2018年 4月 18日上午,伦敦商务孔子学院(CIBL)外方院长 McLean博士及学术副院长项骅博士等一行三人访问北京孔子学院总部/国家汉办。
会后 CIBL一行人员还分别与孔子学院总部/国家汉办欧洲处、师资处及新汉学计划处相关负责人交流工作,了解更具体的政策。
On the morning of 18 April 2018, Confucius Institute for Business London (CIBL)’s UK directors Dr. McLean and Dr. Xiang Hua visited the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) in Beijing in company with the China director of CIBL.
At the meeting, Dr. McLean and Dr Xiang, gave a detailed introduction of CIBL's sustainable development strategies to Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban)’s deputy director Zhao Guocheng, especially the executive programme, Chinese Language and Culture for Business London (CLCB). Director Zhao affirmed the efforts made by CIBL over these years, and hoped the Chinese host university could engage in more in the future.
After the meeting, in order to deepen the understanding of the Confucius InstituteHeadquarters (Hanban)'s current policies and strengthen the operation of variousprojects, CIBL directors exchanged views with the relevant person in charge of the Division of European CIs, the Division of Teachers and the Division of Sinology and China Studies.
Author: Mengfei Zhang