On this page you can find a selection of published research, PBS articles and press releases about some of the work coming from our department over the last few years.

2021 - 2022
International Women's Day, 8 March 2021. How do psychological and behavioural science help address gender inequality? Read the PBS IWD 2021 page here and the special blog series here.
Working paper: Organisational culture and bank risk, By Joel Suss, David Bholat, Alex Gillespie and Tom Reader, published 5 March 2021. Bank of England.
White paper: Shaping the post-Covid World: Moving towards wellbeing over the lifetime as the unitof analysis in policy, Dolan, Layard, O'Donnell, Delaney, Krekel, Sanders, Blanco-Jimenez, Laffan, Kavetsos, Kudrna, March 2021.
Press release: Aardman Animations collaborates with LSE on mental health campaign for young people.
Article: Targeting Your Preferences exploring research by Jens Koed Madsen (LSE) and Toby Pilditch (University of Oxford).
Press release: LSE joins partnership project to improve mental health services in post-conflict communities in Colombia.
2018 - 2020
Press release: LSE Behavioural Lab for Teaching and Research wins European Commission funding to study behavioural effects of COVID-19.
Hald, E.J., Gillespie, A. & Reader, T.W. Causal and Corrective Organisational Culture: A Systematic Review of Case Studies of Institutional Failure. J Bus Ethics (2020)
Measuring Global Bystander Intervention and Exploring Its Antecedents for Helping Refugees, Nihan Albayrek-Aydemir, Dr Ilka Gleibs.
Support for Wildlife Conservation Policies is Higher When People Associate COVID-19 Caused by the Human Destruction of Nature, Dr Ganga Shreedhar and Professor Susana Mourato
Understanding the Psychological Appeal of Populism, Sandra Obradovic et al.
Estimating the Monetary Value of Flattening the Curve, Professor Paul Dolan
Semantic contact and semantic barriers: reactionary responses to disruptive ideas, Dr Alex Gillespie
Working Together, Living Together: Jewish and Palestinian Citizens of Israel Crossing Imagined Group Boundaries, Dr Cathy Nicholson.
Burnout Leads to Worse Academic Achievement in School, College and University, Dr Tom Curran.
Some Hyper-realistic Face Masks are More Convincing Than Real Faces, Dr Jet G. Sanders, Ueda, Y., Yoshikawa, S. et al.
PBS MSc dissertation research from the class of 2017
Article: Learning about pro-social behaviours out of the lab: Matteo Galizzi's research on lab experiments and predictors of real-world behaviours
Article: Better Open Thank Intellectual - Openness to experience trumps intellectual curiosity for learning: Sophie von Strumm's research on personality learning traits and how people absorbed knowledge
Article: Installation Theory: The Societal Construction and Regulation of Behaviour by Professor Saadi Lahlou
Article: How poverty affects people's decision-making processes: Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington's research on the relationship between socio-economic status and behaviour
Article: Candidates' Wives and the Co-Construction of Leadership Ilka Gleib's research on the role presidential spouses place in construction leadership
Article: Would you choose to be happy? Prof Paul Dolan's research on the study of subjective well-being
Article: The conspiratorial worldview: Bradely Frank's research on conspiracy theorists and how they see the world
Article: The Invisible Entrepreneurs: Lucia Garcia's research on entrepreneurship after 50
Article: Beyond Moscovici: Scholars and students gathered in May 2017 to present and discuss scholarship that engages with and expands social representations theory
Article: Open Minds: Brett Heasman's research on improving public understanding of autism by highlighting the perspectives of autistic people, their parents and their carers
Article: Improving Healthcare Experiences with HCAT: Tom Reader and Alex Gillespie's research on using complaints to inform and improve hospitals and healthcare
Article: The Social Representations of Unemployed Benefits Claimants: Celestin Okoroji's MSc dissertation research on the social stigma and impacts of unemployment
Article: Altercations with A.I. or Correcting a Chat Bot: Alex Gillespie's research on misunderstanding and communication with artificial intelligence vs. humans
Underground Sociabilities: Prof Sandra Jovchelovtich's research on identity, culture, resistance and community development in Rio de Janeriro's favelas