Amongst policymakers in advanced economies, inclusive innovation strategies primarily refer to bringing disadvantaged demographic groups into producing technological innovation, and much less to inclusivity through promoting greater consumption of innovation by marginalised groups. Within this, policies overwhelmingly take the form of competitions, grants, and events to encourage women to participate in entrepreneurship, engineering, science and technology. Findings are based upon interviews with innovation agency leaders across nine countries: Estonia, Finland, France, Israel, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA.
Robyn Klingler-Vidra is a Lecturer in Political Economy in the Department of International Development at King's College London. Robyn’s research focuses on government efforts to build venture capital markets as a means to promote innovation, economic growth, and development. Her publications include articles on the development of venture capital markets in East Asia and how policy models transform as they diffuse in journals including Socio-Economic Review, International Studies Review, The Pacific Review, and New Political Economy. Her book, The Venture Capital State: The Silicon Valley Model in East Asia, is published with Cornell University Press (2018)
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