Nick Byrne at Teacher Training

Teacher Training Course


Sep 19-21, 2014 - teacher training2

As part of celebration of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Confucius Institutes, the Confucius Institute for Business London, CIBL, successfully held the fifth London Business Chinese Teacher Training Course. This training course ran from 19 September to 21 September, 2014 and was funded by Hanban and sponsored by CIBL. Nearly 30 people from the UK, the United States and so on attended the course. Mr. LI Guoqian, first secretary from Education Division of the Chinese Embassy, UK, was present at the opening ceremony and gave a warm heart-felt speech. Mr. CHEN Tongdu, director of Hanban UK and Mr. Nick Byrne, CIBL UK director, also expressed their best wishes and warmly welcomed the trainees the to the programme.

Invited by CIBL for the training course, Prof. YUAN Boping,well-known linguist from Cambridge University, Prof. ZHANG Xinsheng from Richmond University and CIBL UK director Nick Byrne delivered lectures to the trainees. Throughout the three-day training, everyone gained a clear understanding of what Chinese business teaching is and how to best to teach it. In addition, they spoke highly of the course and expressed their satisfaction in the end of course evaluations.

By the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Confucius Institutes, CIBL has successfully organized a total of five teacher training courses, and more than 260 people have attended the training. Most of them are now working in the field of overseas Chinese language teaching, playing a positive role in the dissemination of Chinese culture, the promotion of Chinese language teaching.

2014年9月19日至21日,作为庆祝孔子学院十周系列活动的一个组成部分,伦敦商务孔子学院在伦敦政经学院成功地举办了第五届 “商务汉语教师培训”。为期3天的教师培训项目是由国家汉办资助并由CIBL承包;来自美国、英国等地区近30名教师参加了这一培训。中国驻英国大使馆教育处一秘李国强先生参加了开幕式并发表了热情洋溢的讲话。汉办UK主任陈同度先生和CIBL 英方院长Nick Byrne先生向各位学员的到来表示热烈的欢迎并预祝大家取得圆满的成果。                  

CIBL邀请到剑桥大学著名语言学家袁博平教授、Richmond大学语言中心主任张新生教授、CIBL英方院长Nick Byrne先生等分别为培训班做了精彩的讲座。通过3天的强化培训,全体学员了解了商务汉语教学的特点和要求,掌握了课程的运作方式,并对此次培训给予很高的评价。                  
