Welcome: Professor Martin W. Bauer
Keynote: Professor Wolfgang Wagner. Fake history and social influence: Representing history in teaching.

Keynote: Professor Ivana Marková. Rethinking social representations and minority/majority influence.

Chair: Professor Martin Bauer. Discussant: Professor Sandra Jovchelovitch

Chair: Dr. Caroline Howarth. Discussant: Dr. Helene Joffe

Prof Paula Castro: Persuading by legal means? Re-opening Antigone for revisiting the tensions between the legal and the legitimate in the biodiversity debate.
Dr. Eva Green: Ideological climates and immigration attitudes.
Dr. Juliet Foster: Researching social representation: moving beyond what people say.
Chair: Dr Alex Gillespie. Discussant: Professor Ivana Marková
Imagining a way forward: 6 x 10 min presentations by recent Post docs and PhD students followed by discussion

Dr. Sophie Zadeh (Cambs): (The dialogical approach in) social representations.
Dr. Cathy Nicholson (LSE):Themata as a mediating dialogical construct.
Claire Coultas (LSE): A Relational Social Psychological Analysis of Behaviour Change Interventions: Implementation Process as Communicative Acts of [Representational] Engagement.
Luke Buhagiar (Malta): Going full circle: Minority reactions to majority alternative representations.
Brett Heasman (LSE): Using virtual experiences to explore representations.

Reception for Ivana Marková on the publication of her recent book - The Dialogical Mind: Common Sense and Ethics (2016); NAB adjacent to Wolfson Theatre