From 15 to 17 September 2017, the Confucius Institute for Business London organised the 7th annual Business Chinese Teacher Training Project with the aim of enriching and exchanging experiences and knowledge in the field of Teaching Chinese for Business. This three-day intensive training encompassed a series of seminars and activities that attracted a total of 22 front-line teachers and some enthusiasts working in Confucius Institute systems and relevant education industries or agents from England, North Ireland.
CIBL UK Director, Dr. Neil Mclean, CIBL China director, Prof. CHENG Weimin and the representative of Education Section of Chinese Embassy, Ms. YU Haiying, welcomed the participants and gave opening remarks to begin the programme.
The invited experts included Prof. Joel Bellassen and Mr Simon Greenall OBE. Prof Joel Bellassen, President at European Association of Chinese Teaching (EACT), shared his critical thinking of Mandarin teaching principles and techniques with a case of his successful textbook. Simon introduced his personal anecdotes as a learner of Chinese and their implications for Business Chinese teaching with course design and general methodological principles. Later at teacher training, Prof. George Xinsheng ZHANG, Vice President at European Association of Chinese Teaching (EACT) gave an overall introduction of International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education and Curriculum Design. Other speakers, like Dr FANG Jing and Mr. Nick Mair and CIBL staff, discussed with attendees such diversified topics as curriculum design, on-line teaching and learning recourses, course management, marketing skills, communication skills, and practical teaching demos.
All of these sessions were conducted in conjunction with the trainers’ insightful presentations and interactive Q&As. Besides this, the attendees were grouped into five groups and set a specific topic they needed to work on throughout the three days on this project. Trainers and teachers could also learn from each other, especially as experienced teachers would share their personal experiences and strategies to other less experienced attendees.
伦敦商务孔子学院英方院长Neil Mclean博士、中方院长程伟民教授、中国驻英使馆教育处代表余海婴女士分别致欢迎辞,简短的致辞和活泼的学员母语展示,带动大家进入教育、语言及汉语国际传播事业的主题语境。
这次活动,伦敦商务孔子学院邀请到欧洲汉语教学协会会长、《汉语语言文字启蒙》作者白乐桑教授,还有IATEFL前主席、《走遍中国》主编 Simon Greenall 先生为学员做讲座。作为成功的教材编写者,他们毫无保留地向学员传授汉语课堂教学之道。伦敦商务孔子学院的老朋友,欧洲汉语教学协会副会长、Richmond 大学语言中心主任张新生教授,为学员们梳理各类语言大纲制订的背景、分析其对汉语课程的影响,牛津大学的方晶老师,则介绍了翔实的多媒体教学资源。伦敦商务孔院教师下设孔子课堂——德威 (Dulwich College)公学的语言部主任Nick Mair先生也非常支持此次活动,与大家交流他的竞赛型课堂游戏设计方案及理念。伦敦商务孔院自己的教师和管理团队,也分别就孔院行政管理、教师管理、课程管理以及市场化运作等问题分享自己的体会和经验。