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Stay in touch after graduation

It's so exciting to hear what Methodology alumni do after graduating. Their experiences are rich and varied, and they have so much wisdom to share!

Former students maintain strong connections with our Department - we enjoy working with alumni and knowing where life takes them after graduation. 

Ways to keep in touch


Methodology Alumni Events

We have previously held drinks receptions in the LSE Alumni Centre for our alumni community to catch up with fellow alumni, staff and current students.

We also hold annual events for current MSc students at which they can meet members of our Alumni community and gain valuable insights and advice.

If you are a former Methodology student and would like to get involved with events such as this, please contact us!


Join the LSE Alumni Community

Your LSE alumni community connects people across the world with fellow alumni and the School. Get involved with the LSE Alumni Association, network with alumni through regional groups or special interest groups and attend public events and lectures, or watch them online. 

By registering with LSE Alumni online you can:

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