
Articles, press release and media exposure

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CIBL hosts events, conferences and activities regularly to connect the UK and China. Below you can find our articles and media exposure.









February 2024












Exploring Task-Based Teaching: Insights from Professor Miao-fen Tseng's Lecture at CIBL

On February 27th, Ms. Miao-fen Tseng, a renowned professor from the University of Virginia, was invited by CIBL to deliver an insightful lecture. The lecture, titled "Task-based Chinese Language Teaching in the US Developmental Stages,Sample Tasks and Open Resources" aimed to provide attending teachers with a fresh perspective and new directions for teaching.

At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Tseng vividly recounted her personal journey with task-based teaching methods, tracing its development from inception to maturity. She emphasized that the core element of task-based teaching is student-centered learning, aiming to stimulate students' interest in learning and enhance their language proficiency through tasks set in authentic contexts.

Subsequently, Professor Tseng demonstrated the practical implementation of task-based teaching methods to the attending teachers. Using her own authored books on task-based teaching methods and open educational resources as examples, she shared insights on maximizing the use of these resources to improve teaching effectiveness. Teachers in attendance expressed that Professor Tseng's explanations provided them with a comprehensive understanding of task-based teaching methods and offered new insights and directions for their daily teaching practices.

After the lecture, Professor Tseng and the attending teachers enjoyed a pleasant afternoon tea together, during which they engaged in in-depth discussions on various teaching topics, including artificial intelligence. Professor Tseng addressed teachers' inquiries regarding the application of artificial intelligence in teaching, emphasizing its potential to alleviate teachers' workload and provide students with personalized learning experiences, while also stressing the importance of balancing technological applications with humanistic care.

The lecture concluded amidst enthusiastic applause. Professor Tseng's captivating lecture and profound knowledge left a lasting impression on the attending teachers, who expressed their commitment to applying what they had learned to their teaching practices, continuously exploring and innovating to contribute to the cause of Chinese language education at the Confucius Institute. They also eagerly anticipated future opportunities to reunite with Professor Tseng and delve deeper into various topics related to foreign language teaching.













HSBC Year of the Dragon Celebrations Events

On February 13, 2024, teachers from CIBL visited the HSBC's headquarters to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Dragon with the employees.

In order to make this event colorful and diverse, the teachers carefully prepared many cultural activities rich in Chinese characteristics, including auspicious paper cutting, traditional tea tasting, and profound calligraphy. These activities not only showcased the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture but also helped HSBC employees appreciate and gain a greater understanding of Chinese culture.

On the day of the event, the atmosphere at the London headquarters of HSBC was warm and enthusiastic. Employees were in high spirits. During the paper cutting activity, the teachers explained in detail the history, techniques, and symbolism of paper cutting, and guided everyone in creating their own designs. With a pair of scissors and a piece of paper, various auspicious patterns were created in an instant under the skillful hands of the teachers, leaving the audience in awe.

During the tea tasting session, the teachers introduced the types, characteristics, and art of drinking Chinese tea. Employees enjoyed the aromatic green tea, black tea, and Pu'er tea while listening to explanations about tea culture, as if they were in a serene and elegant tea room, enjoying a unique tea ceremony.

In the calligraphy activity, the teachers showcased the charm and allure of Chinese calligraphy. Employees picked up brushes and practiced writing their Chinese names and Chinese New Year greetings, experiencing the rhythm and beauty of calligraphy. Everyone found joy and a sense of accomplishment in the world of calligraphy.

The successful hosting of this event not only allowed employees of HSBC to appreciate the charm of traditional Chinese culture up close but also deepened the friendship between the people of China and the UK, building a bridge for cultural exchange between the two countries. In the future, CIBL will continue to promote Chinese culture, allowing more British people to understand and love Chinese culture.



2月9日晚,伦敦商务孔子学院(CIBL)在Shaw Library举办了2024年春节晚会。活动在热闹的舞狮表演中开场,英中贸易协会主席、汇丰控股有限公司顾问、伦敦商务孔子学院顾问委员会英方主席古沛勤爵士(Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles),伦敦政治经济学院副校长爱玛·麦克罗尔(Emma McCoy),语言中心主任尼尔·麦克林(Neil Mclean)出席并致辞。24cny2







学生代表Barbara Lecis在毕业典礼上分享了自己三年来在CIBL的学习心得。Barbara表示,学习中文的重要性是显而易见的,她特别感谢这里的老师、同学和合作伙伴,为大家在欧洲、在英国学习中国商务文化提供了条件。






A Memorable evening - CIBL successfully hosted the 2024 Chinese New Year Gala

On the evening of February 9th, the CIBL held the 2024 Chinese New Year Gala at the Shaw Library in LSE. The event kicked off with an energetic lion dance performance. Sir Sherard COWPER-COLES, KCMG LVO, the UK Chair of CIBL’s Advisory Council, Chair of China Britain Business Council and Adviser to HSBC Holdings plc., along with Emma McCoy, Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) and Professor in the Department of Statistics, and Neil Mclean, Director of the Language Center, attended and delivered speeches.

During her address, Prof. Emma emphasized the outstanding achievements of LSE in the fields of social sciences, finance, and politics-business relations. She pointed out that the college has produced 18 Nobel laureates and at least 40 past or present world leaders, demonstrating its prominent position on the global stage. Prof. Emma particularly mentioned that this year marks the Year of the Dragon in China, which is a special moment. She hoped that all guests would achieve greater success in the new year, ushering in a new chapter of development together.

Sir Sherard expressed that he will continue to support the work of CIBL, emphasizing the importance of economic and cultural exchanges with China.

During this auspicious Chinese New Year celebration, a group of students are also set to graduate from CIBL. At the gala,CIBL also held a graduation ceremony for students of this year's CLCB ( Chinese Business Language and Culture) course. Barbara Lecis, representing the students, shared her learning experiences at CIBL over the past three years. She emphasized that learning Chinese is future proved and expressed her gratitude to the teachers, classmates, and partners for providing the opportunity to study Chinese business culture in Europe especially United Kingdom.

During the gala, students from Goldsmiths College presented splendid performances including classical dances, Pipa solos, and traditional sword dances, creating a mesmerizing visual and auditory feast for the audience. Following this, Ms. Guo Leying, a teacher from CIBL, delivered a captivating calligraphy performance, inscribing idioms related to the Year of the Dragon such as "Long Nian Da Ji" "Long Ma Jing Shen" and "Long Feng Cheng Xiang", and presented the calligraphy works to the audience.

Generously sponsored by Bosideng, the event also featured a lucky draw, awarding three luxurious down jackets to delighted winners, adding to the festive spirit.

Finally, Dr. Catherine Xiang, the UK director of CIBL, delivered the closing speech. She expressed sincere gratitude to every guest and staff member present at the gala for their enthusiasm and support, making the evening especially memorable. She stated that CIBL will continue to strive to provide high-quality education and services for students, promoting cultural exchange and business cooperation between China and the UK.

November 2023




会议伊始,LSE语言中心主任Neil Mclean对语言合作项目进行了详细介绍。该项目旨在提升学生的语言技能与跨文化交流能力,为学生在全球商业环境中的发展打下坚实基础。讨论会上,双方重点探讨了加强已有合作关系及探索新的伙伴关系的可能性,努力在为学生提供更广泛的文化交流和学习机会上开展深入合作,培养具有国际视野的复合型人才。会议还对学生的选拔标准进行了深入讨论,强调选拔不仅考量学术表现,更看重学生对语言学习和文化研究的热情。该项目的愿景超越了语言技能的提升,包括了丰富的文化体验活动,致力于为学生提供全方位的教育体验。

FD3Neil Mclean 介绍语言中心合作项目情况




President of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Liu Yuanchun,Leads Delegation to Visit CIBL, Signing General Course Agreement

President Liu Yuanchun of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics led a delegation to the CIBL and signed a General Course agreement with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) on 30 Nov. This visit laid a solid foundation for further deepening educational cooperation between the two universities. Accompanying the visit were Professor Liu Liya, Assistant to the prisident of the School of Finance, Professor Zhou Yahong, Dean of the School of Economics, Chen Xuanjuan, Executive Dean of Dishui Lake Advanced Institute of Finance and Director of the Lingang Cooperation Office, and Rong Jun, Vice Dean of the School of International Cultural Exchange.

Neil Mclean, Director of the LSE Language Centre, provided a detailed introduction to the language collaboration project between the two universities. The project aims to enhance students' language skills and cross-cultural communication abilities, preparing them for global business environments. Both parties also discussed strengthening existing cooperation and exploring new partnership possibilities, committed to providing students with broader cultural exchange and learning opportunities.

The Director of the CIBL gratitude for the support from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in facilitating Chinese studies for the institute's students. He also looked forward to further collaboration in areas such as financial career mentoring, short-term student visits, and language and business culture exchanges.

This collaboration marks a significant step for Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in the global education field, paving a new path for training students with global competitiveness and cultural adaptability.

11月24日伦敦商务孔子学院于LSE承办中欧国际工商学院 2023年度校友会





此后,伦敦政治经济学院全球南方研究中心的主任Alvaro Mendez教授,主持了一场引人入胜的讨论,主题为“引领全球新动态:中国的新兴角色”。30分钟的讨论,揭示了中国在动态变化的全球背景中日益增长的影响力的复杂性,以及对国际业务的影响,为中欧国际工商学院校友提供了新的见解。


CIBL Sets the Stage for CEIBS 2023 Annual Alumni Reunion at LSE on November 24th

CIBL acted as the co-organiser of the CEIBS 2023 Annual Alumni Reunion, a celebration of global business excellence, set against the backdrop of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) on 24 November. This event is an interactive and insightful experience, marking a pivotal moment for CEIBS alumni.

Dr Catherine Hua Xiang, UK Director of the Confucius Institute for Business London, and East Asian Languages Coordinator & Programme Director at the Language Centre, gave remarks at the event. Dr Xiang highlighted the significant role of CIBL in bridging cultural gaps and facilitating cross-cultural business exchanges. She expressed that CIBL is delighted to collaborate with CEIBS and offer a stage for organising this alumni reunion.

Renowned academic and former Director of the LSE Global South Unit, Professor Alvaro Mendez, led a captivating discussion titled 'Navigating New Global Dynamics: China's Emerging Role'. This 30-minute session, part of the CEIBS 2023 Annual Alumni Reunion at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), aimed to unravel the intricacies of China's growing influence in a dynamically changing global scenario and its implications for international business.

October 2023









Delegation led by Yang Aihua,Vice Secretary of Party Committee of Southwest Jiaotong University, visited CIBL for collaboration

Delegation led by Yang Aihua,Vice Secretary of Party Committee of Southwest Jiaotong University(SWJTU), visited CIBL to engage in discussions regarding various collaborative initiatives. The discussions encompassed student short-term exchange programs, joint training for graduate student major in overseas Chinese education, and Chinese classics concerning business.

In details, both SWJTU and CIBL are interested in collaborating on the joint development of short-term student exchange programs, aimed at providing students with opportunities for overseas internships, practical experience, and academic exchanges. This collaboration will help broaden students' international and academic perspectives.

Furthermore, representatives from both sides also engaged in discussions regarding joint training for graduate student major in overseas Chinese education. Both sides showed interests in the possibility of establishing a "1+1" joint training master's program, encouraging students to make full use of the resources provided by the CIBL. This program would allow students to participate in teaching practices during their master's training phase in CIBL. Also, the collaboration will contribute to the promotion of internationalization in Chinese language education, offering students from both China and the UK more in-depth opportunities to study the Chinese language and culture.

CIBL is a Confucius institute focus on Business. Based on this, both parties also engaged in discussions regarding the application of Chinese classics in the field of business. CIBL explored the potential for initiating academic collaborations to provide a unique perspective and resources for international business and cross-cultural exchange.

During the meeting, representatives from both sides expressed their anticipation of potential collaborative opportunities. SWJTU, a nationally recognized key university directly administered by the Ministry of Education, is renowned for its outstanding achievements in education and research. Collaboration between SWJTU and CIBL promises new opportunities and challenges for both institutions. CIBL looks forward to cooperating with SWJTU in the field of international Chinese education and promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning.


10月17日,清华大学副校长彭刚率代表团访问伦敦商务孔子学院(简称“伦敦商务孔院”),与伦敦商务孔院顾问委员会英方主席古沛勤爵士(Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles),伦敦政治经济学院前任副校长、伦敦商务孔院学术指导委员会主席保罗·凯利(Paul Kelly)等人会见。清华大学教育基金会秘书长袁桅、清华大学校友杨锦方、人文学院院长刘石教授、文科建设处处长杨永恒教授等人陪同出访。








此外,座谈会就如何更好地建设创新科研机构展开讨论。伦敦政治经济学院自然与社会科学中心(Centre for Philosophy of Natural & Social Sciences)、美国研究中心(Phelan US Centre)、创新中心(LSE Innovation)负责人参加会议。与会代表从提供跨学科交流平台和场地、拓展全球学科合作以及培育学术机构文化等角度提出了建议,为清华大学创新科研机构建设提供了有益的见解。



Tsinghua Delegates Led by Vice-president Gang PENG Visited CIBL on 17th Oct

Tsinghua Delegates Led by Vice-president Gang PENG Visited CIBL on 17th Oct. During the visit, delegates met with Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, the UK Chairman of CIBL’s Advisory Council (AC), and Prof. Paul Kelly, Head of LSE Government Department, Chair of the CIBL Academic Steering Committee. Wei YUAN, Secretary General of Tsinghua University Education Foundation, Jinfang YANG, Consultant of Mei Tuan, Prof. Shi LIU, Dean of School of Humanities, Prof. Yongheng YANG, Dean of Office of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Administration, Prof. Han LIU, Deputy Dean, Office of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Administration attended the meeting.

The delegation first visited the HSBC London headquarter and held discussions with representatives of the AC members of CIBL. During the meeting, Prof. Peng expressed his gratitude for the support from AC members to CIBL over the years. The discussion revolved around further support for the work of CIBL, strengthening and enhancing the partnership between Tsinghua University and AC partners. The AC members expressed their commitment to continue supporting CIBL and provide high-level resources to assist Tsinghua students in their studies, internships, and career development in the UK.

The delegation also visited LSE, toured in CIBL, and engaged in discussions with professors of LSE, professors from research institutions and director and teachers from CIBL.

Prof. Peng expressed his gratitude to colleagues working in London and emphasized that, despite the impact of the pandemic and complex international situations, CIBL has operated smoothly. It has now become a bridge for cooperation between Tsinghua University and LSE. Moreover, he shared his view on the future development of CIBL.

The meeting also focused on how to better establish innovative research institutions. Representatives from the Centre for Philosophy of Natural & Social Sciences, Phelan US Centre, and LSE Research and Innovation participated in the meeting. Suggestions were made, including providing interdisciplinary exchange platforms and venues, expanding global discipline cooperation, and nurturing academic institutional culture, providing valuable insights for the establishment of innovative research institutions at Tsinghua University.

July 2023


伦敦,2023年7月19日 - 为推动碳中和发展合作,清华大学探微书院碳中和发展支队于7月19日到访伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics, LSE)。张紫千老师带领10余名学生参观了LSE校园,欣赏了伦敦壮丽的天际线美景,并与伦敦政治经济学院的教授展开了一场关于碳中和发展的研讨会。


Hantan Tsinghua 1visit


Hantan Tsinghua visit 2


Hantan Tsinghua visit 3



Tsinghua University Tanwei College Visits London School of Economics for Carbon Neutrality Development Exchange

London, 19th July, 2023 - In pursuit of carbon neutrality development cooperation, a delegation from Tsinghua University's Tanwei College visited the London School of Economics (LSE) on July 19. Led by Professor Zhang Ziqian, students from Tsinghua University toured the LSE campus, enjoyed the magnificent London skyline, and engaged in a research discussion on carbon neutrality development with professors from the London School of Economics.

During the visit, the Tsinghua University students were deeply impressed by the advanced teaching facilities and academic atmosphere of the London School of Economics. During the exchange with LSE professors, both sides delved into their respective research topics, laying a solid foundation for future academic collaboration.

Following the research seminar, Dr. Hua Xiang, the UK director of Confucius Institute for Business London, warmly welcomed Professor Zhang Ziqian and the students from Tsinghua University. The Tsinghua students provided an overview of China's current status in carbon neutrality development and shared China's achievements and experiences in this field with the faculty and students present at the London Business Confucius Institute.

 Dr Hua Xiang expressed that this academic exchange has established a strong foundation for future cooperation between the two institutions. She emphasized that the London Business Confucius Institute will continue to support exchanges and collaboration between Chinese and British universities, promoting educational and cultural exchanges between the two nations and enhancing friendship between their people.

After the meeting, the Confucius Institute prepared a sumptuous feast of drinks and delicacies for all visiting faculty and students. Everyone enjoyed a pleasant atmosphere and took a group photo to commemorate this momentous exchange.

The visit of Tsinghua University Tanwei College to the London School of Economics has facilitated academic cooperation and exchanges between the two institutions and has built bridges for friendly collaboration between Chinese and British universities.

May 2023


Picture 1

5月18日, 2023年伦敦商务孔子学院顾问委员会年度会议以线上线下相结合的方式在清华大学举行。伦敦政治经济学院副校长爱玛·麦克罗尔(Emma McCoy),中国驻英国使馆教育公参张晋应邀出席会议。英中贸易协会主席、汇丰银行公共事务部集团负责人、顾问委员会英方主席古沛勤爵士(Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles)出席会议并致辞,英国石油公司集团政治顾问托马斯·威尔士(Thomas Wales),德勤中国业务集团合伙人兼副主席邢哲(Steve Xing),汇丰银行大中华区事务总监梁燕娴(Rebecca Yin Han Leung)、集团公共事务部对外关系经理秦晔(George Qin),太古集团人事主管菲利普·德·金泰尔-威廉姆斯(Philippe De Gentile-Williams),普华永道中国业务部主管合伙人姜甦唯(Suwei Jiang)、高级经理贾凡,渣打银行全球事务董事经理罗伯特·纽威(Robert Newell),英中贸易协会首席执行官奚安竹(Andrew Seaton)等顾问委员会委员出席。清华大学副校长、教务长,顾问委员会中方主席彭刚出席并主持会议。

Picture 2古佩勤爵士致辞


Picture 3爱玛·麦克罗尔致辞


Picture 4彭刚致辞


Picture 5孔院年度工作汇报与交流讨论


2023 Confucius Institute for Business London Advisory Council Annual Meeting held at Tsinghua University

On 18 May, the advisory council annual meeting of the Confucius Institute for Business London 2023 was held at Tsinghua University in a combination of online and offline delivery. Emma McCoy, Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor(Education) of the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Zhang Jin, Education Counsellor at the Chinese Embassy in the UK, were invited to attend the meeting. Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, Chairman of the China-Britain Business Council, Group Head of Public Affairs of HSBC and UK Chair of CIBL Advisory Council, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The conference was attended by Thomas Wales, Group Political Advisor, BP; Steve Xing, Partner and Vice Chairman, Deloitte China Service Group; Rebecca Yin Han Leung, Director of Greater China Affairs, HSBC; George Qin, Regulatory and External Relations Manager, HSBC; Philippe De Gentile-Williams, Staff Director, John Swire & Sons; Suwei Jiang, Lead Partner, China Business Group, PwC; Jia Fan, Senior Manager, PwC; Robert Newell, Managing Director of Global Corporation at Standard Chartered Bank, and Andrew Seaton, Chief Executive Officer of the China-Britain Business Council. Peng Gang, Vice President and Professor of the School of Humanities of Tsinghua University, attended and chaired the meeting.

In his speech, Sir Sherard expressed his affection for visiting Tsinghua University again after three and a half years, and acknowledged the continued international exchange and cooperation of the Confucius Institute for Business London under the complex international situation. He stressed that, with the joint efforts of all parties, the relationship between China and the UK has continued to improve, and that the CIBL is playing an increasingly important role in bridging barriers, enhancing understanding and promoting the exchange and appreciation of civilisations. He said that the Advisory Council will continue to support the development of the Confucius Institute, consolidate the strategic partnership and play a more active role in the construction of the Confucius Institute.

Emma McCoy delivered a speech on behalf of the London School of Economics and Political Science. She said that there are many uncertainties and challenges in the current international situation, and that cooperation with Tsinghua University is a key move to address global challenges. She emphasised that cross-cultural exchange is like a key to enhance mutual understanding through mutual learning and appreciation of civilisations, to forge consensus through practical cooperation and to address challenges through cultural convergence. She looked forward to further deepening the comprehensive cooperation between the two universities in the future and working together to promote a better future.

On behalf of Tsinghua University, Peng Gang greeted all the guests and members present at the meeting and thanked the Advisory Council for their support and assistance to the CIBL. He said that over the past 17 years since its establishment, the Confucius Institute for Business London has been fruitful in its teaching and cultural activities, and its partnerships have continued to expand, promoting continuous and in-depth humanistic exchanges between China and the UK. Peng Gang stressed that Tsinghua University will effectively play the role of the main Chinese partner, join hands with the London School of Economics and Political Science, develop more beneficial multi-dimensional strategic partnerships with advisory council members, cultivate business characteristics, gather advantageous resources, promote pragmatic cooperation, enhance the resilience and tenacity of the CIBL, make its leading and radiating role as a model Confucius Institute more prominent, and become a model for Tsinghua University to carry out. He hoped that the CIBL, together with other Confucius Institutes around the world, would be active and innovative, tell more stories of beauty and harmony, and contribute to the exchange and mutual appreciation of world civilisations.

The Advisory Council heard a report on the work of Confucius Institute for Business London. Dr. Hua Xiang, the UK Director of the Confucius Institute for Business London, reported on the summary of the work of the CIBL in the previous year and the development plan for the next phase and the annual work plan. During the discussion session, Professor Cao Li, Secretary General of the Advisory Committee and Tsinghua University, reviewed the development of the CIBL and thanked all parties for their sincere cooperation in promoting the Institute's continuous progress. Professor Wang Jinghui, former China Director of the CIBL, and Professor Fang Zhaohui, the incoming China Director, shared their experiences and expectations of their work. The participants discussed in depth about deepening resource sharing among partners, developing better international Chinese language education programmes and global issues of common concern.

March 2023


7 March Public Lecture


本次汉语学习交流讲座活动由伦敦商务孔子学院英方院长项骅博士主持兼主讲,邀请了四位特邀演讲人来进行访谈式交流。这四位特邀演讲人分别是:英国利兹大学中日英翻译教授Martin Ward博士,SecureWISE 台湾地区销售总监Grant Swanson, 伦敦政治经济学院金融硕士生Michelle Maggi,第二十界全英‘汉语桥’比赛最佳创意奖得主,及目前居住于北京的高管,中国保加利亚商会副会长Ivo Ganchev先生。


7 March

分享结束之后,为解决听众们平时在汉语学习中遇到的困难和问题,专门设置了答疑环节。大家根据讲座与自我学习汉语的经验,就如何更好与中国人交流、汉语记忆方法等问题展开了热烈讨论与分享。讲座结束后,伦敦商务孔子学院为受邀现场参与访谈的三位嘉宾赠送了小礼物,并向于北京时间凌晨线上参与的Ivo Ganchev先生表达了诚挚的谢意。

7 March Networking


CIBL Public Lecture on Mandarin Learning Strategies and Learner Experience Exchange Forum was successfully held by Confucius Institute of Business London

On March 7 2023, CIBL Public Lecture on Mandarin Learning Strategies and Learner Experience Exchange Forum was successfully held by Confucius Institute of Business London (CIBL) at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The event was carried out hybridly, attracting more than 150 Chinese learners and scholars from all over the world to participate online. More than 20 guests attended the event on site.

 This Chinese learning lecture was hosted and delivered by Dr. Catherine Xiang, UK director of CIBL. Four special guest speakers were invited to conduct interviews. The four special guest speakers are: Dr. Martin Ward, Associate Professor of Chinese and Japanese Translation at the University of Leeds; Grant Swanson, Sales Director of SecureWISE in Taiwan; Michelle Maggi, a Finance Master student at the London School of Economics and Political Science, the winner of the Most Creative Award in the UK Regional Final of the 20th “Chinese Bridge” Competition and Mr. Ivo Ganchev, Vice-Chairman of the Bulgaria-China Chamber of Commerce, currently living in Beijing.

Dr Xiang shared her experience and skills in learning Chinese from the aspects of formulating plans, setting goals, strengthening focus associative memory, and tapping self-drive. Combining theory and in-depth research on fluent Chinese users, Dr Xiang pointed out the best learning skills for learning Chinese, as well as the different learning skills required for learning Chinese comparing with learning other foreign languages. After introducing the learning skills, Dr Xiang had a brief communication with the four invited speakers on their own experience in the past two years since the last interview. 

A Q&A session was specially set up to solve the difficulties and problems that the audience usually encountered in Chinese learning. Based on the lectures and their own experience in learning Chinese, everyone had a heated discussion and sharing on how to better communicate with Chinese people and how to memorize Chinese. After the lecture, CIBL gave small gifts to the three guests who were invited to participate in the interview on site, also expressed sincere thanks to Mr. Ivo Ganchev who participated online in the early hours of Beijing time.

Snacks and drinks were prepared after the lecture, and the guests who participated in the event talked enthusiastically about the content of the lecture and their own experiences, and the scene was enjoyable. The purpose of this Chinese learning lecture is to provide a platform for the audience who are fully interested in learning Chinese to learn and exchange experiences, and further expand the influence of Chinese language and Chinese culture.

January 2023


CNY 2023


本次新年庆祝活动由伦敦商务孔子学院志愿者张儒君主持进行,伦敦商务孔院英方院长项骅博士致欢迎辞,顾问委员会主席Paul KELLY先生应邀作了热情洋溢的发言,高度赞扬了伦敦商务孔子学院在促进中英文化及商务交流方面所做出的杰出贡献。

Graduates 2023

此次活动的重要环节——CLCB项目学生的毕业典礼分为三部分,首先由Kent DENG教授开幕致辞,其对各位学生学习汉语的热情表示充分的肯定并对孔院的未来发展给予美好祝福。之后Neil McLean博士Paul KELLY教授分别为往届学生和2022级学生进行毕业证书的发放,毕业生代表Germana Bacchini做结束发言,感谢孔院的培养,表示未来会为中英文化沟通贡献出自己的一份绵薄之力。

本次活动作为疫情以来第一次线下的新春庆祝活动,别开生面地设计了抽奖环节和表演环节。让各位来宾在感受中国文化的同时,以活跃现场气氛的方式为大家准备了有关中国生活的书籍等奖品。在表演环节中,学生Phoebe Haines小姐深情地演唱了一首《茉莉花》,舞狮表演点燃了现场氛围,现场观众纷纷被中国传统表演的魅力折服。同时,现场还分别设置了书法、折纸、剪纸等三个文化工作坊,现场来宾能够参与进去,切身体验中国文化的奇妙。



Chinese New Year Celebration & student graduation ceremony successfully held by Confucius Institute of Business London

On January 20 2023, Chinese New Year Celebration and CLCB student graduation ceremony were successfully held by Confucius Institute of Business London (CIBL) at the London School of Economics and Political Science. More than 60 guests attended the event.

The celebration event was hosted by Rujun Zhang, volunteer staff at CIBL. Dr. Catherine Xiang, UK director of CIBL, delivered a welcome speech. Prof. Paul Kelly, chair of CIBL’s academic steering committee, gave an enthusiastic welcome speech and spoke highly of the contributions that CIBL has made in promoting the cultural and business communication between China and the UK.

As an important part of this event, the graduation ceremony of CLCB course program is divided into three parts. Firstly, Professor Kent Deng gave an opening speech. He fully acknowledged the enthusiasm of the students in learning Chinese, and extended warm wishes for the future development of the Confucius Institute. Afterwards, Dr. Neil McLean and Professor Paul Kelly presented graduation certificates to CLCB graduates. The graduate representative Germana Bacchini made a closing speech, giving thanks to Confucius Institute for its training, and expressed her future wish to contribute her part to the cultural communication between China and the UK.

As the first in-person New Year celebration since the pandemic, this event has thoughtfully integrated lucky draws and performances. Such arrangements greatly enlivened the air, as guests participated in lucky draws and gaining an authentic taste of traditional Chinese culture. For performances, the audience enjoyed two Chinese songs, Jasmine Flower and The Moon Represents My Heart, presented skillfully by Ms. Phoebe Haines, as well as an exciting lion dance performance. Three cultural workshops, including calligraphy, paper folding, and paper cutting, were also set up during the event, allowing the guests experience first-hand the wonders of Chinese culture.

As the event drew to a close, Dr. Lan Yue, the China Director of CIBL, made a closing speech. She thanked all the guests for joining this event as well as for supporting the work of the Confucius Institute, and wished everyone a happy Chinese New Year.

The 2023 Chinese New Year Celebration & student graduation ceremony held by CIBL had provided excellent communication opportunities for all the guests who were concerned about China as well as China-UK relationships. It had also promoted the cooperation project between Tsinghua University and the London School of Economics and Political Science. Graduates from CIBL will play a more important role in the development of China-UK relations in the future as well as bridging China-UK cultural communication. The success of this event has boosted people’s interest in learning about Chinese culture, elevated the influence of the Chinese language as well as culture, and demonstrated the international education ability of CIBL.


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Confucius Institute for Business in London participates in HSBC 2023 Chinese New Year Celebration 

On 24 January 2023, the Confucius Institute for Business London (CIBL) staff participated in the 2023 HSBC New Year Celebration at HSBC Headquarters (Canary Wharf) with six teachers and volunteers.

CIBL staff set up three workshops at the HSBC event, and the Chinese New Year celebrations featured traditional customs such as Chinese calligraphy, tea tasting and paper cutting, spreading traditional culture while sending Chinese New Year wishes from CIBL to the crowds at the event. At the calligraphy booth, staff designed and wrote Chinese calligraphy and Chinese New Year characters, attracting crowds of people to try them out and creating long queues. At the tea tasting booth, apart from tasting traditional Chinese tea, there was also a lucky draw session where each person chose their favourite tea and placed a small slip of paper. The paper-cutting booth was also filled from time to time with participants being surprised by their own creations. In addition to the cultural exchange, staff on site also patiently introduced the Chinese Language and Culture for Business courses to customers and enhancing the CIBL brand image.

This event not only allowed HSBC staff to appreciate the charm of traditional Chinese culture, but also promoted the friendship and partnership between Confucius Institute for Business London and HSBC, building a good foundation for more cooperation in the future. In the coming year, Confucius Institute for Business London will continue to promote cultural exchange between China and the UK.

December 2022


Xmas 2022


本次圣诞庆祝活动由伦敦商务孔子学院英方院长Catherine主持,席间,由Anthony Tasgal做以如何更好讲故事为主题的演讲。分享结束后,Tasgal还回答了在场师生有等问题。活动最后设计了抽奖环节,共有三名同学获得Anthony Tasgal亲笔签名的 The Storytelling workbook 一书的中英文版。



Confucius Institute for Business London 2022 Christmas Event 

On 9 December 2022, the Confucius Institute for Business London held its annual Christmas celebration at the London School of Economics and Political Science. More than 20 Confucius Institute students, teachers and volunteers participated in the event.

The event was hosted by Catherine, the UK Director of Confucius Institute for Business London, during which Anthony Tasgal gave a talk on the topic of better storytelling. After the sharing, Tasgal also answered questions from the audience. At the end of the event, three students won a signed copy of The Storytelling workbook in English and Chinese by Anthony Tasgal.

The students and teachers enjoyed the food and drinks and exchanged their feelings about the year and their future plans for Christmas.

The Christmas celebration is an annual event that is held at the Confucius Institute for Business London to promote the relationship between students and teachers and to facilitate communication between them. The event brings students and teachers closer to each other.

December 2022


HSK Dec 2022




Confucius Institute for Business London successfully held Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) offline

On 4 December 2022, the Confucius Institute for Business London 2022 Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK) exam was held as scheduled at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

The test was divided into two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with a total of more than 40 participants taking the HSK Level 1 to HSK Level 6 exams. To ensure the smooth running of the examinations, the Chinese teachers and volunteers from the Confucius Institute for Business London arrived early to set up the examination room and guide the candidates to take the examinations smoothly.

As an important test centre for Chinese language examinations in London, the Confucius Institute for Business London has always taken the Chinese Proficiency Test (CPT) as one of its core tasks and has been adhering to the concept of "promoting teaching through examinations, promoting learning through examinations and combining examinations with teaching". We have continued to improve the offline test process and provide quality Chinese test services for local candidates in the UK, and actively promote the flourishing development of the Chinese Proficiency Test in London.

May 2022


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伦敦商务孔院于2022年5月27日晚在伦敦政治经济学院教学楼Shaw Library举行了CLCB(伦敦商务孔院中国语言文化与商务高管项目)校友聚会。

席间,伦敦商务孔院英方院长Catherine Xiang采访了企业家及作家Neil Francis。Neil Francis曾是成功企业家,但四十一岁那年意外中风,之后被迫放弃企业CEO职务转而从事写作。在此次活动中,Neil讲述了自己作为企业家的经历,分享了自己如何在中风之后战胜后遗症,以及如何开始写作The Entrepreneur’s Book,讲述了他对于成功的因素的看法。分享结束后,Neil还回答了在场师生有关创业、积极思维等问题。Neil Francis写作并出版了多本有关积极思维与商界创业的著作, Positive Thinking,Inspiring Thinking 以及 The Entrepreneur’s Book 

活动最后设计了抽奖环节,共有五名CLCB校友获得Neil Francis签名的 Positive Thinking 一书的中英文版。

CLCB programme Alumni gathering at Confucius Institute for Business London

CLCB (Confucius Institute for Business London Chinese Language, Culture and Business Executive Program) alumni gathering was held by Confucius Institute for Business London at the Shaw Library, the teaching building of the London School of Economics and Political Science, on the evening of 27th May 2022.

In this forum, Catherine Xiang, the British Director of the Confucius Institute for Business in London, interviewed Neil Francis, an entrepreneur and author who was once a successful entrepreneur but suffered an accidental stroke at the age of forty-one.

After that, he had to give up his position as CEO of the company and turn to writing. In this event, Neil talked about his experience as an entrepreneur, shared the process of coping with the aftermath of his stroke and the journey of writing 'The Entrepreneur's Book', as well as his views on the factors of success. Finally, towards the end of the sharing event, Neil answered questions from the audience about entrepreneurship, positive thinking and more.

Neil Francis has written and published several books on mindset and business entrepreneurship, including 'Positive Thinking', 'Inspiring Thinking' and 'The Entrepreneur's Book'.

At the end of the event, five CLCB alumni won a copy of Positive Thinking signed by Neil Francis.

About 50 people attended the event, including CLCB program alumni, Tsinghua alumni, LSE staff students, and also industry professionals from PricewaterhouseCoopers.


CN book launch

2022年5月19日晚6时,伦敦商务孔子学院英方院长项骅博士编著的酒店和旅游专用汉语教材China Ready发布会在伦敦政治经济学院举行。Routledge出版社Andrea Hartill女士、合作编写者萨里大学旅游酒店管理学院国际事务副主任王暄博士王暄女士、中国国家旅游局(伦敦)主任薛伶女士、英国酒店专业人士协会CEO Jane Pendlebury女士、英国汉语教学学会主席施黎静博士、伦敦大学亚非学院首席讲师宋连谊博士等应邀出席并发言表示祝贺,国王学院、牛津布鲁斯科孔子学院、语合中心(英国)以及伦敦政治经济学院语言中心和孔子学院师生等也出席了新书发布会。

China Ready以学生和自学者为教学对象,聚焦于听说技能,目标在于使学习者的汉语水平从CEFR A2提升至CEFR B2-C1或HSK4-5级,从而使学习者能够在酒店和旅游行业领域进行汉语交流,用汉语完成基本的工作任务。该书为英国第一本酒店和旅游专用汉语教材,全书共分15个部分,包含日常礼貌用语、问候与欢迎、办理入住及退房手续、酒店设施、酒店服务、客人需求与解决问题、处理意外、酒店周边信息、城市及活动信息、旅行购物、介绍当地特色餐饮、介绍当地风俗、介绍景点等内容,融专业性和实用性为一体。该书的出版填补了专用汉语教材在酒店和旅游领域的空白,推进了专用汉语教学事业的发展。



On 19 May 2022 Drs Catherine Hua Xiang and Xuan Lorna Wang launched their new book: China Ready - Chinese for Hospitality and Tourism.

China Ready! Is an innovative new book which prepares learners to work in high-value hospitality and tourism business coming from China to English-speaking countries. It emphasises to role of cultural and social awareness, cultural differences, and possible difficulties in communication by providing real-life scenarios. The book focuses on listening and speaking skills. 

 The event gathered around 70 participants. The following speakers took the floor:

Andrea Hartill, Senior Publisher at the Rutledge Company, the publisher of China Ready!

- Catherine Hua Xiang, Author of China Ready!,  East Asian Language Coordinator, LSE

- Xuan Lorna Wang, Author of China Ready!,  Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Marketing and Revenue Management, University of Surrey

- Xue Ling, Director of the China National Tourist Office in London

- Jane Pendlebury, CEO of the Hospitality Professionals Association

- Lijing Shi, Chair of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society

- Lianyi Song, Prinicpal Fellow Teacher at SOAS University, reviewer of China Ready!

Speakers emphasized the significant role of the publication, pointing to the fact that it contributes to a crucial but so far somehow neglected field. They highlighted the huge potential hidden in the development of tourism, with particular emphasis on tourism between China and English speaking countries. 

The authors familiarized the audience with the origins of the book idea, as well as the creative process, also emphasising the role of publication in the tourism industry. 

The event, continued with a networking session, with snacks and drinks, during which the guests had the opportunity to get to know the speakers and authors and to discuss their work. There was also an opportunity to purchase a copy of the book with an individual dedication directly from the authors.

The evening was hosted by Krzysztof Spiewak, a student of International Relations and Chinese at London School of Economics.

Click here to purchase the book with 20% discount code CHINA22.

January 2022

PHBS and CIBL Sign Memorandum of Understanding for a Cooperative Program

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Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) and Confucius Institute for Business London (CIBL) at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on January 19 to promote cooperation and advancement of international understanding in academic and executive education, marking the launch of a cooperative program “PHBS-CIBL International MBA.”

As China becomes increasingly appealing to companies trying to expand internationally, there is a growing demand for the mastery of knowledge on China. Thus, the cooperative program is well designed to offer opportunities for corporate executives, government officials, business practitioners, and private entrepreneurs to develop their connectivity in China and leadership capability in business management.

Read more.

Pre-register your interest here to be the first to know about our MBA launch in 2023.