Maastricht University)

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A Man’s World? The Descriptive Representation of Women inside Europarties

Date: Tuesday 17 October 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Isabelle Hertner (KCL)
Discussant: Angelos Chryssogelos (London Metropolitan University)

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Crisis perceptions in international migration governance – a perpetual motive? A frame analysis of UNHCR discourse 1951-2022

Date: Tuesday 31 October 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Karin Vaagland (University of Geneva)
Discussant: Theresa Squatrito  (LSE International Relations)

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After Exit: Assessing the Consequences of United Nations Peacekeeping Withdrawal (co-hosted with EI's Beyond Eurocentrism programme)

Date: Tuesday 14 November 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: John Gledhill, Richard Caplan & Andrea Ruggeri (Oxford)
Discussant: Denisa Kostovicova (LSE European Institute)

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Why Parties Can Benefit From Promoting Occupational Diversity in Legislatures?

Date: Tuesday 28 November 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Miguel Pereira (LSE European institute)
Discussant: Raluca Pahontu (KCL)

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Winter Term

Language testing in European Migration: Mobility, Border-crossings, and Migration Infrastructures 

Date: Tuesday 23 January 2024, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Nina Carlsson (Uppsala University)
Discussant: Anne-Marie Fortier (Lancaster University)

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Participation, Gender, and Legitimacy in Party Leader Selection

Date: Tuesday 6 February 2024, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Zeynep Somer-Topcu (The University of Texas at Austin)
Discussant: Miguel Pereira (LSE European institute)

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The cross-pressured legislator: Trading off issue dimensions in EU immigration policy

Date: Tuesday 20 February 2024, 12:45-14:00
Speakers: Natascha Zaun (Leuphana University Lüneburg) &  Miriam Sorace (University of Kent)
Discussant: Sara Holbolt (LSE Department of Government)

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CIVICA Europe Revisited Seminar Series: Sticking Together, Catching Up, and Forging Ahead: The Political Economics of European Enlargements

Date: Tuesday 19 March 2024, 12:15-13:30
Speaker: Nauro F. Campos (UCL)
Discussant: Nicholas Barr (LSE European Institute)

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What Democracy Do Ethno-Populist Supporters Want?

Date: Tuesday 26 March 2024, 12:45-14:00 
Speaker: Tsveta Petrova (Columbia University)
Discussant: Julian Hoerner (University of Birmingham)

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Summer Term 

Explaining gendered political participation after victimisation in post-war Kosovo 

Date: Tuesday 30 April 2024, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Elodie Douarin (UCL)
Discussant: Denisa Kostovicova (LSE European Institute)

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2022 - 2023

Autumn Term

Are domestic war crimes trials biased?

Date: Tuesday 4 October 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Denisa Kostovicova & Lanabi La Lova (LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Devika Hovell (LSE Law School)

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The distributional effects of tax-and-transfer policies in 21st century Europe

Date: Tuesday 18 October 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Fabian Mushövel (EUI) & Mads Andreas Elkjær (University of Copenhagen)
Discussant: Jonathan Hopkin (LSE European Institute)

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Change everything so that nothing changes? Twenty years of political renewal in France

Date: Tuesday 8 November 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Rainbow Murray (Queen Mary University of London)
Discussant: Kiwi Ting (University of Reading)

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The Shadow of God: Kant, Hegel and the Passage from Heaven to History

Date: Tuesday 22 November 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Michael Rosen (Harvard University)
Discussant: Simon Glendinning  (LSE European Institute)

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Criminalizing the Sex Buying in the Name of Gender Equality: Sex Work, Migration and the Feminist Politics of Care

Date: Tuesday 6 December 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Niina Vuolajärvi (LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Isabel Shutes (LSE Department of Social Policy)

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Winter Term

Centrism from the French Revolution to Today 

Date: Tuesday 17 January 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Hugo Drochon (University of Nottingham)
Discussant: Paul Kelly (Department of Government, LSE)

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Pride amid Prejudice: The Influence of LGBT+ Rights Activism in a Socially Conservative Society

Date: Tuesday 31 January 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Phillip Ayoub (UCL)
Discussant: Milli Lake (Department of International Relations, LSE)

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Beyond mere rent payments? The Common Agricultural Policy as a facilitator of local cooperation

Date: Tuesday 14 February 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Kira Gartzou-Katsouyanni (Hellenic Observatory, LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Elizabeth Carter (University of New Hampshire)

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Nativist and Islamist Radicalism in Europe: Anger and Anxiety

Date: Tuesday 7 March 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Ayhan Kaya (Istanbul Bilgi University)
Discussant: Katerina Dalacoura (Department of International Relations, LSE)

Co-organised with LSE Contemporary Turkish Studies

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Migration Diplomacy as a Three-Level Game in Greek-Turkish Relations

Date: Tuesday 28 March 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Gerasimos Tsourapas (University of Glasgow)
Discussant: Matilde Rosina (University of East Anglia)

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Spring Term

Red lines versus Negotiables: How Exposure to Wartime Violence Influences Support for Peace Settlements in Ukraine

Date: Tuesday 2 May 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Tolga Sinmazdemir (SOAS)
Discussant: Denisa Kostovicova (LSE European Institute)

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The tools of external migration policy in Europe: The case of Italy in the broader Mediterranean

Date: Tuesday 30 May 2023, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Matilde Rosina (University of East Anglia)

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2021 - 2022

Autumn Term

Resemblance and Discrimination in Elections

Date: Tuesday 26 October 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Raluca L. Pahontu (LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Toni Rodon (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

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Financial nationalism and democracy: Evaluating financial nationalism in light of post-crisistheories of financial power in Hungary

Date: Tuesday 9 November 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Dóra Piroska (Central European University)
Discussant: Zbigniew Truchlewski (LSE European Institute)

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Money and Liberty in Ancient Greece

Date: Tuesday 23 November 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Stefan Collignon  (LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Sitta von Reden

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Negotiating with your mouth full: Intergovernmental negotiations between transparency and intimacy 

Date: Tuesday 30 November 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Mareike Kleine (LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Theresa Squatrito (LSE Department of International Relations)

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Referendum-endorsed challenges to international institutions: Consequences and responses

Date: Tuesday 7 December 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Stefanie Walter (University of Zurich)
Discussant: Sara Hobolt (LSE Department of Government)

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Winter Term

Under What Conditions Do Citizens Support Future-oriented Welfare Reforms? Public Opinion and Second Dimension Welfare Politics

Date: Tuesday 25 January 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Julian Garritzmann (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Discussant: Chris Anderson (LSE European Institute)

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Allowing mobility and preventing migration? The combination of entry and stay in immigration policies

Date: Tuesday 8 February 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Philipp Lutz (University of Geneva)
Discussant: Angelo Martelli (LSE European Institute)

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Signaling Virtue or Vulnerability? The Changing Impact of Exchange Rate Regimes on Government Bond Yields

Date: Friday 25 February 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Alison Johnston (Oregon State University)
Discussant: Paul De Grauwe (LSE European Institute)

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Economic Lawfare and the Rise of Negotiated Corporate Justice

Date: Tuesday 8 March 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Cornelia Woll (Sciences Po)
Discussant: Robert Basedow (LSE European Institute)

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A Christian Europe Redux

Date: Tuesday 22 March 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Fabio Wolkenstein (University of Vienna)
Discussant: Marta Lorimer (LSE European Institute)

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Spring Term

Eurocentrism and anti-Eurocentrism in Europe

Date: Tuesday 3 May 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Cristóbal Garibay-Petersen (LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Hjalte Lokdam (LSE Department of International Relations)

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Interorganizational Diffusion in International Relations: Regional Institutions and the Role of the European Union

Date: Tuesday 17 May 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Tobias Lenz (Leuphana University Lüneburg)
Discussant: Mareike Kleine (LSE European Institute)

Co-hosted with LSE Department of International Relations

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Dancing with the devil: the manufacturing of political cleavages in France

Date: Tuesday 31 May 2022, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Marta Lorimer (LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Hugo Drochon (University of Nottingham) 

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2020 - 2021

Autumn Term

The Southern European Way: Employers Against Labor Market Reform

Date: Tuesday 24 November 2020, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Jimena Valdez (LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Angelo Martelli (LSE European Institute)

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Varieties of Technopopulism

Date: Tuesday 13 October 2020, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Chris Bickerton (Cambridge University) 
Discussant: Jonathan White (LSE European Institute)

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The Future of EU Unemployment Insurance

Date: Tuesday 27 October 2020, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Andrea Sangiovanni (King's College London) 
Discussant: Waltraud Schelkle (LSE European Institute)

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Coronavirus & Care: How the Coronavirus Crisis Affected Fathers’ Involvement in Germany

Date: Tuesday 10 November 2020, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Michaela Kreyenfeld (Hertie School)
Discussant: Nicholas Barr (LSE European Institute)

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The Euro Area and the Covid-19 Crisis

Date: Tuesday 8 December 2020, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Poul Mathias Thomsen (LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Iain Begg (LSE European Institute)

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Winter Term

The Afterlife of Sacrifice in Turkey’s Kurdistan

Date: Tuesday 26 January 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Esin Duzel
Discussant: Denisa Kostovicova (LSE European Institute)

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Public opinion, ambitious foreign policy, and international embeddedness: the case of climate change

Date: Tuesday 23 February 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Federica Genovese (University of Essex) & Patrick Bayer (University of Strathclyde)
Discussant: Chris Anderson (LSE European Institute)

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Income stagnation and welfare state retrenchment

Date: Tuesday 9 March 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Tim Vlandas & David Weisstanner (University of Oxford)
Discussant: Raluca L. Pahontu (LSE European Institute)

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Is Europe Good for You? EU Spending and Well-being

Date: Tuesday 23 March 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Lisa Maria Dellmuth (Stockholm University)
Discussant: Iain Begg (LSE European Institute)

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Spring Term 2021

Cognitive dissonance on social media and in face-to-face interactions in relation to the legacy of war: factors of social change

Date: Tuesday 11 May 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speaker: Sanja Vico (LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Sandra Obradovic (The Open University)

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Re-politicising merger policy: regulating foreign takeovers in Britain and Italy

Date: Tuesday 25 May 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speakers: Bernardo Rangoni (LSE European Institute) & Mark Thatcher (Luiss University & visiting at LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Mareike Kleine (LSE European Institute)

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Climate change and the emergence of the monetary economy in 17th century England

Date: Tuesday 8 June 2021, 12:45-14:00
Speakers: Stefan Collignon (LSE European Institute)
Discussant: Waltraud Schelkle (LSE European Institute)

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2019 - 2020

Autumn Term

Social Investment, the New Beveridge? 

Date: Tuesday 19 November 2019, 12:45-14:00
Location: CBG 1.06
Speaker: Anton Hemerijck (European University Institute)  
Discussant: Bob Hancké (LSE European Institute)

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Rules and markets as disciplining mechanisms for fiscal policy

Date: Tuesday 12 November 2019, 12:45-14:00
Location: CBG 1.06
Speaker: Maximilian Freier (European Central Bank) 
Discussant: Paul De Grauwe (LSE European Institute)

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Media logic and voters’ news preferences in an international news environment: the case of the European Union

Date: Tuesday 22 October 2019, 12:45-14:00
Location: CBG 6.14
Speaker: Katjana Gattermann (University of Amsterdam)  
Discussant: Chris Anderson (LSE European Institute)

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Regional Justice for Regional Conflicts? Evidence from a deliberative process in the Balkans

Date: Tuesday 8 October 2019, 12:45-14:00
Location: NAB 1.07
Speaker: Denisa Kostovicova (LSE European Institute)  
Discussant: Spyros Economides (LSE European Institute)

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Winter Term

How the Public Responds to Media Representations of Bankers in the US and the UK - Postponed

Date: Tuesday, 31st March 2020, 12:45-14:00
Location: OLD 4.10
Speaker: Pepper Culpepper (Oxford University)
Discussant: Angelo Martelli (LSE European Institute)

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All Politics is Glocal! The politicisation of EU trade policy at the municipal level - Postponed

Date: Tuesday 24th March 2020, 12:45-14:00
Location: 32L.G.09
Speaker: Gabriel Siles Brügge (University of Warwick)
Discussant: Robert Basedow (LSE European Institute)

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The political consequences of labour market polarization - Postponed

Date: Tuesday 17th March 2020, 12:45-14:00
Location: OLD 4.10 
Speaker: Tim Vlandas (Oxford University):
Discussant: Jonathan Hopkin (LSE Government Department)

Britain and Europe: the crisis of krisis

Date: Tuesday 4th February 2020,12:45-14:00
Location: CBG 6.14
Speaker: Uta Staiger (University College London)
Discussant: Cristóbal Garibay-Petersen (LSE European Institute)

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Do domestic constituencies inform bargaining strategies at European Union level? 

Date: Tuesday 21st January 2020, 12:45-14:00
Location: CBG 2.04
Speaker: Stefanie Bailer and Silvana Tarlea (University of Basel)
Discussant: Waltraud Schelkle (LSE European Institute)

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2018 - 2019

Michealmas Term 

A new risk morphology for the Eurozone

Date: Tuesday 11 December, 12.45 - 14.00
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House
Speaker: Dr Marcello Minenna (Bocconi University)
Chair: Sebastian Diessner (LSE)

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Institutional Change in Transnational Multi stakeholder Governance: Conflict and Learning in the Open Government Partnership

Date: Tuesday 4 December, 12.45 - 14.00
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House
Speaker: Dr Dan Derliner (LSE)
Chair: Dr Rober Basedow (LSE)

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Becoming 'Romanian Roma' in an era of hostility

Date: Tuesday 20 November 12.30 - 14.00
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House
Speaker: Rachel Humphris (University of Birmingham) 
Chair: Katerina Glyniadaki (LSE)

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Sovereignty in the Name of Political Stability or Political Freedom? The Utopian Project of the EMU, Its Reform and Its Discontent

Date: Tuesday 13 November, 12.45 - 14.00   
Speakers: PAR LG.03, LSE   
Angelo Hjalte Lokdam (LSE) 
Location: Robert Basedow (LSE)

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Congruence in Free Trade Attitudes and the Politicization of European Integration

Date: Tuesday 16 October, 12.30 - 14.00
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House 
Speaker: Aleksandra Sojka (UC3M)
Chair: Robert Basedow (LSE)

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Changing Political Cleavages in Advanced Democracies: Evidence from the European Parliament

Date: Tuesday 30 October, 12.30 - 14.00
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House
Speaker: Simon Hix (LSE)
Chair: Sebastian Diessner (LSE)

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Winter Term 

The role of the European Union (EU) in the international trade and investment order

Date: Tuesday 19 March, 12.45 - 14.00
Location: COW.1.11, Cowdray House, LSE
Speaker: Prof Stephen Woolcock (LSE)
Chair: Dr Robert Basedow (LSE)

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More than disciplinary power: Governmental rationalities and instruments in the wake of the European financial crisis

Date: Tuesday 12 March, 12.45 - 14.00
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House, LSE
Speaker: Dr Jan Christoph Suntrup (University of Bonn)
Chair: Sebastian Diessner (LSE)

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Self-fulfilling Crises: Evidence from a Synthetic Eurozone (with Paul De Grauwe)

Date: Tuesday 26 February, 12.45 - 14.00
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House, LSE
Speaker: Orkun Saka (LSE)
Chair: Sebastian Diessner (LSE)

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Launch of new book on Brexit - “Exodus, Reckoning, Sacrifice: Three Meanings of Brexit”

Date: Tuesday 12 February, 12.45 - 14.00
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House, LSE
Speaker: Professor Kalypso Nicolaïdis (Oxford)
Chair: Katerina Glyniadaki (LSE)

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Inclusive innovation in advanced economies: policymakers' production-centric conceptualization and gender-focused strategies

Date: Tuesday 29 January, 12.45 - 14.00
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House, LSE
Speaker: Dr Robyn Klingler-Vidra (KCL)
Chair: Dr Robert Basedow (LSE)

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Constructing policy agendas? The role of the ‘problem entrepreneur’ as agent of change

Date: Tuesday 15 January, 12.45 - 14.00 
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House, LSE
Speaker: Dr Marina Cino-Pagliarello (LSE)
Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone (LSE)

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Self-fulfilling Crises: Evidence from a Synthetic Eurozone (with Paul De Grauwe)

Date: Tuesday 30 April, 12.45 - 14.00
: COW.1.11, Cowdray House, LSE
: Professor Paul De Grauwe (LSE)
: Dr Orkun Saka (LSE)

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2017 - 2018

Winter Term 2018

Spatial Misallocation: the Crux of China’s Economic Slowdown

Date: Wednesday 23 May, 12.30 - 14.00 
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House 
Speaker: Professor Ming Lu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University  

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The Transition to the Knowledge Economy, Labour Market Institutions, and Income Inequality in Advanced Democracies

Date: Tuesday 24 April, 12.30 - 14.00
Speakers: David Hope, Kings College London
Angelo Martelli, LSE 
Location: COW 1.11, Cowdray House 

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The Governance of European Public Goods: Towards a Republican Paradigm of European Integration

Date: Tuesday 27 February, 12.30 - 14.00
Speakers: Stefan Collignon, Sebastian Diessner & Robert Berith

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Political Lending Cycles and Real Outcomes: Evidence from Turkey

Date: Tuesday 16 Janaury     
Speaker: Orkun Saka, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, European Institute, LSE 

We use data on the universe of credit extended over a 14-year period in Turkey to document a strong political lending cycle. State-owned banks systematically adjust their provincial lending around local elections compared with private banks in the same province. There is considerable tactical redistribution: state-owned banks increase loans in politically competitive provinces with a current mayor aligned with the ruling party but reduce it in similar provinces with a current mayor from opposition. This effect only exists in corporate lending as opposed to consumer loans, suggesting that tactical redistribution targets job creation to increase electoral success. Such political lending seems to influence real outcomes as the credit-constrained opposition areas suffer a drop in economic output as measured by local construction activity. 

Orkun is a financial economist by training and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the European Institute. His research revolves around financial crises and political economy of finance. He holds a PhD in Finance from Cass Business School, City, University of London and an MSc (Finance) from LSE. During PhD studies, he also worked as a research consultant at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and was a visiting researcher at the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT).

Escaping Populism – Safeguarding Minority rights: non-majoritarian dynamics in European policy-making

Date: Tuesday 23 January (week 3)
Speaker: Natascha Zaun, Assistant Professor of Migration Studies, European Institute, LSE

Natascha Zaun holds a PhD in Political Science from the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (University of Bremen, Germany). Before coming to the LSE, Natascha was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford working in a project on the reform of the global refugee regime. Her research focuses on European refugee and migration policies and politics and the role of regulatory expertise in EU decision-making.

Autumn Term 2017

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Ulrika CarlssonThe Perennial Thirty Years’ War

Ulrika Carlsson argues that conflict that arose in Europe as a result of the Reformation and culminated in the Thirty Years’ War persists to this day, as the two spirits corresponding respectively to Protestantism and Catholicism continue to divide us. Analyzing phenomena such as the Pepsi Challenge and the French resistance to headscarves, she argues that this culture war is a war between an aesthetic and a moralistic worldview. Ulrika defends one of these as life-affirming and condemns the other as life-denying.  

Ulrika Carlsson received her PhD from Yale in 2013 on a dissertation titled ‘Kierkegaard and Philosophical Eros’. She continues to draw on 19th Century philosophy in her current work, which concerns non-moral spheres of value and the way they clash with morality. Her paper ‘Tragedy and Resentment’ (forthcoming in Mind), explores a type of suffering persons cause each other without thereby being morally blameworthy, the paradigmatic example being unrequited love. Since 2016 she is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Moscow’s National Research University Higher School of Economics. 

Tuesday 24 October 

James ScottBrexit, the City and the Contingent Power of Finance

Brexit poses a profound challenge to the economic fortunes of the City of London because it threatens to sever its access to the EU single market. Recognising this, the UK financial sector campaigned for a Remain vote in the June 2016 EU referendum, and has subsequently lobbied for a ‘soft’ Brexit policy in order to preserve lucrative passporting rights. Despite this, the government led by Theresa May has pursued a ‘hard’ Brexit policy which will leave the UK outside the single market. How can we explain the City’s apparent failure to influence the UK’s Brexit policy? We argue that while the UK financial sector continues to wield formidable latent structural power, its capacity to translate this into instrumental influence in the policy process is constrained by three factors: the political statecraft of Brexit, leading the government to downgrade the concerns of the financial industry; the reconfiguration of institutional structures, which has undermined the City’s voice within government; and constraints on business organisation, caused by collective action problems and heterogeneous preferences. We argue that these three factors constitute important scope conditions which highlight the contingent power of finance in liberal market economies.

Dr Scott James is a Senior Lecturer in Political Economy in the Department of Political Economy, King's College London. During 2017 he held a visiting position at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. From 2012-2014, Dr James was Principal Investigator on the ESRC 'Voices in the City' Project, and is now part of the UK research team for the Horizon 2020 Project 'EMU Choices: The Choice for Europe since Maastricht'. His work has been published in the European Journal of Political Research, Journal of European Public Policy, New Political Economy, Public Administration, and Political Studies.

Tuesday 7 November 

Turkuler Isiksel, James P. Shenton Assistant Professor of the Core Curriculum at Columbia Universtiy 

Constitutionalism has become a byword for legitimate government, but is it fated to lose its relevance as constitutional states relinquish power to international institutions? In her new book, Turkuler Isiksel evaluates the extent to which constitutionalism, as an empirical idea and normative ideal, can be adapted to institutions beyond the state by surveying the sophisticated legal and political system of the European Union. Having originated in a series of agreements between states, the EU has acquired important constitutional features like judicial review, protections for individual rights, and a hierarchy of norms. Nonetheless, it confounds traditional models of constitutional rule to the extent that its claim to authority rests on the promise of economic prosperity and technocratic competence rather than on the democratic will of citizens. Critically appraising the European Union and its legal system, Isiksel develops the concept of 'functional constitutionalism' to describe this distinctive configuration of public power. 

Turkuler Isiksel is the James P. Shenton Assistant Professor of the Core Curriculum at Columbia University and teaches in the Department of Political Science. Her research interests include the law and politics of international economic institutions, including the European Union, Enlightenment political philosophy, theories of corporate personhood, sovereignty, citizenship, and cosmopolitanism. Her research has appeared in Human Rights Quarterly, the European Journal of International Law, International Journal of Constitutional Law (I*CON), Global Constitutionalism, the European Law Journal, and Constellations. Isiksel has served as a Jean Monnet postdoctoral fellowship at the European University Institute (2010-2011), a LAPA/Perkins Fellowship at Princeton University's Law and Public Affairs Program (2014-2015), an Emile Noël Fellowship at NYU Law School (Fall 2015), and a visiting research fellowship at the Justitia Amplificata Centre at Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt-am-Main (Summer 2015). She holds a PhD in political science from Yale University.

Tuesday 5 December 

Professor Eleni Dendrinou-Louri: "Non-performing loans in the euro-area: Fragmentation and concentration issues in banking markets".

Non-performing loans (NPL's) are the most important problem for the profitability and even the solvency of European banks today. The objective of this study is first to examine the causes of NPLs in the Euro area for the period 2003Q1-2016Q1 and second to investigate if there is fragmentation between core and periphery banking markets. By employing appropriate econometric techniques we estimate the effects of bank-specific and macroeconomic factors on NPLs. We find that NPLs in the Euro area have performed an upward (but much higher in the periphery) shift after 2008 and are mostly related to worsening macroeconomic conditions. A chi-square test comparing the estimated coefficients for the core and periphery NPLs rejects the hypothesis of equality revealing another aspect of banking fragmentation in the Euro-area.  Such findings can be helpful when designing macro-prudential as well as NPL resolution policies but mostly when designing the European Banking Union. 

Helen Louri was born in Athens. She studied at the Athens University of Economics and Business, (B.Sc Econ), London School of Economics (M.Sc. Econ) and University of Oxford (D.Phil. Econ).   She is professor at the Department of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business and has been the chair of the Department since November 2015. Her research interests are in the areas of Industrial Organization, Foreign Direct Investment and Finance.  She was deputy governor of the Bank of Greece (2008-2014) responsible for monetary policy, bank resolution, the national mint and cash management. She was also president of the Hellenic Deposit Guarantee Fund and served as member of the International Relations Committee of the ECB.   Currently she is a board member of IOBE and ELIAMEP and chairs the Bank of Greece Cultural Centre Advisory Committee. She is also an alternate member of the Appeal Panel of the Single Resolution Board of European banks in Brussel

2016 - 2017

Winter Term

31 January 2017

Clemens Kaupa

European economic law, neoliberal hegemony, the legal method and the role of critical legal scholarship

European economic law, neoliberal hegemony, the legal method and the role of critical legal scholarship (or: If the European Treaties unambiguously and systematically prescribed policies which area liable to threaten liberal democracy, why should I feel bound by them?) Last year I published a book titled The Pluralist Character of the European Economic Constitution. Put in negative terms, its main claim is that the Treaties do not require European policies to follow any specific socio-economic paradigm. This implies, put in positive terms, that (European and national) legislators, administrators and judges frequently have the option to pursue a broad spectrum of socio-economic policies; the currently observable neoliberal bias of the Union therefore constitutes a political choice, and not a legal requirement.

The book’s claim is based on a historical, functional/teleological and textual interpretation of the Treaties; the claim as to the Treaties’ pluralist character is developed in two historical chapters (on the Treaty of Rome and the “1992” project), an economic chapter (showing that different, conflicting economic views exist on how to achieve the Union’s regulatory objectives) and two doctrinal studies (on internal market law as well as on the SGP and the post-crisis reforms). In this talk, I want to look at the methodical dimension of the claim and discuss its political implications, as well as the role of critical legal scholarship. Finally, it will be argued that the “pluralism” claim can be developed in other areas of economic law as well, which will be illustrated by reference to climate change.

Clemens Kaupa studied history and law at the University of Vienna and at Harvard Law School. Since 2013 he is assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He published two books: the textbook EU Internal Market Law (with Friedl Weiss, CUP 2014) and the monograph The Pluralist Character of the European Economic Constitution (Hart 2016).

7 February 2017

Urška Šadl 

The central claim of the article is that the Court of Justice changes European law by observing the rules of principled incrementalism: it minimizes political conflict and maximizes legal coherence. Namely, the Court can establish a new legal principle, which alters legal reality (sets a strong precedent) but impose a remedy that requires little practical adaptation and thereby minimizes potential conflict. Or, it can pair a remedy that effectively disturbs the social reality while seemingly sticking to the established principles, familiar rhetoric and existing precedents. To test these claims empirically the paper traces the evolution and mutual interaction of linguistic routines, argumentation patterns, and remedies in fifty landmark cases over fifty years. It argues that principled incrementalism enables the Court to strike a workable balance between the demands of the individual case and the demands of the whole body of law, in particular legal coherence and consistency, and preserve its authority to interpret the law over time. The theory explains how the Court, albeit at times lacking popularity and approval, continues to retain sizeable political power and judicial authority.   

Urška Šadl comes from Slovenia, and holds a BA degree in law from the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, a LLM degree in European legal studies from the College of Europe, Bruges, and a PhD in law from the Faculty of Law in Copenhagen. She is currently a professor of law at the European University Institute in Florence, and a Global research fellow at iCourts centre of excellence in Copenhagen. Her research examines various tools and techniques that enable courts to make and change law via case-law and maintain their interpretive authority in the long run. Her main focus is the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

21 February 2017

Joan Costa-Font, Brexit means: ‘Hectic’? Uncertainty in Post-Brexit National Health Service

Can Brexit influence policies in health care where European Union (EU) intervention has been traditionally limited?  This article argues – consistently with the ‘Brexit means Hectic’ hypothesis - that Brexit will bring uncertainty to the continuation of the post-Brexit National Health Service as we have known it, increase health care costs, and especially the transaction costs to attract new health technology and high quality staff. The health care systems in the UK will have to adopt tighter budgets on both medical research and health services. This paper discusses on the impact on human resources, both on health and social care workers, as well as those working on Medical research. Such effects in addition to higher costs of Medicines procurement are expected to increase health care expenditures to the point that the National Health Service (NHS) will require some major reforms defying the traditional ‘NHS ring fencing’. Part of the latter, depends on the slowdown of the economy, and the fact that Britain is highly dependent on the medical innovation which is funded by large European funds.

Joan Costa-Font works at LSE as an Associate Professor of (‘Reader’ in) Political Economy, in the Departments of Social Policy and the European Institute. Joan is a CESifo network research fellow, and has been Harkness fellow at Harvard University and visiting fellow at UCL Economics department, Boston College (CRR), Oxford University (IA) and the University of Munich (CES).

7 March 2017

Vassilis Monastiriotis: Revisiting the ‘working of conditionality’: an economic model and a policy interpretation

The literature on EU conditionality has travelled a long way since the early contributions in the late 1990s / early 2000s. Starting from ideas about the ‘transformative power’ of EU conditionality, the literature has moved on to identify a range of facilitating/blocking factors that condition the effectiveness of conditionality and the successful implementation of domestic reforms under the EU leverage. This includes both standard supply-side ‘problems of conditionality’ (moving target; differentiation; problems of consistency, clarity, coherence, commitment and credibility) and wider issues concerning policy mis-fit, adjustment costs, domestic capacities/support, etc. In part owing to the disciplinary origins of this literature, almost invariably conditionality has been farmed in this literature under one (or both) of the following processes: coercion (enforcement, incentives, rewards) and socialisation (learning, lesson-drawing, Europeanisation). This paper argues that, despite its important analytical and policy insights, the literature on EU conditionality has been in some respects limiting, because by focusing on the ‘supply’ of conditionality and the processes of coercion and socialisation it has paid less attention on seeking to understand the ‘technology’ underpinning processes of ‘transformation by means of conditionality’. This is because the literature has lacked a particular focus on two categories which are central in ‘economics’ analyses, namely preferences and technology (production possibilities). To demonstrate this – and, hopefully, to take the debate forward – this paper proceeds in two ways. First, it develops a simple (and, at this stage, diagrammatic) economic model of reforms in the presence of an external leverage, which incorporates explicitly the preferences of policy-makers and the available technologies of reform. The model demonstrates how a sub-optimal equilibrium can emerge endogenously, owing to a double commitment deficit, with the countries under conditionality experiencing a credibility gap by the EU and the EU observing an implementation gap in the countries under conditionality. Second, the paper moves on to examine how the insights of the model relate to policy considerations and developments more recently, across four areas where EU conditionality is applied: the EU’s external relations (ENP), the EU’s pre-accession process (SAA), the EU’s internal conditionality (CVM, Greece, Hungary) and the EU’s funding conditionality (Cohesion Policy).

Vassilis Monastiriotis 

Vassilis Monastiriotis is an economist and economic geographer by training. He holds a PhD in Economic Geography (2002, London School of Economics, UK) an MSc in Economics (1996, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece) and a BSc in Economics (1994, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece). Before joining the European Institute in 2004 he was Lecturer in the Department of Economics at Royal Holloway, University of London. He has previously worked as Research Fellow at the London School of Economics and the University of Reading and as a Course Lecturer in the Department of Geography at LSE.

23 March 2017

Helen Thompson: Contingency and inevitability: the political economy of Brexit

Placing Britain’s vote on 23 June 2016 to leave the European Union in historical time raises an immediate analytical problem. What was clearly the result of a number of contingencies, starting with the 2015 general election where we can see how events could readily have turned out otherwise and was a shock to the British government that had not prepared for this outcome might also represent the inevitable end of Britain’s membership of the EU seen from the distant future. This paper seeks to take both temporal perspectives seriously. It aims to provide an explanation of the vote for Brexit that recognises the referendum result as politically contingent and also argue that the political economy of Britain generated by Britain’s position as non-euro member of the EU whilst possessing the offshore financial centre of the euro zone and Britain’s eschewal in 2004 of transition arrangements on freedom of movement for A8 accession states made Brexit an eventual inevitability, saving a prior collapse of the euro zone.

Helen Thompson 

Helen Thompson is Professor of Political Economy at the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University. She has published articles on the economic and political fallout of the 2008 financial crash and the euro zone crisis in New Political Economy and the British Journal of Politics and International Relations. Her most recent book, Oil and the western economic crisis, will be published by Palgrave later this year.

Autumn Term

4th October 2016 (week 2)
Speaker: Abby Innes, Assistant Professor of Political Economy, European Institute, LSE
Title: The Hybrid State in Advanced Capitalism: Making the Case for a New Research Agenda

18th October 2016 (week 4)
Speaker: Helder De Schutter, Associate Professor of Social and Political Philosophy, KU Leuven 
Title: Cosmopolitan ownership of English

25th October 2016 (week 5)
Speaker: Orkun Saka, Senior PhD candidate in finance, Cass Business School, City University London
Title: Domestic banks as lightning rods? Home bias during Eurozone crisis

8th November 2016 (week 7)
Speaker: Christoph Mollers, Professor of Public Law and Jurisprudence, Faculty of Law, Humboldt University, Berlin 
Title: The Court v the Bank: A retrospective view of the German ECB case 

22 November 2016 (week 9)
Speaker: Bojan Bugaric, Visiting Researcher, Centre for European Studies, Harvard University and Professor of Law at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Title: Post-Communist Europe, Neo-liberalism and Authoritarian Populism 

29th November 2016 (week 10)
Speaker: Christopher Wratil, PhD student, European Institute, LSE 
Title: TBC

6th December 2016 (week 11)
Speaker: Gabriel Siles-Brugge, Associate Professor in the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick 
Title: Taking back control?  The discursive constraint on post-Brexit British trade policy 

2015 - 2016

Winter Term

Tuesday 19 January 2016
Waltraud Schelklse (London School of Economics)

Tuesday 26 January 2016 
Klaus Armingeon & Anna Fill (Universität Bern)

Tuesday 9 February 2016
Anna Kyriazi (European University Institute)

Tuesday 23 February 2016
Fabio Wolkenstein (London School of Economics)

Tuesday 8 March 2016
Anna Burger (Central European University) 

Tuesday 15 March 2016
Bela Greskovits (Central European University)

Autumn Term

Tuesday 13 October 2015
Sergio Fabrini
Book Launch: Which European Union? Europe after the Euro crisis (CUP 2015), with comments by Mark Thatcher

Tuesday 20 October 2015
Angelo Martelli
What matters for an (un)successful adjustment process: the case of Italy (Joint work with Alessandro Giovanni)  

Tuesday 27 October 2015
Cigdem Borke Tunali
Labor Market effects of EU immigration to the UK 

Tuesday 17 November (week 8) 
Marco Dani
The subjectification of the citizen in European Public Law

Tuesday 1 December (week 10) 
Marina Cino-Pagliarello
(Re) Framing European Education Policy 

Tuesday 8 December (week 11) 
Christopher Wratil
The Opinion-policy link in the European Union 

2014 - 2015

Winter Term 

Tuesday 27th January 2015, 12.30 - 14.00
Canada Blanch Room (COW1.11), First Floor, Cowdray House, LSE
Opting Out of the European Union
Rebecca Adler-Nissen, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

Tuesday 10th February 2015, 12.30 - 14.00
Canada Blanch Room (COW1.11), First Floor, Cowdray House, LSE
The Struggle for EU Legitimacy: Public Contestation, 1950 - 2005
Claudia Schrag Sternberg, Career Development (Early Career) Fellow in Politics at St Hugh's College and the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford.

Autumn Term 

Tuesday 4th November 2014, 12.30 - 14.00
Canada Blanch Room (COW 1.11), First Floor, Cowdray House, LSE
'The Crisis of the Crisis of Capitalism'
Dr Albena Azmanova, Reader in Political and Social Thought at the University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies.

Tuesday 11th November 2014, 12.30 - 14.00
Canada Blanch Room (COW 1.11), First Floor, Cowdray House, LSE
'Communism, Federalism and Ethnic Minorities: Explaining Party Competition Patterns in Eastern Europe'
Dr. Jan Rovny, Assistant Professor at the Centre d'etudes europeennes and LIEPP, Sciences Po, Paris.

Tuesday 9th December 2014, 12.30 - 14.00
Canada Blanch Room (COW 1.11), First Floor, Cowdray House, LSE
'Can the EU Survive Without a Counter-Cyclical Policy Framework?'
Fabrizio Saccomanni, Visiting Professor in Practice, European Institute, LSE, and former Minister of Economy and Finance of Italy.

2013 - 2014 

Winter Term 

Thursday 13 March, 12.30-14.00, 32L.B.01
Arthur Dyevre (University of Leuven)
The German Federal Constitutional Court and European Judicial Politics (title tbc)

Thursday 6 March, 12.30-14.00, 32L.B.07
Madalina Busuioc (LSE, CARR & Department of Government) 
'Friend or Foe? Inter-agency Co-operation, Organisational Reputation, and Turf'

Thursday 30 January, 12.30-14.00, 32L.B.11
David Woodruff (LSE, Department of Government)
A Polanyian view of the Eurozone Crisis: Advantages and Limits

Autumn Term

Thursday 05 December, 12.30-14.00, CLM.7.03
Claudio Radaelli (University of Exeter)
The cost of controlling bureaucracy: Policy instruments, trade-offs and cross-country patterns in Europe

Thursday 07 November, 12.30-14.00, CLM.7.03
Maja Rasmussen (LSE, Department of Government)
Business influence in the European Parliament - Who tips the scales?

Thursday 24 October, 12.30-14.00, CLM.7.03
Mareike Kleine (LSE, European Institute)
Informal Governance: a new research agenda in EU studies

Thursday 17 October, 12.30-14.00, 32L.LG.06
Herman Schwartz (University of Virginia)
Babies, Bonds, and Buildings: Policy Implications of the Links among Fertility Rates, Pensions, and Housing Finance Systems.

2012 - 2013

Winter Term 2013

Thursday 24th January 2013, Room KSW2.13, 12.30 - 14.00
Professor Sandra Lavenex (University of Lucerne):
'Functionalist Power EU'

Thursday 7th February 2013, Room NAB1.19, 12.30 - 14.00
Petr Blizkovsky (Director Economic and Regional Affairs, General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union)
'EU Financial Diplomacy'

Thursday 7th March 2013, Room NAB1.19, 12.30 - 14.00
Dr Claire Marzo (Universite Paris Est, LSE):
'EU and surrogacy: a way forward?'

Autumn Term 

Thursday 1st November 2012, Room TW1.1.03, 12.30 - 14.00
Dr. Alex Herzog (LSE)
'Intra-Party Conflict over Fiscal Austerity Measures' 

Thursday 8th November 2012, Room OLD 2.2, 12.30 - 14.00
Professor Donna Lee (University of Birmingham)
'EU - Sub-Saharan African Economic Policy Agreements' (tbc)

Thursday 29th November 2012, Room TW2 1.03, 12.30 - 14.00
Dr. Christopher Bickerton (SciencesPo)
European Integration: From National State to Member State

2011 - 2012

Spring Term

Thursday 17 May, COW1.11, 12.30 - 14.00
Christine Reh (UCL)
'The Informal Politics of Co-Decision'

Winter Term  

Thursday 12 January, COW1.11, 12.30 - 14.00
Jiri Priban (Cardiff University)
'EU Governance and Depoliticisation: A Critical Assessment of Political Deficits and Systemic Crises'

Thursday 23 February, COW1.11, 12.30 - 14.00
Hartmut Lenz (LSE)
'The Role of Public Commitment in EU Treaty Negotiations'

Autumn Term 

Thursday 27 October, KSW.1.04, 12.30 - 14.00
Waltraud Schelkle (LSE) and Deborah Mabbet (Birkbeck, University of London)
'Hegemony without stability: The fiscal vulnerabilities of monetary union'

Thursday 10 November, NAB.2.08, 12.30 - 14.00
Graham Smith (University of Southampton)
'(Early) Transnational Democratic Innovation in the EU: Flirting with Deliberative and Plebiscitary Design'

Thursday 1 December, NAB.2.13, 13.00 - 14.00
Simon Glendinning 
'Blows to the amour-propre of European Man'

2010 - 2011

Spring Term 

Thursday 5 May, 12.30-2pm, room CON H.103
Carina Sprungk, FU Berlin
"Ever more or ever better scrutiny? Analysing the conditions of effective national parliamentary involvement in EU affairs."

Thursday, 26 May, 12.30-2pm, room CON H. 103
Federica Bicchi, LSE
"The EU as a community of practice: flows of communications among EU member states in foreign policy"

Winter Term 

Thursday 3 February, 12.30-2pm, room COW J116
Andrew Geddes, Sheffield
"Are European immigration policies converging? Ideas and agency in the making of a new policy field"

Thursday 17 February, 12.30-2pm, room COW J116
Andrea Sangiovanni, Kings College
"Solidarity in the European Union"

Thursday 10 March, 12.30-2pm, room COW J116
Will Barlett / Claire Gordon, LSE
"Evaluating policies towards Roma inclusion -- Can there be a European solution?"

Autumn Term

Thursday 28 October, 12.30-2pm, room COW J116
Anand Menon (Birmingham)
"Power, Institutions and the CSDP: The Promise of Institutionalist Theory"

Thursday 25 November, 12.30-2pm, room COW J116
Mareike Kleine (LSE)
"Making cooperation work: Informal governance in the EU and beyond"

Thursday 9 December, 12.30-2pm, room NAB Thai Theatre
Amy Verdun (Victoria)
"Euro adoption in the new member states: A Tale of Domestic Politics"

2009 - 2010

Winter Term

Thursday 4 February 2010, J116, Cowdray House, 12:30pm
Berthold Rittberger (University of Mannheim)
Democracy or Efficiency? The Powers of the European Parliament Revisited

Thursday 25 February 2010, J116, Cowdray House, 12:30pm
Frank Schimmelfennig  (ETH Zurich)
Democratising the European Union: An exploration of the 'third transformation' of democracy

Thursday 11 March 2010, J116, Cowdray House, 12:30pm
David Coen (UCL)
Business Lobbying in the EU

Thursday 29 April 2010, J116, Cowdray House, 12:30pm
Reforming Lobbying Regulation in the European Union
Michelle Cini (Bristol University)

Autumn Term

Thursday 29 October 2009, J116, Cowdray House, 12:30pm
Fortress Europe? Does European Cooperation Undermine Global Human Rights Standards?
Eiko Thielemann (LSE), Nadine El-Enany (EUI)

Thursday 19 November 2009, J116, Cowdray House, 12:30pm
Christoph Meyer (King's College London)
(Early) Warning and European Preventive Policy

Thursday 3 December 2009, J116, Cowdray House, 12:30pm
Sara Hagemann (LSE)
A Council of Consensus? How changes in decision rules in the Council of the European Union affect negotiations

2008 - 2009

Winter Term 

Thursday 22 January 2009, 12.00-13.30, Room J116
Spyros Economides (LSE) 
'The EU and state-building in the Balkans'

Thursday 12 February 2009, 12.00-13.30, Room J116
Michael Bruter (LSE)
'Mapping the European Extreme Right'

Thursday 12 March 2009, 12.00-13.30, Room S75
Cornelia Woll (Sciences Po)
'Firm interests. How governments shape business lobbying on global trade'

Thursday 7 May 2009, 12.00-13.30, Room J116
Jonathan White  (LSE)
'Citizenship through partisanship?  Political conflict and the EU polity'

Autumn Term

Thursday 16 October 2008, 12.00-13.30, Room J116
Christopher Hill (Cambridge)
'The meaning of Europeanisation in the context of foreign policy'

Thursday 6 November 2008, 12.00-13.30, Room J116
Miriam Hartlapp (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin)
'The Commission as a unitary actor? Position formation and internal dynamics'

Thursday 11 December 2008, 12.00-13.30, Room J116
Erik Jones (Johns Hopkins University Bologna)
'The political economy of optimum currency areas -- lessons from the euro's first decade?'

2007 - 2008

Autumn Term

Wednesday 24 October 2007, 18:00-19.30, Room H104
Helen Wallace (LSE)
Negotiations in the Council

Monday 5 November 2007, 18.00-19.30, Room Z129 
Radek Zubek (LSE)
'Conditional Compliance? Executives and EU Rule Adoption in Central Europe'

Wednesday 5 December 2007, 18.00-19.30, Room H104
Thomas Risse (Free University, Berlin)
'We the European Peoples? Identity, Public Sphere, and European Democracy'

Winter Term

Wednesday 16 January 2008, 18.00-19.30, Room Z229
Simon Hix (LSE)
'What's Wrong with the EU and how to fix it'

Wednesday 6 February 2008, 17.00-18.30, Z332
Virginie Guiraudon (European University Institute)
'Agenda for an empirical sociology of European integration'

Wednesday 27 February 2008, 18.00-19.30, Room Z332
Christa van Wijnbergen (LSE)
'Policy-Learning Across Borders: What Does the EU's Open Method of Coordination Teach Us?'

Spring Term

Wednesday 14 May 2008, 18:00-19:30, Room H104
Speaking with One Voice but Having Little Impact: the EU at the UNs Human Rights Council'
Speaker: Karen Smith (LSE)