On 15 November 2016 the Second China Business Briefing event, held by the Confucius Institute for Business London (CIBL), took place in the Tower 1 Theatre at LSE. The guests started arriving at about 18:30 and were welcomed by CIBL Deputy Director Dr Lu. At 18:30, Kent Deng, professor of Economic History at LSE, made an introduction about the speaker and welcomed everyone to the briefing. After that, Mr David Stringer-Lamarre outlined his interpretation of Brexit, now & in the future; implications for Sino-UK Trade, and explored the opportunities for British business both in China and beyond. The briefing was concluded by a reception session in which the speaker and chair engaged with the attendees.
The event was very successful as marked the second time that CIBL has run this kind if Business Briefing. The event was attended by over 100 representatives from the London Business community and provided some key insights into what it takes to do business with China.
2016年11月15日,由伦敦商务孔子学院组织的脱欧后的中英贸易:中国商贸论坛在伦敦政治经济学院成功举办。伦敦商务孔子学院员工在下午五点半点来到现场布置了会场。受邀嘉宾在下午六时许陆续赶到了会场。孔子学院副院长卢红女士和学院经理Meegan先生欢迎了各位嘉宾的到来。下午六点半,伦敦政治经济学院邓钢教授向大家介绍了David Stringer-Lamarre先生,紧接着Stringer-Lamarre先生围绕英国脱欧后对中英贸易带来的机遇和挑战展开了演讲,同时,他也介绍了现实情况下中英贸易的新契机。演讲结束后,嘉宾们踊跃提问,与演讲者展开了热烈的讨论。本次会议的成功举办也为中英之间的贸易往来搭建了合作的桥梁。