Women in Mathematics Seminar 16

The Department of Mathematics held the 16th seminar in the ‘Women in Mathematics’ series on Wednesday 26 October 2024.

'Women in Mathematics' is an academic, professional and personal development seminar series presented by leading female mathematicians to offer support, encouragement and advice to female staff and students. It also provides an informal networking opportunity.

You can find the YouTube video of the event below. 

Women in Mathematics - An LSE Perspective Women in Mathematics - An LSE Perspective


Women in Mathematics - An LSE Perspective


For this talk, we are delighted to welcome some fantastic speakers to the panel, who will each discuss their personal and professional journeys in mathematics, LSE and the professional world. Join us to discover their challenges and triumphs, and gain valuable insights and advice on navigating a career after your degree.



Dr Galit Ashkenazi-Golan - Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics

Katerina Michenina – LSE Alumna and Analyst at Goldman Sachs

Dr Katerina Papadaki – Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics

Dr Yani Pehova – Recent Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Senior Data Scientist at PrecisionLife Ltd

Sophie Steiert – LSE Alumna and Associate at L.E.K. Consulting

 For further information or enquiries about the seminar series please contact: womeninmaths@maths.lse.ac.uk