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2023-24 UG SSLC

Economic History Staff Student Liaison  Committee Members

SSLCs are a forum for students to raise issues relating to their studies and experience, both in the department and at LSE in general. The committees meets once in Autumn and Winter Term.

The committee is formed of student representatives from each EH programme, for undergraduate, master's and PhD students. Department reps will also attend the School's Consultative Forum. A rep will also attend the department's Teaching Committee.

Undergraduate SSLC Committee

  • Chair: Undergraduate Programmes Director Oliver Volckart
  • Attended by the Departmental Tutor, Helena Ivins.

Minutes of departmental SSLCs are forwarded to the Departmental Teaching Committee, and any relevant issues will be discussed at that meeting.


Autumn Term SSLC meeting: Wednesday 25 October, 2-4pm

Winter Term SSLC Meeting: Wednesdat 14 February, 2-4pm


Undergraduate Programme Representatives 2023-24

BSc Economic History

Year 1: Ishaq UllahAmelia Hancock

Year 2: Sophia Koura ; Eva Nunny

Year 3: Angie Muyeke

BSc Economics and Economic History

Year 1: Abbas Nathani ; Aaina Saini

Year 2:  May-Ying Tang

Year 3: Sid Rao

BSc Economic History and Geography

Year 1: Grace McNamara

Year 2 and 3: Rifah Isa 

 Departmental Reps: Lucia Xi;


Master's SSLC

  • Chair: Master's Programmes Director, Olivier Accominotti
  • Attended by the Master's Programmes Officer, Oli Harrison

Master's Programme Representatives 2023-24

MSc in Economic History

Austin Chou; Ásgerður Magnúsdóttir; 

MSc in Economic History (Research)

Balázs Thaler; Dev'Roux Maharaj

MSc in Financial History

Johannes Pold; Natasha Sani; Faisal Sarumi

MSc in Global Economic History

Sophia Oettinger

MSc in Political Economy of Late Development

Dominic Bonilla Castro; Ivona Klapfl: Ruitao Xue