
Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms Research

The Department has a strong faculty working in various topics in discrete mathematics, especially algorithmic aspects. The interface between Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics has been highlighted by recent EPSRC Reviews of both disciplines as being one of increasing importance. LSE is well placed to be at the forefront of future developments.

Individual faculty interests are listed below, along with our Postdocs and Research students.


 Professor Peter Allen 


Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics; Ramsey theory; graph and hypergraph theory; quasirandom structures; algorithmic combinatorics


Professor Martin Anthony 

MartinAnthony21 200x200

Mathematical aspects of machine learning; probabilistic modelling of learning; discrete mathematical problems in the theory of learning; Boolean function classes and their representations


Dr Tugkan Batu 


Algorithms and the theory of computation; randomised algorithms; sublinear algorithms on massive data sets; property testing; computational statistics


Professor Julia Böttcher

JuliaBoettcher2021 200x200

Extremal combinatorics; random discrete structures; Ramsey theory; regularity method; graph packing; quasirandomness; algorithmic aspects in combinatorics


Professor Graham Brightwell


Combinatorics; finite partially ordered sets; probabilistic methods; algorithmic aspects in combinatorics; random graphs; random structures


Professor Jan van den Heuvel

Jan vdh 2021 200x200

Graph theory; matroid theory; applications and algorithmic aspects of graph theory; mathematical aspects of frequency assignment problems; network science



Professor Andrew Lewis-Pye

Andy Lewis Pye 200x200

Logic; computability; discrete mathematics; algorithmic randomness; network science; complex systems; distributed computing; cryptocurrencies



Dr Emilio Pierro

Emilio Pierro 2021 200x200

Finite group theory; groups of Lie type; geometric group theory; combinatorics; generation of finite simple groups


Dr Robert Simon


Measure theory; ergodic theory; functional analysis; stochastic processes; chaos theory; combinatorics; algebraic topology



Professor Jozef Skokan


Extremal set theory; quasirandom structures; probabilistic combinatorics; discrete geometry; graph theory; combinatorial games; topics in theoretical computer science


Professor Konrad Swanepoel


Discrete, combinatorial and convex geometry; combinatorics; theoretical computer science; algebraic methods in combinatorial geometry




Research Students