
The future of finance

Hosted by LSE Consulting

Online public event


Alex Edmans

Alex Edmans

Professor of Finance, London Business School

Daniel Ferreira

Daniel Ferreira

Professor of Finance, LSE

Juanita Gonzalez-Uribe

Juanita Gonzalez-Uribe

Associate Professor of Finance, LSE

Join the Academic Speakers Bureau Taster Talks to explore the future of finance with a line-up featuring some of the UK’s most exciting, established and forward-thinking academics. Includes a Q&A session to put your own questions to the speakers.

Meet our speakers and their topics: 

Can We Trust Finance Research?
By Alex Edmans (@aedmans), Professor of Finance, London Business School

“Research shows that”, “studies find that”, “there is overwhelming evidence that” are phrases that abound. Yet many papers, including those published in top academic journals and the world’s leading companies, contain fundamental flaws. This talk will outline the main ways in which the conclusions claimed by a study may not follow from the analysis, and how our biases can cause us to accept them anyway. It will highlight simple questions that we can ask ourselves to ensure that we don’t fall for misinformation.

Is Decentralisation the Future? How Blockchain Technology is Changing Finance
By Daniel Ferreira, Professor of Finance, LSE

Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems by enabling decentralised finance (DeFi), which bypasses intermediaries and introduces new ways of managing financial transactions. With investors pouring billions into DeFi ventures, the question arises: Is decentralised finance the future or merely a passing fad?

Is It Worth Working at a Startup? How Startup Experience Impacts Your Career Trajectory 
By Juanita Gonzalez-Uribe, Associate Professor of Finance, LSE

How does working in high-potential startups shape an individual’s career? While startup employment is generally associated with worse average career outcomes for employees, our research shows that employees in accelerator-backed firms earn higher wages and develop valuable cross-functional skills. In this talk, we will explore the benefits and challenges of startup employment, policy implications, and how accelerators shape career outcomes.

Taster Talks are brought to you by the Academic Speakers Bureau: connecting academic speaking talent and clients seeking high-quality speakers. Find out more.

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