LSE 08.03.23 Turkey-1400x700

Transcripts from Previous Events

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The Chair in Contemporary Turkish Studies is committed to increasing its influence and ensuring that its public lectures are easily accessible. You can explore our transcripts based on themes or in chronological order.

Recent Transcripts

Navigating the Nexus of Intelligent Media, Politics, and Academia: The Case of Türkiye in a Global Perspective

Friday 29 November

This report summarizes the key points and recommendations that were discussed in the workshop.

Access the full report here: Workshop Report.


Shifting Dynamics in the Middle East: Türkiye’s Repositioning in the Region

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Bringing together experts and practitioners, this panel examines Türkiye’s past and future role in the Middle East through current dynamics.

Read the summary transcript of the event.


The Civil War in Syria:
Prospects for Peace and the Role of External Actors 

Thursday 07 March 2024

This panel aims to discuss possibilities for settlement in Syria and reappraise the role of regional and global powers, including Türkiye. 

Read the summary transcript of the event.


NATO Enlargement and Türkiye’s Partnership with the West 

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Bringing together experts and practitioners, this panel examines Türkiye’s past and future role within NATO in light of the organisation’s 75th anniversary, its recent enlargement and current challenges. 

Read the summary transcript of the event.


With or without the IMF? The ups and downs of the Turkish political economy since 2000

Wednesday 4 October 2023

This panel will reflect on the Turkish political economy since the Kemal Derviş era in the early 2000s. It will address questions related to the legacies of previous reforms, the contributions of Kemal Derviş to public policy, and the future of the Turkish economy. The panel will also assess the impact of the IMF, international loans and transnational links in relation to economic stability and crisis. 

Read the summary transcript of the event.


After the Earthquakes: Turkish Elections, Politics and Foreign Policy in 2023

Thursday 8 June 2023

This event will explore the consequences of the 6 February 2023 earthquakes for Turkish society, politics and foreign policy. The 7.6–7.8 magnitude earthquakes that impacted the southern regions in Turkey were inhabited by more than 15 million people.

Read the summary transcript of the event.


Cities in the Aftermath of the Earthquakes: Experiences, Needs and Possible Futures in Turkey 

Wednesday 08 March 2023

As part of the Turkish Week at LSE, this event will discuss the impact of the 7.6–7.8 magnitude earthquakes in February on cities in Turkey. Speakers, who have witnessed the devastation first hand, will share their observations, with a focus on the immediate needs of the victims. The panel will also explore how cities can be rebuilt through solidarity between multi-ethnic and diverse communities, other cities, local governments, non-governmental organisations and international aid.  The aim of the panel is to raise awareness about the continued needs of the local communities with practical recommendations on what can be done, based on lived experiences and other global incidents of urban destruction.

Read the summary transcript of the event.


Turkey and the West: Mutually Suspicious Perceptions in Film and Television

Tuesday 07 March 2023

This talk will look at the discourse of Orientalism and Occidentalism in Turkish and Hollywood cinemas and how they feed upon and reflect each other.

Read the summary transcript of the event.


Archaeology and Soft Power: Cultural Diplomacy between Türkiye and the UK

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Join us for this event, co-organised with the British Institute at Ankara (BIAA), that will explore linkages between archaeology, soft power and international relations.

Read the summary transcript of the event.


70 Years in NATO: Turkey's partnership with the western alliance since 1952

Wednesday 8 June 2022

 Although Turkey has been a member of NATO since 1952, its contribution to the Western alliance has been questioned in the past two decades due to deteriorating relations. The recent war in Ukraine has once again highlighted Turkey’s role in NATO. Taking into consideration the historical ups and downs in relations, this event will assess the past and future of Turkish membership in NATO.

Read the summary transcript of the event.


UK-Turkey Trade Partnership Post-Brexit: Limits and Prospects

Wednesday 9 February 2022

This panel event will analyse the road to the FTA and its future from the perspectives of political economy, international trade law and business.

Read the summary transcript of the event.